This is Rottytops.
Say something nice about her!
This is Rottytops
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I want to fuck her soul.
she reminds me, wasn't there a dungeon crawler / VN about zombie girls or something like that?
with "darlings" in the title
Rotty is top tier totty
I like her human form
Those tits are round and firm despite being made of foul smelling decaying flesh. They probably still lactate fly maggots if you squeeze them, though
How is she so cute if she should be so disgusting
I want to smell her
I've never played a Shantae game. Should I start with the GBC one?
Nah. GBC is really poorly designed (sprites too big for the screen, too many leaps of faith and weird enemy spawns).
Start with Risky's Revenge, then play Pirate's Curse. Those are really the only good ones.
Rottytops got some nice rottytits.
How the fuck do I use the mouse power? I'm at Mermaid Falls again and completely stumped as to what I'm supposed to do here. I see ALL these fucking holes for the mouse but none of them let me go inside.
Also does the mermaid power even have a purpose to it? At first I thought it would make the crab power irrelevant, but then I got the crab smash and now it seems like mermaid is never useful
Don't even bother with RR. Pirate's Curse is the only good Shantae game. Just play the Wario Land games if you want something vaguely similar, but far superior.
>isn't rotting
why even call her a zombie
Mouse can only enter holes that are sparkling.
Mermaid navigates faster because she doesn't have to jump and fall all the time. She also gets a projectile.
Yes, it's the only good one.
>screen too narrow to see far in either direction
>enemies and shantae are gigantic
>abysmal world design
>enemies will respawn right on top of you, repeatedly (snakes are worst offenders, but many others do this, primarily in the overworld)
>fucking awful dance mechanic
>like all Shantae games, transformations serve one purpose, offer no incentive to stay in them, and can't attack until later in the game
literally only good for the music and that one color transition in the first level.
Rotty makes me feel funny
>Best dungeon design in the series
>Overworld not broken up into chunks and has actual meaningful secrets to find
>robust set of towns, each with a minigame
>varied moves to get for Shantae instead of faster and stronger hair whip each time
>Not an endless series of fetch quests masked by 'we so funny!' humor
Yeah, nah. The screen crunch and some balancing is rough, but you can adjust to it pretty easy if you aren't garbage at games.
stop shilling your shitty channel, fat cuck
GBC is the best one, the rest of the series is ehh.
HGH is a great hopping on point, and its short so you will want more. Then go to the GBC and DS ones.