This triggers the smashbaby

This triggers the smashbaby.

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This seems inefficient.

How would you even perform tilt attacks on that thing anyways?

stop this meme, there's literally buttons on it labeled tilt

Look at the video, in practice it's kind of fucking amazing
Also fuck you OP these things are banned in SF as well.

Hold one of the "tilt" buttons and press a button that you want to tilt.
>Not having shield and A set as the farthest-left attack inputs so it has the same input as tapping both light-attacks in most every fighting game.

>hey we developed a controller that helps you guys reach the next level, so you might be taken seriously as fighting game com-
Not really a surprise from a community thats playing a party game, which they have to handicap on all ends, to even make it remotely "competitive". And since that doesnt work, everyone needs to use the same controller...

There's a reason the smash community is a laughing stock.

the smash community is not one person, this is b8

The same fundamentally broken and poorly made controller at that.

hitbox is allowed at evo, dumbass

Yes, and?

The decision to ban it was made by multiple members of the smash community.

I'm in favor of legalizing the Smashbox, but this is a fucking stupid post

Hitboxes are allowed everywhere now. They were only banned for a short time because MvC3 allowed people to block in both directions at once and the hitbox made it really easy to do that. Now that both issues are fixed, the Hitbox is basically allowed in all tournaments, though some people will still bitch about it.

honestly the handicaps comes from sakurai being salty about the game being played competitively

he practically deliberately does shit to fuck with balance

Can you even walk with this?

So you're saying that the creator, who wanted to make a fun party game, actually makes the game that way, and disregards all balancing concerns by some autistic and small community?

That confuses smasbabbys, because muh GC controller.

so keyboard really is an amazing tool to play video games on after all

Rly makes u thnk

unfortunately yeah, and its all proven in two simple words that trigger smash players


Everyone pretending to know anything about Melee's meta, shut the fuck up for a moment.

Tech-wise, this controller would be great but not broken. It's more consistent once you've practiced all the tech on it.
That's fine, but it makes smash DI stupidly easy. The smash DI on this controller is better and easier than what's humanly possible on a standard GC controller. That makes the game stop working. Imagine if, when you're playing against someone on a hitbox in SF, XX hadoken wouldn't combo. It's that stupid. It changes the entire game.

What does this inefficient piece of shit have to do with taking things seriously? I get that it can do things that the gc controller can't and I don't have a problem with it being legalized... but get real idiot, this thing is garbage

For a group of people who joke about 20XX so much, you're all so triggered when you move closer to it.

There's a difference between making a party game that can be played competitively, and deliberately making a game competitively unplayable.

I'm referring to Smash 4 not melee.

The only thing that sparks my interest about this pathetic controller is that a quick tap of the analog button might cause a frame perfect turn around giving Little Mac bidou like options without Bidou. Over all this controller is garbage but if a modded controller existed that had ZR and ZL set to a 1 frame turn around in each direction it would be perfect for Mac but probably banned as well. Not to say people wouldn't use it anyway.

Now answer my questions

Does tapping the analog button cause a frame perfect turn around?

How do you walk using the hitbox? Holding the analog stick only allows running.

It looks difficult to do jump pivot back airs or roll cancel grabs, f-smashes with tilt stick and definitely Little Mac's up angled and down angled F-smash.

If a controller allowed frame perfect turn arounds without bidou this movement would be very common in Smash 4. I'm all for modded controllers but this is bullshit just like Bidou

Only the melee community

That's not a picture of a shower.

Smash 4 has wave dashing they just call it cancelling an extended dash trot with a perfect pivot or frame 1 turn around.

it's not the same thing
because xx hadoken always combos if it's supposed to
that's because it's an actual fighting game

Whats so great about the gc controller anyways? I can play with a pro controller fine.

>if a modded controller existed that had ZR and ZL set to a 1 frame turn around
that's a macro.

How can I use a controller like this. It will be a secret and no one will know.

>How do you walk using the hitbox?


this. they have to be real idiots not accepting it.

Entire matches with two foxes in FD to time out sounds boring so yeah, the more time it takes for us to reach 20XX the better, gives time for the little guys to catch up