Pic related
Shitty games people recommend to you
git gud faggot
OP is a faggot, as per usual.
OPs who are total faggots.
Yeah no shit, it's literally the first game
Play pic related. It holds up incredibly well
Armored Core thread? Armored Core thread.
So which game do you like more? The AC3 series will always be my favorite.
What's wrong with Armored Core?
I don't know why I keep you listening to you nerds
The only bad part of AC1 is the final climb. Who the hell thought platforming in a 3D game focused on shooting was a good idea?
Go fuck yourself OP
Whi /nineball/ here?
>From Software
I guess it shouldn't be that surprising
>My game isn't shit because Mechs
It's hard to pick a favorite, the ones I've played were all great (AC1, Arena, AC2, Another Age, AC3)
Except Project Phantasma, that was pretty lame. The change of focus to a more linear character-focused story might've worked if the story wasn't ass.
It has better multiplayer than the Souls games.Too bad no one fucking plays it.
>that stage where there are TWO Nineballs
Fuck that, not even the Finger can cheese this. Just ran past them.
The problem with the AC1-AC3 era games is that you get punished far too much by failing a mission, while from Nexus onwards, you get so much money from completing missions that failing one is a slap on the wrist. So instead of just going with it (Nexus and onwards) you end up reloading the game until you don't fail the mission.
AC1 fail mission: 18000 credits from damage + 12000 credits from bullets = 30000 credits
AC1 complete mission: 12000 credits
Is this bait?
Yeah Phantasma was kinda crap. I like the new ones (especially V and VD), but SL and LR will always have a special place.
>Those great missions,
>Those awesome set pieces,
>Secret gear
>Making crazy mechs to fight
Untill you suck so much you end up Human Plus.
Also, thank god for the Arenas.
Honestly, the two Nineballs in 1 and the final rush of Nineballs in MoA isn't that bad.
Now, Nineball Seraph in Another Age is a nightmare. I remember running away from the first 9ball battle in MoA (since you don't need to fight them), but they weren't really that hard. And in AC1, you could just kite them into the duct.
>Nexus and onwards
Last Raven says hi. I broke a controller because of that game but at least it made me git gud at AC.
You still get tons of money per mission. I'm not saying the game isn't hard. It's balls to the wall hard. When the director of Dark Souls says Last Raven was the hardest game he ever made, you wonder about the poor souls that managed to defeat Zinaida on the PSP port.
Jesus who draws shit like this.
>Those great missions,
>Those awesome set pieces,
>Secret gear
Most of them are really unfun to use
>Making crazy mechs to fight
Along with the controls most times
I remember the Nineball in AA being really easy tbqh. But then again I was using the KARASAWA, so...
My brother loves 4 and ForAnswer. The 3 series will always spoil my view of other mecha games, i just can't see it getting much better than those as far as feel and fun goes.
Great missions like the one where you have help test those MT's in a locked up room. Or the one where the robots are going ape shit and they've got ECM that keeps you from locking on.
That same mission that nets you the MOTHERFUCKING KARASAWA, the best gun in the fucking game.
Set pieces like when you get attacked by those two jet fighters, clearing out the sewers or defending the airport.
Sure the controls were....difficult, but no worse than the shit on the N64...
>tfw I never defeated her without the HUMAN PLUS cheat
Man, you suck. 2/10 for making me reply.
Ac2:aa and ac4a. Both are very good in my opinion.
New game when, been too fucking long
>Have Last Raven Portable
>playing it as my first AC game
Looks like I'm going to get fucked.
>I want a movie about """"""realistic"""""" mechs
>Say no more
>been too fucking long
VD was 2013.
Considering the jump from generation 4 to generation 5 was 4 years, I'd say FROM will announce a new one in 2017.
How about an anime about realistic mechs instead?
don't suppose anyone wants to do a few sortes in verdict day with me
Yeah, I'm gonna pass.
Are you retarded? PS1 ACs are fucking great.
only master of arena tbqph
Can these be emulated on a toaster? At least the PS1 games?
Only played 4 and FA
Feels long since we got back to back Soulsborne games.
I'm just waiting for a teaser. Would be nice.
>Can these be emulated on a toaster? At least the PS1 games?
All of them are pretty emulation friendly except for Nexus, Ninebreaker, and Last Raven. Those ones need a decent rig and some workarounds in software mode.
I remember playing Armored Core 3 or something like that on PS2. Thought the cover looked awesome but the gameplay bored me to tears. Though, that might just be because I didn't really give it any time to get in depth with it. Did I start at the wrong one? Any recommendations?
i grew up a massive fan of the armored core games, starting with the first. also op is a faggot. the ending of AC1 is fucking amazing.
last raven is still my favorite though, mostly because of the story.
sadly though i never got to play 5 or VD. i'm hoping they do actually bring the series back and made a PC port since they started porting the souls games to steam.
a modern armored core on steam with online play is my dream game.
AC games in general need you to spend a bit of time with them before seeing how the gameplay really shines, ACV being the best example of this.
>a modern armored core on steam with online play is my dream game
This. The problem with AC now is that the online is usually dead on arrival except for Japan (thanks a fucking lot, Bamco). An AC game on steam would be great and would make the game not dead after one week.
>on steam
>not dead after one week.
Where have I heard that before.
i mean fuck, i still remember the days of playing nexus online via xlink kia with the acg/aco forum bros. good fucking times.
ac on steam is all i want. hell, my steam account name is a reference to armored core, and so is my avatar.
I played AC on my playstation when it came out. I was like 12 years old and I was obsessed with it. Game was so good
Last Raven. I like all of the PS1 and PS2 entries, though.
>when you went in to online with a minimum weight, moonlight build
Muh dick, ac4a was so much fun.
Haha, dude I totally agree, the worst part was fuck you op AC is great.
I want to play online again.
Who's up for it on PS3?
>ITT:Casuals outing themselves