Why are people upset over this?

Why are people upset over this?
Sorry to break it to you faggots, but if you're upset about pic related being lesbian just because you imagined fucking her, you're a closeted homosexual. Don't deny it, it will just make it harder for you to cope with it.

There's no way in hell this creature can be thought of as attractive by anyone straight.
This thing, is distinguishable from a 14 year old boy only because some faggot at blizzard put tits on it.
Her being a lesbian didn't even come as a surprise to anyone with an IQ above 5, ever since day one of the release of this shitty game she's been known by me and my closest as "That fucking dyke bitch". I would've actually been infinitely more upset if it turned out she was straight.

TL;DR: You're unarguably a homosexual if you are attracted to that fucking dyke bitch.

Prove me wrong.

>You literally can't.

What kind of 14 year old boys have you been fucking, OP?

>playing run and gun arcade deathmatch games


I have yet to see someone who is actually upset over this. All I ever see is people saying "TAKE THAT UPSET NERDS," while never seeing anyone who is genuinely upset.

I think it's funny that Blizzard went with the easiest route
>announce that a character is gay only after they have secured the sales
>it's one of the boyish female characters
Wow, it's fucking nothing.




As opposed to what route you what?

I'm more upset about the fact people wont shut the fuck about how people are so upset that she's a dyke. I have seen one or two people upset by this most people here really dont care Tracer eats cunt instead of sucking dick.

Why does everyone here all act like it was always obvious? I barely ever heard anyone guessing it would be Tracer before the comic. Just about every single character BUT Tracer was commonly theorized to be gay. If anything, Blizzard surprised me by picking a character I rarely if ever heard anyone think would be gay

The kinds with AIDS, why?

It's because waifufags will always be faggots.

The dwarf

As opposed to not hyping up a reveal that wasn't noteworthy. The suspense was unnecessary, they could've put it in the game from the beginning.

It's not like people would lie on the internet or anything.

Yea, if you're mad at tracer being gay; you're a fucking retard. This shouldn't be a big deal to anyone period.

I'm happy Mcree's sexuality is still up to debate

Tracer is cute boy.
He needed a black boyfriend.

I don't fuck boys.

Only played during free weekend and beta senpai. Not paying for this shit. My beta manlet friend loves the game though, ironically he mains Reinhardt.

Why is anyone "attracted" to a video game character in the first place? Borderline mental behavior

Tomboys are a top fetish and anyone who has it is my friend

Fuck off OP

>You're unarguably a homosexual if you are attracted to that fucking dyke bitch.

dear jesus user what an insecure little person you are

>It habe de titis
>It habe de azz

why r poople atracted to diS???

I'm not mad that she's gay. I'm mad that her orientation needed to be mentioned at all.

Does it tie into gameplay? No.
Does it help build her character or background? No.
Does it influence the writing or dialogue? No.
Will there be meaningful content that builds off this? No.

Imagine if they released a comic where a character just randomly said "I'm straight" with no context. It wouldn't make sense. It's pointless. It's bad, wasted writing.

>doesn't deny fucking 14 year olds

Oh she's gay?
Weird she's taking so many dicks in those webms, could have fooled me.
Good thing i don't give a fuck what her sexual orientation is, she's just a bunch of pixels crammed together to pleasure my dick.

Eat shit and get out of my thread, nigger.

>The most lesbian looking character
>Is indeed lesbian

Oh ok

>Ha-ha, you d-don't agree with me so you are insecure!

Nah just plan and simple weird as fuck. It's like those people on Sup Forums who fuck my little pony dolls and make facebook accounts for them. Or the people who are into that "rule 34" stuff. Can't wrap my head around any of it. It kind of sickens me.

>Does it help build her character or background? No.

>Sexuality is not a part of character

Heh, topkek lad, you almost got me with that bait. But no one can be this stupid.

Why do I care what Blizzard says? There are still gonna be tons of porn of Tracer getting a good dicking. Probably even a comic about her getting mindbroken by cocks and turning straight because of it. Yurifags continue to prove that they are the worst, pathetic, subhumans in existence.

Tracer needs to be held down and forced to watcher her gf get blacked in front of her!

Give me an example of how it influences her character.

Protip: it doesn't. She could have had a boyfriend instead and not a singular thing would have changed.

Make what you will out of that :^)

Perfect example. Simply mental

LGBT continues their war on tomboys.


Pretty sure tons of people already made her a lesbian before she was officially proclaimed to be a lesbian. Nobody is upset.

Zarya and Phara look and act more like dykes.

Making the short-haired, androgynous, conventionally attractive quirky female gay is the lowest, safest form of LGBT representation you can have. Almost everyone who found her sexy before would still find her sexy. Only a single-digit number of waifufags and anti-SJWs would be upset about this. A hot lesbian is still hot for a straight male.
They'd never make Mccree gay, for example, even though that would actually make people think about masculinity and heterosexuality and shit. Because that would turn off straight males, who are 95% of their player base, and that would be bad for business. It would be genuinely edgy, which is why it'll never happen.
Attractive boyish lesbians=good and safe while appearing to be subversive, manly bearded homos=actually subversive representation of unconventional sexuality, no no no.

This is the real issue here

Why do people care if shes gay or what? Youre a huge shitter for playing Overwatch in the first place and then you feel the need yo discuss arbitrary shit like charactet sexuality? Now I see popular gaming is for little kids

You have to be some real casual underage loser to give the slightest fuck about overwatch, if it wasnt for Sup Forums I wouldnt even know about this.

I wanna yawn each time I see that stupid face.

