How Did Valve Make Team Fortress 2 So Much Better Than Overwatch?
When the fuck will people stop making these goddamn bait threads.
>he thinks memewatch is better than tf2
>Weapons-based classes dependent on skill and reaction time rather than cooldowns
>Ammo system to increase longevity in games
>No class limits during the glory days
>Community servers
>Characters had more lines, at least on release
I don't. There is already a thread about this topic , and the only thing they do is proove yet again that core TF2 is better than OW by a large margin.
We all know this already, stop beating the bush and baiting the exact same discussion all over again.
They copied Blizzard. No doubt about it. I mean just look at the engineer vs Torbjorn.
>better aesthetic (not that it's difficult to beat overwatch in this department, overwatch has an absolutely trash aesthetic)
>better graphics
>better map design
>pretty much everything visual related
I haven't played either but I imagine this is a big factor. TF2 looks unique, overwatch is glossy and theme-less.
>I haven't played either
Sup Forums in a nutshell
>Saw the OP image
>Thought this was going to be an actual thread discussing the pros and cons of each game
>Read the OP post
>realize its just a sitposting thread again
maybe next time
My only problem is how competitive they want overwatch to be with the 6v6 only modes. (Excluding arcade) I want a 24v24 casual fuckfest like I had in TF2, instead we have a defined meta and it's not fun to play if you're not trying to be hard as fuck in competitive.
I hit masters in Overwatch and instantly got bored, no way I can hit grandmasters because I'm not a pro and don't spend more than 5 matches on the game at a time, but can't play it casually because they want 'E-SPORTS' so bad. Even worse that TF2 isn't even a casual fun game anymore, and they followed the exact same problems overwatch has right now.
TF2 uses a heavily modified version of the the quake engine so by that measure alone it's 100% better than overwatch could ever be. No matter how they balance OW it will never be as good as if it had been made with quake.
Tf2 is open ended to the point where most players of each class don't know exactly which roll they are supposed to be preforming.
>Winston knows that he should stay near the cart, dropping his shields when he cant and only stray off of it to flank a single enemy or two
>Tracer knows its her job to jump on and off the point, making sure its being contested while her teammates can make their way over from respawn
>Soldier knows to... stand and shoot
>Scout.... runs around and shoots, maybe trying to go back and forth grabbing the intel
>Demoman stands and shoots
This is made even more complicated with the additional weapons. What the hell is a soldiers roll supposed to be when all he has is a rocket jumper?
Because it's simple
overwatch characters are too limited. there are many different characters but each individual character is too limited in abilities/unique attributes to have a high skill ceiling or give the game much lasting depth.
also, forced meta competitive bullshit gamemodes.
They didn't. Overwatch didn't exist when TF2 was in development.
Scout messes with the spawnwaves of people and the snipers.
Soldier can either be a roamer or a pocket pusher.
Demo can also be a roamer or pocket pusher.
Heavy defends the cart.
Spy picks off classes like sniper,heavy and engineer
Sniper first kills the enemy sniper and then picks of who he can pick off.
And you know damn well you dont need a rocket jumper for a rollout.
fuck, I misread, maybe two times even
So basically, Overwatch is for fucking tards that only need to play a match once to understand the whole meta. Is this why people get banned in overwatch for "troll picking"?
I'm so tired of these bullshit threads so I'm gonna end them once and for all
>CLASS BASED SHOOTER (relies on accuracy)
>MOBA SHOOTER (relies on teamwork and skill timing)
They're both shit pic related is far superior to both.
i have ( dropped OW after season 1 )
he is correct