>top 100 games of all time list
>#1 is either a Zelda game, a Mario game, or Tetris
Top 100 games of all time list
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Well, what would you choose instead?
>Top 42069 games list
>game I don't like is listed at any point
>Shadow the Hedgehog
The best game of all time is a zelda tho
> Top 100 games of all time
> Skip to the top 10
> Skyrim, Portal, Fallout and/or The Last of Us are there
TTYD should always be number 1 tbqh
>Implying Shadow the Hedgehog doesn't have the best stage design, gameplay, and music in the Sonic franchise
>top 100 games of all time list
>#1 makes your teeth go grey
>CoD not #1
>#1: The Last of Us
Zelda 2 is really good, but it's not quite "best game of all time" material. Same deal with the first one.
Obviously, nothing else in the series even comes close.
>Diablo 2 is at like #95
>Quake 3 is at like #83
>Console kiddy garbage is at #1-10
The "Tetris is the perfect game" meme needs to die
>#1 is Mountain Blade
It's my list
>Ocarina of Time
>Super Mario 64
>The Last of Us
>Dark Souls
every time
Number 1 should always be Broodwar.
Don't hate the list. Hate that it's been 18 years and three console generations and we haven't done better.
>top 10 game of all time list
>#5: "That Game You Like"
Somebody tell me why Last of Us is hot garbage and why it isn't an issue of something being very popular and therefor it's shit.
t. Never played Last of Us
Nostalgia is a hell of a drug.
>list of best games of all time
>games that came out within the past two years is on there
Terrible AI, both enemy and Ellie. Puzzles so braindead they might as well have not been included. Cliche story. Boring gunplay. Predictable encounters
>#1 is Half-Life 2
I don't understand this meme
Don't hug me, I'm scared
The media is in control
t. PCuck
Nostalgia doesn't really apply when you can experience the game on the same hardware at any time. Properly maintained, games are basically timeless.
It will never stop changing your perspective on the game though.
>#10-2 are all really well made impactful games that revolutionized their genre
>#1 is something like call of duty
>Entire list is based off of personal preference rather than innovation, merit, and influence
>Except for #2 which is Pong/Tetris/Missile Command/some old ass game that is chosen strictly for its legacy rather than personal enjoyment
>#1 returns to the original formula
>list can't decide if it wants to be a best-of list or a most influential list
Why the fuck should Pong ever make the list? It's just about the most simplistic shit that could possibly be made.
Wow look
Too much Nintendo makes your teeth all grey
Do some digital modding!
Hey, this is fun!
Do you really think the people who make those lists have played Mario 64, Ocarina of Time, or even Tetris at all recently?
>BioShock and Portal 2 are in the top 10
#1 is fucking Ocarina of Time, every time.
#2 is Mario 64.
7-20 are games that are on every top 100 list, but in slightly different orders.
The actually interesting choices start in the 50s.
I don't get it. This is so gay, to post about vidja but you don't even play!
>top 100 games of all time list
>#1 is Undertale
>Galaga on the list
>Space Invaders is 20 spaces higher
Let's not forget the terrible stealth they claimed was going to be a vital point of the game during it's development.
But it's for (you)'s! Shitpost to get some more (you)'s! Bump your big threads, so real posts don't get viewed!
>tempest not on the list
>Tetris even within the top 100.
Just because it was the first in the genre we know today as "casual phone game garbage" doesn't mean it was good.
They never even list a good version of Tetris, if they even list a specific entry at all. It's always Tetris on the gameboy or the original.
Tempest is GOAT
Nothing can beat those super smooth pot controls
>tfw your local arcade doesn't have tempest any more
TxK is great but it's not a substitute
>deus ex or half life 2 is #1
No one can tell you that because it absolutely is an issue of something being very popular and therefore shit.
>Deus Ex in #1
Nothing wrong with this senpai
Super Mario Galaxy is the best game ever tho
It shows the guy is an atmospherefag and didn't play a lot of games.
Deus Ex is primarily about emergent gameplay though
Playing vidya makes your teeth go gray.
Tetris is THE perfect game though
gamesradar actually put Dark Souls on #1
Wind Waker is #2
its a great list check it out if you have time
>Bioshock Infinite is in the top 3
>pokemon red and blue is in top 10
>they don't have the same placing, one is placed 6 and the other placed 5
Should Kat's game be in the top 100?
There's plenty of other ""innovative""/gimmicky titles on the list like it that have a less likable/unique world, characters, and art style. Plus a lot of the wonky gameplay was fixed in the ps4 remaster
>implying Red isn't a better game than Blue.
>Minecraft in top 10
>implying top 100 shouldn't be personal preference of the man/team that made the list
There's other lists for "most influential, most technical, etc"
>top 100 games of all time list
>#1 is San Andreas
>Number one is OoT
Damn straight
>Pong is number one.
Hardmode: Best game in each category: STORY, GAMEPLAY, USE OF MEDIUM
It's just that SM64 and especially OoT had such an impact on videogames that they're still unmatched.
Also why Half-Life1/2 are in those lists
Dark Souls also had an impact on videogames because it taught casuals that you can git gud in videogames
>First big videogame hit
>not influental
Fire emblem 7.
>implying tetris isn't the GOAT game
>Best games of all time list
>It's actually a most influential games of all time list
Fuck anyone that does this
Best: Paper Mario and the Thousand Year Door.
Fun story with enjoyable characters, and solid gameplay that encourages players to learn timings and know weaknesses.
All around excellent game.
Story: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. While it's not shattering any new ground, the classic tale of the hero's journey is a classic for a reason. Nintendo pulls it off with gusto.
Gameplay: Super Mario 64. With wall jumps and platforming all over, it should come as no surprise that a Mario title would win Gameplay. Special mention goes to Super Metroid.
Use of Medium: Undertale. It relies on the player to have played videogames, but it subverts expectations as often as it follows them. A great example of using the medium to its advantage.
These are my personal picks, chosen from memory. You can and should have a difference in opinion.
>he likes Candy Crush.
>he still doesn't know
Shovel Knight and it'll get even better when the other campaigns are released
Good taste.