To me Pharah seems straight but Zarya is clearly going to end up as a straight /fit/ chick... Imagine the shitstorm if they reveal Zarya as a lgbt. It would be so cliche that a lgbt looks like a tumblerina dyke with muscles.

People who literally fall in love with fictional game characters are pathetic


I don't really care nor mind that she's gay.

I don't know why blizzard wants to push their progressiveness down our throats

>character x is gay
who cares, focus on balancing the game instead, like ana and the 3 tanks, or non-existant defense characters. not to say that the guy behind story is behind balance too, but other things should be more important on


*Tips fedora*
*Continues playing Loli dress up 4: Extreme edition*

Phara looks like a typical fit, boyish army dyke.

>You're unarguably a homosexual if you are attracted to that fucking dyke bitch.
It's true. I'm a girl and have been attracted to her since her reveal. I also live in London.

who actually fucking cares, she's a video game character who doesn't exist.

> you're now realizing that every tomboy in America is being pressured to be a lesbian or a man in a girl's body
> that, by being a tomboy and being athletic or falling out of line with lipstick femininity they're automatically gay or transgender

The tomboys are suffering. We have to save them.

>only specifies boys
Enjoy getting v& you dumbass.

I would seriously love it, if in a few months, Tracer ends up making out with a dude and it's revealed she's actually bi. Oh the meltdown that would come from it.

Please, Blizzard, if someone from your company is reading this, do it for all the salty tears you harvested back in the days of Tracer's butt being the most important issue of our generation. Do it for the lulz.

retroactive gayness.

I'm wondering if this is what happened to my niece, now.

The only people upset are the LGBTQ people who claim Blizz did this for male players to fulfill lesbo fantasies.

SOrry friendo.

She's fucking the gorilla, dude.

Who seriously gives a shit about Tracer.

>more preorchestrated controversies by Blizzard

why does this even get replies? Sup Forums can't be this retarded.

So are people who believe that most of us do this.

is not the fact that she lesbian, but the fact that
Blizzard is pushing their own agenda like
like being straight nowadays is fucking wrong and you should be sad about it, like wtf

Reminder no one cares about Tracer being les/bi/genderfluid/whatever and the only ones bringing it up are SJWs falseflagging to reinforce their narrative

>"Why so serious?"
>goes on like a nig nog on a roid fueled rage

It happened to my younger sister. She plays volleyball and the "progressives" at her school kept insisting her and the rest of the team were lesbians.

Only the libero is a dyke which is ironic because she was the super girly one on the team.

>lesbian tendencies

>bestiality with banging a black man

It's like an SJW wet dream given to them right before Christmas.

Ho...How the fuck do they come to that conclusion?

>short ass shorts

>girls in shorts jumping around, diving and grunting

>expects men not to love the sport and they are all lesbians

Plus volleyball is the only sport where I can find qt 3.14s that are over 6 feet tall.

>giving two shits about Overcuck

I want r*ddit to fucking LEAVE


This. Tracer is the worst girl with her stupid oversized croc shoes and her reddit personality. LOL SHE'S SO QUIRKY XD XD XD

That's not fair. We all know Reaper represents most of reddit and tumblr.

But there are straight characters in overwatch. What?

Volleyball is one of those sports that, because it's included in gym, most people consider it a fairy sport. Subsequently people generally view men and women that play it as gay or wimpy.

Unless you go to a strong volleyball school you're basically considered a fag. I got lucky that I went to strong volleyball high school and got into Stanford which still has a strong program.

My sister didn't test well so she couldn't get into the school I went to, but she's going to Stanford for Women's volleyball next year.

Statistically volleyball and swimming have the least amount of gays participating compared to the size of the professional community. Women's basketball has the most lesbians, and singles ice skating is the sport with the most gay men followed by diving.

Look at Haikyuu as an example. It's fairly true to men's volleyball yet the fandom can't stop making the characters gay.

My rape fantasies of Tracer got even better, now she definitely dosen't want it.

Only issue I have with Tracer being gay is that we don't get nearly enough homo's on the male spectrum of characters that are done well. I'm so tired of token lesbians; they're so fucking easy to write, and yet whenever they crop up, it's congratulations all around. Literally, make two female besties, get them to kiss, and enjoy your tumblr award. It wasn't impressive when Korrasami did it and it's not impressive now. Doesn't help that it's almost never a pair of actually fleshed out, interesting characters; just one airheaded tomboy and some blank slate for tumblr trash to project on.

I'd be way more wowed if they wrote two homosexual men, since guys don't have that face-to-face relationship that close women have. It's far harder to write a gay male relationship with believable chemistry, and actually crafting characters that people resonate with is far more difficult; the LGBT community will hold them to scrutiny (because not female) and you don't have the yuri fetishists to rely on for guaranteed popularity.

She's just an ugly slag, anyway. Only Mercy and D.Va are hot in this game.

Shouldve used these threads to mass IP ban desu senpai.

No one was. Sup Forums is always regarded as being one of the places where the 'manchildren' reside. The constant refrences to Sup Forums being a single Sup Forums person made that pretty clear. Typical libtard shit, you don't care about the fact theres a lesbo you care that you TOTALLY CALLED OUT that sexist racist trump supporting Sup Forums person. Basically continuing the fantasy that they are actually winning something for once, cause fuck me they need it after the failures of their current year.

literally one person is gay and exists in a video game universe


Did you read the comic? She didn't say "I'm a lesbian," either. Her part in the comic was about Christmas shopping, then she goes home and delivers the gift and the recipient happens to be her girlfriend. If the comic is about what a character is doing in their personal time, would showing their romantic partner be out of place? Was it out of place when Torbjorn was sitting with his wife while Reinhardt played with his kids?