Explain this, Sup Forums

Explain this, Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:


What am I suppose to be looking at?

Noctis' hair

What about it?

Where did the fantasy in Final Fantasy go? Where's the different races? Interesting locations? Unique designs?

explain it


Not that guy but what are you trying to imply here?

He's complaining about miscegenation
Go home Sup Forums

The couple

Is that Obama?

There are still monsters.

Are they eating some popcorn chicken?

Well that makes everything better!

>2 fags
>1 nigger and a white women

Is this Europe? Where is the truck?

Hair is a protein filament that grows from follicles found in the dermis, or skin. Hair is one of the defining characteristics of mammals. The human body, apart from areas of glabrous skin, is covered in follicles which produce thick terminal and fine vellus hair. Most common interest in hair is focused on hair growth, hair types and hair care, but hair is also an important biomaterial primarily composed of protein, notably keratin.

Attitudes towards different hair, such as hairstyles and hair removal, vary widely across different cultures and historical periods, but it is often used to indicate a person's personal beliefs or social position, such as their age, sex, or religion.[1]


explain WHAT?

People eating?

theres a... n****r

explain why I want noctis' dick so bad

Altissia is full of tourists and tourists are there eating some food?

Explain what? The two gays? The mulatto with the white woman?

That is a screen shot from the video game Final Fantasy XV. Outside of its jpop fashion vibe, what would appear rationally normal to any same homo sapien in 2016 has triggered your white flight response and you decided to post this for the epic maymays and your
> You (s)
Now kindly fuck off.

Only half of the FF games have non human races. There is interesting locations and unique designs. Play the fucking game instead of sperging out.


>buying this shit
No thanks.


Meanwhile further down south...

>when a nordcuck tries to take credit for the accomplishments of the romans and greeks

truly the niggers of europe

niggers still live like that

doesn't look like anything to me.

Whats with those hairstyles when all the civvies look normal?

Thanks man.

>comparing ancient civilizations to modern niggers

Meds achieved that not wh*tes.

>gays openly in the streets
>nigger with white wymynz
Clearly the US, under shariah law gays are stoned to death


tfw nordshits always try to take credit for mediterranean inventions

so sick of these pale fucks

There's literally nothing wrong with black people

I have Italian ancestry so i don't care about nordcucks.

Doesn't change the fact that negros are inferior

White enough for me..

(You) #(You)
Neo-Sup Forums at it again

Old Man Snow in the back left there?

explain this

>tfw mongol
check your priviledge everyone

t. Fatass who never goes outside

>some nigger got so mad he made this

Based Finbro


>Get btfo
>H-he's a nigger
Old Sup Forums is all at Usenet, the only things remaining at Sup Forums is redditors, shills, and JIDF sleeper cells

triggered as fuck tyron or achmed.

>getting this mad at fucking Sup Forums
Do you also yell at rain clouds?

Why are mongol posters the best?

>Neo-Sup Forums is Sup Forums,
Is reading too hard for you?

Iris route DLC when?

Fingoloid land has been mentioned.

>one village built out of wood
>another built out literally shit

there's the difference, apart from the time aspect.

>t. tyrone

Getting mad at nĂ¼-Sup Forums is even more superfluous. You might as well get mad at Sup Forums

this image almost killed me

Good god I can't stop laughing


It actually takes more skill to fireblast adobe into a workable form than putting a bunch of sticks together.


greek mythology is far more fucked up

>Implying that mythology isnt cool

>it's ok when Sup Forums makes we wuz pics and false flag political images

this is not the xv thread I wanted when I searched the catalog. gib proper xv thread now

i don't get it. is it funny because he said shit? ??

I'm actually a med and I hate being associated with the nu-male race.

white and based

lol he's a failed a conqueror

no, you don't understand

I was referring to the poster.

Is that Final fantasy now? Why is he standing in what appears to be a restaurant in Paris?



>I have never played a Final Fantasy game before

How did FF8 manage to be so comfy. I first played it 3 years ago so there is no nostalgia factor for me

>interacial date
>gay date

I have seen people using nocts warp ability when they are low on stamina and it resets him to full stamina. it's also greenish looking instead of blue. what is this secret technique and how can I do it myself?

This is more magic realism than pure fantasy, and honestly I like that, or the idea of it, it could be pulled off better


No, because it looks like he pulled the girl into the bathroom to show her his shit getting flushed.

spics are inferior also

You can clearly see black guy& white girl couple in the back.

Bruh can i do the aranea glitch on chapter 13?

Keep getting imperials spawning to fight the giant instead of her


It's annoying when Sup Forums does it and it's annoying when you do it, both sides of this autistic shitposting fest are retarded.

Answering Sup Forums's memes with your own isn't going to get you very far.

That's it!

poorfags on base ps4

FF7 and 8 only had 1 race too. Red XIII doesn't count because he's literally an animal.

You are a faggot.

>black dude in fantasy not Italy
>a surprise

I am confused

ur a cheeky one m8


That's pretty hot