Friday the 13th beta

Man, you all suck ass at this game.

Jason tips:
-Always port to higgins cabin first, people will always spawn there so you don't need to fuck about waiting for sense to come up
-Don't tunnel-vision on one survivor, especially a vanessa. Make sure you're keeping the phone box destroyed and preventing anyone from fixing the cars
-Once you have shift you can kill Vanessas by tele-grabbing. Shift, fly the camera into their model, and hit LMB RMB one after the other as fast as you can. You'll immediately grab them out of shift.

Counselor tips:
-Vanessa is fast, yes, but also has shit stealth. Jason will see you more or less at all times no matter where you are on the map. DO NOT STAY WITH HIGH STEALTH TEAMMATES YOU WILL GET THEM KILLED
-Depending on your stealth skill, current fear level, and perks, Jason may not see you highlighted at all on his sense. This includes when you're in cabins; if you're in a cabin but invisible to sense that cabin won't light up
-Firecrackers work just like radios until they run out, they're a good way to escape if he's breaking down your door.
-The baseball bat always stuns Jason no matter what your strength is

Other urls found in this thread:

I've got a lobby with 5 people, if anyone wants to join aftet this match. Add Velsun, have 3 slots available

cool youtube, retard

QP got fixed last night, there's no need for private lobbies.

Pretty good tips how well do high stealth characters work? That would fit my playstyle better and i have more fun hiding than running around scooby doo style.

Scooby Doo mods when?

It depends, really. Stealth can work extremely well as long as you're keeping your fear down, but the biggest danger is some idiot using Usain Bolt kiting Jason right to you or following you around.

Smash Mouth Jason when?

Yeah but I'm doing it with some friends, plus we got another group here

Shrek Jason when?

Private match with 5/8 players, looking for 3 more.
Add Velsun on steam to be invited.

I'm going to make porn. Which character is most for sexual?

T-t-that would actually make a fun game.

Instead of escaping, they'd have to gather clues.

It would be like a non-violent version of this where your goal is to restrain instead of kill.

Gentle reminder that AJ is the best girl.



How the fuck do i beta


Somebody post references, I gotta go to work. I'll do some stuff when I get back.

You've been doing it all your life, so I don't see why it would be a problem now.

AJ is pure

Use Tiffany.

this sounds legit like those ed edd and eddy MMO threads lmfao

have you guys checked out the freddy path

way easier to just go into their dreams when they're hiding out than tracking them down

any man got a key i can have?? xxx

>play Deborah
>Group up with 4 other counselors
>Jason gets the two loners well before even coming to us
>we're all stealth of composure high characters
>he doesn't find us for a long fucking time
>He finds us when we're armed
>we fight back
>literally everyone but me and Tiffany dies, because i moved to the side to heal during the fight
>I run the fuck inside higgin's while jason kills the slut
>hide upstairs
>2 minutes remaining
>Jason starts checking upstairs
>he doesn't go in my room
>I try and hide down stairs in the kitchen by locking myself in there and opening the door to the outside
>Jason shifts and breaks the locked door before i can even open the door to the outside
>I run around Jason and leap through a window
>he misses a morph by miles
>I start booking it towards the graveyard
>Im out of stamina but there's 30 seconds on the clock.
>I see Jason jogging up to me from the house
>feel like im the final girl in Friday the 13th
>time runs out before Jason can get to me
I like this game

I wish they went hole hog and got a bunch of classic horror licenses to play with.

Freddy, Alien, Texas Chainsaw, The Thing etc.

nigga this game is a real game tho

How would playing as freddy even work?

anyone got beta keys?

>The Thing

This is the only one that could be interesting mechanically.

It couldn't have voice chat though.

players must keep finding coffee to keep a meter full, and prioritise who sleeps first based on traits? If too many people enter dreamland at once freddy gets more powerful

The person who plays the thing has to pay attention to the way people are typing messages to each other so they can perfectly mimic the person they fuck up.

Voice cha would make it.

He you played One Night, Werewolf? Think that but in The Thing form on the actual map of the research station.

Maybe you could use things within the game to communicate. Like writing on a note pad or the famous blood test.

is this on xbox one?

The problem with voice chat is there currently isn't technology that will allow you to take someone else's voice and mimic it perfectly.

The only way would be if the game was actively recording voice chat for each character, and gave you what was essentially a sound board when you took them over.

I just feel it wouldn't be able to capture the spirit of the movies even close to the way this game can. You couldn't exactly have Freddy playing with his victims or being as creative with his kills.

A lack of voice chat could just be a """""""Feature"""""""". Instead, just have voice commands and text chat (You don't hear messages [x] distance away).

you're right. Message system would work though, give people enough time to chat to each and learn mannerisms before the Russians enter the base and the game begins.

Is this game gonna be another worse version of the buggy as fuck Damned but still years more interesting death by daylight or whatever?

