>character uses illegal substances
>no EMTs show up
>character is not taken to a hospital in an ambulance
>character is not carted to an emergency room
>character does not come back with brain damage
Why is this still allowed?
>character uses illegal substances
>no EMTs show up
>character is not taken to a hospital in an ambulance
>character is not carted to an emergency room
>character does not come back with brain damage
Why is this still allowed?
That's a big dog
I want to be knotted.
M-Me too
I sucked a dog's cock when I was younger and made it cum all over me. It wasn't interested in mounting me afterwards though, I should have thought that through better.
Better post the source you fucking nigger
Is that a huge wolf, or a really petite girl? Looks big enough that she could use it as a mount.
Awesome! Did it taste good?
Wolfs in the north are generally huge.
Google image didn't help?
Post please spoon feed me sir and il post the source.
how old were you?
Not at all. I didn't think the entire situation through one bit. I didn't wash it's dick off beforehand, since that didn't occur to me, it tasted like putting pennies or nickels in your mouth. Despite that, it was still really hot, dogs cum constantly while they're hard instead of all at once at the end like people do, so it was covering my face in its cum the entire time.
not that guy, but
Pics or it didn't happen
Murenase! Shiiton Gakuen
I wanna say I was 15 or 16 at the time. I never had a dog, someone asked me to check on theirs while they were away. I figured I might not get another chance at it.
I didn't take any, that was years ago before I turned into a slutty girly boy.
No, it actually didn't help. Either you cropped it poorly or google is being a bitch. Either way, post the fucking source or I'll bend you over like a christmas tree in july.
>character takes aspirin
>no EMT shows up
>character is not taken to a hospital in an ambulance
>character is not carted to an emergency room
>character does not come back with brain damage or any other type of body damage
More people end up dead or in the hospital from aspirin than from a large majority of illegal drugs.
Explain to me, why is this allowed?
I already did fag.
That lion is eating that poor woman's face and the cameraman just stands there not helping her.
He is the reason I fucking hate humans
>He is the reason I fucking hate humans
You sure it isn't because of yourself?
Nope, I am awesome
also not a human
Dolphinposter get out
I'd usually mention that she just got that wolf's balls all over her face by letting it lick her but that's probably her goal anyway.
He is right you know.
Tigers have special digestive saliva that melts human faces and then he absorbs the nutrients from the metaled face flash using his wishers which a hollow to allow for sucking up of nutrients,
>from the metaled face flash using his wishers which a hollow to allow for sucking up of nutrients
Has anyone really been far even as decided to even want to do to look more like?
>molesting a dog
>that isn't even yours
even if this was true you deserved to be punched by its owner
this is my favorite part of your post
fuck you, mouthbreathing dryskin
Get the fuck back to your rape cave take me with you pls
I won't argue with you because I am not going to change your mind, but unlike with female animals, unless you're going to fuck it in the ass, you can't do much in the way of forcing a male animal to do what you want it to.