Who was in the wrong here?
Who was in the wrong here?
If you get offended from the above maybe leave the internet and seek a therapist.
bottom is the most ultimate beta passive aggressive shit I've seen
Kill yourself.
I like this one
y-you too senpai
I hate the passive aggressive trend.
If you're gonna call someone a bitch faggot you should actually mean it.
i mean honestly i feel like im surrounded by people with the most fragile sensibilities in the history of the human race these days.
when did we become such pussies Sup Forums? what the fuck went so wrong.
Top one should just be ez
I remember making people SO mad in TF2 when I would use the huntsman and pop people corners and say ggez in deathmatch or whatever it was called.
Now you have fucking Blizzard filtering it because "muh safespace". I don't know if people are just too sensitive these days or what. Someone got you and said ggez, you only worked harder to get them back so you could spit it back in their face. Now you just go cry on a forum until they get rid of it.
This could be fun.
The fucking internet.
8 years of Obama + 10 years of Merkel
People have literally spent their entire childhood life under these spineless cucks
the dumb nigger on his team for playing like shit
Well met!
>Play great for a bit
>wait until important moment in match
>Stop playing, sit back and and talk shit (about whatever, game unrelated) till I'm kicked.
This is my Therapy.
Where's my "you stupis fucking faggot nigger" dialogue?
kill yourself, there is a thread about this already
It sounds like something that'd be in a Borderlands game, or written by the people who make them. It has this distinct shitty sound to it.
>calling people literal pieces of trash
sounds like the artist is crossing the line
>with if it's
closet homosexuals this is your mindset
This is going to be a new meme word isn't it?
What the fuck is a whiff.
> (OP)
>What the fuck is a whiff.
I'm not sure you know what passive-aggressive means. Just because someone isn't going full Sup Forums over the mic doesn't make it passive-aggression.
>there's a difference between friendly trash talk and being a literal piece of trash
>"You're a worthless piece of garbage."
>...being a literal piece of trash
Well they just destroyed their own "Don't be that guy" thing by being that guy.
Nigger what, we just elected the most thin-skinned motherfucker on the planet, Obama's great at dealing with disruptive fagwads
>good at anything
I caught a whiff of my balls earlier
I tried
If if if if if if
Okie doke
It's about right.
You're still dumb if you get offended by those things, but it isn't even trash talk. It's what people with absolutely no creativity consider trash talk.
shouldnt >her
be on the bottom?
Is this the birth of an epic new meme?
>that russian
I lost it
Get mad you fucking pussy.
Sup Forums is a liberal board. You racists need to leave.
That shirt...
funniest post all year
5 to 8 years ago
>no normies
>no safespace
>lulz and keks
I wish we would create internet 2.0 and implement some kind of normie ban.
>Sup Forums is so stupid they fall for fetus bait
Jesus at least try pretending you aren't retarded or 15.
ok this one was the funniest
This made me lose my shit
>liking cock isnt gay
Yeah and islam is the religion of peace right?
fuck off, you know both of these are true
First one with some actual creativity. Now just put LS or DB at the top and you're golden.
>passive aggressiveness is ok but outright hostility is badong
Whoever made this is either a snooty cunt or a snarky coward who aren't creative enough for good insults
>when you aren't old enough to remember that corny ass shit like this used to be the norm back in the first days of online gaming
I understand where he's coming from. Instead of condemning it completely like before, there's a constant attempt at padding and emphasis on feelings. What do people expect when you enter a public area /on top/ of the added fact physical confrontation is almost 100% removed?
top sides.
The left wing equivalent of pearl clutching, melodramatic, whiny soccer moms managed to infest middle and upper administrative positions of tons of mass media companies, academica and public office. It's a mutation of American puritanism that is particularly virulent, but thankfully they have gone full enough retard in the past 2 years that they're driving off support from the wider public. They'll go the way of the idiots who tried to push creationism in schools.
>all islam is bad meme
Faint smell.
Toppest of all keks, is this gud b8 or denial?
Oh I'm sorry every single jew died 70 years ago. The ones today people playing pretend. God you're such a racist user.
Let's try this thread again OP but with less faggot
They can't even drive trucks properly.
>Sandnigger lovers
Tumblr is that way buckos
All of Islam IS bad though. It's religion plus political ideology wrapped into one.
>dips fedora
>change worthless to literal
>suddenly not crossing the line
Is this an instructional manual on how to 'insult' like an overly sensitive nu-male?
>i can't refute that claim
>i'll use a meme even though I just said using memes was Sup Forums
Is it ok to say the things on top if you say them about yourself too?
Top is the kind of garbage an edgy 10 year old would say. Bottom are unfunny crap
Both sides are lame attempts at trash talk from people with no game. Bottom tries too hard with the passive aggressive pussy shit. Top goes all in for shock value with no originality or comedic flair, probably learned from internet trolling as the highest form of jokes. They're both garbage.
Kill yourself is just underage filter desu
i didn't realize memes = reality