DbD being bad is a meme.

It's shit like this that make Friday the 13th fucking fun for me. I will admit it needs more in terms of content and tweaking to keep me going

Well it certainly was less interesting then damned even if that game was a horrid pile of bugs and messes.

I just felt like the killers were ultra boring to both play as and design wise in DbD.

Need more for a private game. Post ids if you want to play.

Did they fuck the servers again?

Anyone know what the latest update changed?

>they still don't know how to kill jason

lmao git gud

>you can't kill him!

You can

>tfw stuck on level 7 for the last 4 hours
I'm never going to unlock Part 2 Jason, am I?

How do you kill Jason?

as far as I can tell you have to knock off his mask then shoot a propane tank when he's next to it

>his eyes are not fucked up

Knocking mask off is correct.

Gasoline is not used.

>-Depending on your stealth skill, current fear level, and perks, Jason may not see you highlighted at all on his sense. This includes when you're in cabins; if you're in a cabin but invisible to sense that cabin won't light up
Are you saying I could build a character that could sit in a closet and afk the entire match?

Well then I've got no fuckin' clue

The devs said something about an explosion so when I saw some hidden propane tanks I assumed that's what you needed to blow up

There was a rumor about killing jason having something to do with Jason's mom but I've taken the wood axe to her head and it doesn't seem to do anything

You could try, but you'd be sitting there waiting for 20 minutes and he still would have around a 10% chance of seeing you each activation. If you were the last one left he could just turn sense on and off until it sees you

If I understand correctly, being alone for too long does increase your fear level.

Fixed matchmaking and added a kill where you slits counslers up the middle, splitting their shirt and letting their tits pop out

why do people stuff these memes with fucking garbage, one pic in each is 10x funnier

A.J. is waifu for life-u

AJ > Jenny > Deborah > Tiffany >>>>>>>>>> actual hot dog shit >>>>>>>>> Hillary Clinton >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>nothing>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Vanessa

Looking for 4 more people to join a lobby.

I need a webm of that stat.

Actual tier list

A.J. > Vanessa > Deborah > Tiffany > Jenny

>Wait 40 min to get into a lobby
>Everyone is the niggress

this webm is how i feel when i see all Vanessa

I want to cuddle with AJ!

audibly kekd thank you for that

>Not A.J.>Tiffany>Deborah>Jenny>>>>>>>>Vanessa

More Friday the 13th memes.

Sauce please? I cant find it

Remember that time they released a "The Thing" game?

Yeah, me neither


Yes. It's the only reason I'm interested in it, since I don't have access to DbD. I don't understand why they haven't released that on console either.

Such is the struggle of a console peasant.

the thing would be a perfect asymetric horror game. could have 1 thing and 15 humans

can he sense you if he has direct line of sight but you're off in the distance?

I was playing as jean shorts fag and I saw him moving around the 2 story house, so i was crouching around the barn looking for items and suddenly he was behind me. The mechanics in this game seem vague as fuck

We do need more F13 memes.

Same user.

I'm gonna try AJ with low profile and spatial awareness perks for a stealth, since her stealth is 10/10. Maybe jean shorts fag was a bad idea.

So did they fix quick play with this update guys?

that bitch has a deformity

The stealth stat becomes completely irrelevant the moment you have any fear. Then it's all about composure.

>potentially cripple someone just because they're being annoying

I bet he posts on Sup Forums

THICCCC AJ has great composure

Is there anywhere that actually explains how these mechanics work?

aw fuck. Can't you manage your fear by like keeping your flashlight on constantly being in and out of cabins?

also I just got into a game so i wasnt able to check what AJs composure stat was at, but im pretty sure i have a perk on that keeps her fear down too

>Not doing your part to cripple annoying twerking niggresses

I bet you post on reddit.

the only thing getting deformed here is my pants if you catch my drift

>Dylann Roof: The Prologue

So AJ with low profile, level headed, and marathon is the best combo right?

user, niggers aren't people

I prefer chad. Decent speed, stealth, and stamina.

Anyone else had the bug where your camera just focuses on the campfire while in game?

Just had it as Jason.

Did you take her head to her tombstone?

only if you want high stealth. She's shit once you get caught.

chad is better balanced for overall

Wouldn't his shit composure fuck him over in the long run?

Even after smacking it I still couldn't pick it up

If he sees a body, yeah, but as long as you walk/jog and keep your light on you should be ok.

He also gets around the camp WAY faster than AJ, travelling as her is a pain.

He is trolling you. Currently no way to kill him in beta.

Is playing AJ with the 50% reduction in fear perk combined with hiding in one corner of the map a viable survival strategy? I'm still unsure how Jason's sense works for people who are out and about.

Not really. If your aim is to stall until the round ends you'll get too afraid hiding in the dark and Jason's pretty likely to sense you anyway.