did you enjoy it Sup Forums?
Did you enjoy it Sup Forums?
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Yeah I did. Old Blood was pretty good too. The guns felt pretty amazing.
i was surprised by the good writing and cutscenes, it felt like a great action movie
Yeah, it was a pretty solid experience.
Yes I did.
Yeah it was pretty fun, although i think that they managed to make Doom (4) better than this one.
Just like with the original ones.
I was really surprised how much I enjoyed it, and I especially was surprised it had a good story too.
Even enjoyed it more than DOOM t b h f a m
no, linear and repetitive felt like a bf/cod campaign, wouldve made a fun movie though if it was cut to minutes
a day's worth of fun
zero replayability
It has the best shotguns out of any video game ever, holy shit.
On the whole, no. There were some great arena setups with hatches and grates you could potentially slip through either before the fight started or to get away from something particularly threatening.
Only problem was that designing encounters around officers meant that those fights would be over much too quickly unless I purposefully left the officer alive and started the fight from the other side of the map, or the fight completely lacked a stealth option.
The Old Blood was shorter and the new old guns didn't make up for how great some of TNO's were, but it ramped up in intensity much quicker because it had to in order to have any worthwhile combat before the game ended.
It was fun but I would never play it again.
Yes I did, a really good game overally, although I felt like the romance subplot was really half-assed, same with all the "deep" philosophical quotes after the first mission(The ones in the first one were actually pretty good and fitting). I'm not saying this things shouldn't be in the game at all, but they could have been executed better.
I found the shotguns kind of shit.
was good but the 2009 Wolfenstein was better 2bh.
the shotguns were underwhelming imo
Allowing the choice between sneaky and loud was a great design choice. Try to play like a spy using takedowns and silenced pistol shots then bringing out dual assault rifles and shotguns or a chaingun when things go loud. Super fun.
Old blood was better than I expected too. The prison segment is shit and sneaking around the supers was boring but it picked up after that. The dream segments were also enjoyable.
I enjoyed it plenty, yes, but the story could really use not being so brooding and dark. I mean, you're shooting up nazis on a fucking moonbase with laser rifles and then suddenly it flashes back to concentration camp horrors and philosophies about god and shit. The game is really bipolar and can't decide if it wants to be campy and badass or serious and melancholic.
Only criticism, the hub missions, and that the engine was absolute garbage due to muh megatextures, but that was Carmack's fault.
At least they fixed it with Doom.
That's these guys style. All their games are pretty brooding and dark.
They took an edgy 90's comic book and made it tragic as fuck.
Well, at the end of the day the gameplay itself was lots of fun so it doesn't bother me much, now we have Doomguy to fill in for the badass protagonist so I'm fine with BJ being a little bit more serious. Wonder how they're going to handle Ranger in Quake Champions.
I got to the first combat encounter and got horribly bored. It's more like Call of Duty than a 'old school' shooter. Anything that's not super arcadey just doesn't do it for me anymore in shooters.
What are you talking about?
There's not a single instance where the game takes itself seriously.
I did, going to replay it in a few days.
I liked it except for that society that invented all the futuristic technologies.
BJ express some "deep" philosophical thoughts from time to time, at least few of them every mission. Also there are few retrospections and stuff like that with a quite serious tone. Overally the serious stuff drowns in a sea of gunfire and action, so it is quite forgettable and feels a bit out of place.
Better than noom
I think they are closer to the ramblings of a guy who lost it a long time ago.
Kinda like a Doomguy who can talk.
I hope they increase weapon variety in the next game, and have 10 or so weapons like in Doom.
Also, they should kinda make ''futuristic'' versions of WWII weapons, like the Stg45, or the FG42, like how in the first mission you have this ''futuristic'' Thompson.
Yes i did, good story, good gameplay, good gunplay. Hope a sequel will come
my nigga
It was mediocre as fuck in every way.
Not to mention it's the first game to force an open world for absolutely no reason at all.
It is, it's called The New Colosus, it was hinted this year's E3.
Having to manually pick up ammo killed it for me. Also, for a simple shooter is was very bare bones and lame.
not really, the gameplay is extremely mediocre, the story is pretty good, the world-building/atmosphere is fucking fantastic, the characters are shit-tier tho
very much so
things that were better than they had any right to be
>dialogue, voice acting, cutscenes
>BJ's whole warrior poet thing
gameplay could've been better though
posting best track
Show me a better shotgun, niggers.
Those things could tear apart anything in front of you.
Except for anything with at least a bit of heavier armour.
>Show me a better shotgun, niggers.
DOOM's super shotgun
It was fun but I couldn't fucking stand the mid sections where I had to deal with fat baby man and the rest of the retard crew
The game is completely schizophrenic when it comes to tone.
It's like they couldn't decide which one they wanted to go with so they just kind of tried all of them
Way more than I expected to. I really liked how they gave you stealth or combat choices, I got kind of a Deus Ex vibe from it. Could have used a bit more stealth options, though.
The writing was light years ahead of what I expected from a Wolfenstein game, although those standards were about as low as you can get, so it's hardly an achievement.