Somewhat recently came out of a 3 year coma. Did videogames get better or worse?
Somewhat recently came out of a 3 year coma. Did videogames get better or worse?
nothing changed
Go back to sleep user.
Just binge watch Rick and Morty and you'll be fine
Overall i would say it's been a slight improvement, but it would really depends on your tastes.
MUCH worse.
Street Fighter V came out and it was a mess.
Marvel vs. Capcom 4 was announced.
King of Fighters XIV came out and it was cool.
Red Dead Redemption 2 was announced.
Nintendo has a new system coming out next year. Console with a built-in screen, so you can pop in batteries and take it on the go.
Overall things got worse though.
games became even more casual and no games of actual quality came out the last 3 years. i guess the last team ico is playable if you liked ico and the shadow of the colossus.
Came here to post this
Don't. That show is terrible like every show as makes.
It's just pretentious shit, don't watch it, user.
just off yourself senpai
>There's people taking that screencap seriously
>It's a "I woke up out of a coma and I'm just fine with literally no negative repercussions and I'm going to look shit up on Sup Forums my favorite website haha :D" thread
and yet it was posted before the final poll even started and everything in it came true
>I woke up out of a coma and I'm just fine with literally no negative repercussions
He said "somewhat recently". It's safe to assume that he spent his time in rehabilitation first.
watch that blood pressure
No, it is neither literally or figuratively the worst game ever.
Superman 64, rednecks revenge, E.T. are but undertale is just an idie game with a cringey fanbase.
I mean fucks sake, the MGS composer for 2,3,4 and parts of 5 just made a tribute CD for undertale, from the music being so good.
Give it a try OP, besides hotline miami, it's my fav indie game of all time.
I woke up only to find out that No Man's Sky was an ever bigger disappointment than I thought it would be. lmao
FFXV finally came out and it's a mess, but it's still enjoyable in a way.
A new Kingdom Hearts comes out next month, it's not 3 but it's finally Birth by Sleep Vol 0.2!
Also I was really hyped for MGS 5 since the reveal was gonna pick it up, saw it had really good reviews but it's getting shit on here...what went wrong?
Open world ruined the game. Every cool scene you saw in the trailers either wasn't in the game or some joke scene.
they stayed the same, but audiences and media have since grown accustomed to the lack of innovation and will now celebrate any big marketing budget release
you aren't out of the coma dude, this is still a dream
>so you can pop in batteries and take it on the go
Hello redit
Fallout 4 came out and its fucking terrible.
Assassins Creed movie came out. Its also terrible.
Trump is president. This is the worst news I can give you and I am sorry. Hillary sadly did not win because Russia cheated and gave the win to Trump.
Games suck. World's gotten better, we have Trump as President soon. He's probably going to do even better than Reagan, don't listen to manchildren like
literally re-ddit the show OP,
don't do it. it's shit and if you like it you're shit
lmao kys faggot
This is false. If you had actually been in a come for 3 years you would be busy relearning everything in life.
Every minute you spend in coma you lose memory.
Either bait or you're a fucking idiot.
>implying AS makes the show and doesn't just publish it
>reddit likes it so its bad
Sure its overrated, but you're both fedora tipping faggots if you act like its a garbage show just because its on AS and reddit likes it
>ad hominem