Which side is the best?
Alliance or Horde?
Which side is the best?
Alliance or Horde?
The goblin has bombs in her pussy.
Horde no contest
Based on that pic. Alliance otherwise
Ally has draenei indont give a fuck
>ywn _be_ a goblin girl
This fucking sucks.
I dunno but post sauce
Horde for Goblin obviously
Gnomes look absolutely fucking retarded.
>gnomes looks retarded
>post 3 months old abortion with down syndrome
WoW models are ugly as shit
Both are fucking disgusting, where is the version for fags?
>Based on that pic. Alliance otherwise
wow i feel the complete opposite
awful taste
>western art
why is she holding a horsecock
>Be Horde
>We finally get a proper Orcish warrior warchief
>Forced to rebel against him, even though he literally did nothing wrong. Not even memeing he was fucking innocent and even the Pandaren celestials sided with him in a novel.
>Alliance is holding their own
>Horde is literally getting bodied almost every leader is belly up
>All they had to do was hold the line and the Alliance warship could have gotten into position
>Then elf cunt sounds the retreat
>Everyone runs away
>Get back to Ogrimmar
>Sylvanus gets made warchied because some do-nothing Troll had a """""""""""""""""""Vision"""""""""""""""""""""""""""
>Cut to scene of every race in the game cheering for Sylvanus
>Not a single fucking person calls bullshit
>The absolute closest we get is Baine lifting his eyebrow.
God fucking damn I miss when horde was good. I'd still be playing right now if my faction didn't go to complete and utter shit. It's not even a horde anymore. Its just a bunch of pandas, undead and elves calling themselves a horde
>when Orcs, Trolls and Taurens get cucked by their new members
Horde obviously.
>based on that pic
fuckign shit taste
there are WAAAY better Goblins out there
you sound like a guy who thinks incases "goblins" are good too
also clearly horde cuz skull and spikes
Shortstack a shit fetish, right next to oppai loli.
clop in hell, hoofie scum!
oppai loli is disgusting but don't be dissing shortstacks you filthy goatfucker I'll kick you in the dick nerd
>Great image
>I'll stick disgusting lumps of flesh of their chest
It doesn't even look like tits, for fucks saks
Well it goes like this
>Visual design
I like the horde more, the only one ones on the alliance that don't feel generic is gnomes and worgen
Have to give it to Alliance. While orcs and trolls have cool lore, the lore for the tauren barely exists, the forsaken lore is pretty much part of Human lore, gobbos don't have lore, and blood elves are the only other horde race with any good lore.
>that tiny ass head on that huge body
Look space goats are lovely and all
But they can't leglock you
gobbo sluts were made for human cock
>not liking Goblin girls
awful taste is right
Horde. More interesting races. Also has best girl
>More interesting races
Horde, trolls are da best.
>tfw no harem of shortstacks craving my slightly above average human dick
>short humans
>hippie humans
>shorter humans
>goat humans
>wolf humans
It depends on what you are looking for.
Horde players tend to be more skilled and independent, but are retardedly impaired when it comes to actually helping each other, to the point team gameplay becomes unbearable.
Alliance players tend to be way more team oriented, and are generally more helpful out in the world, but they are painfully stubborn, and can't function on their own, to the point you start questioning if any of them even know how to play the game properly.
Those are the most clear differences I noticed after playing both factions for years. Alliance players are definitely more helpful than horde players, but horde players tend to be, on average, better players on their own.
If you're actually talking about this waifu shit, I don't know, I'm not into that trash
didnt you read the new retcon book
its now Lok'tar or run
i like goblin girls but in that particular picture i like the gnome more
Goblin girls are for _____
>undead humans
>pointy-eared humans
>green humans
>blue humans
>cow humans
>short green humans
Why not both?
That only works for belfs and UD, but (You) tried, kiddo
0/10 awful post
allianceposters perpetually butthurt as usual
it would be less embarrassing if you deleted this
i feel like i'm the only one who likes both sylvanas and garrosh
if i could only choose one i'd choose garrosh, but sylvanas is also a bad bitch i love her
i like both because they're both strong leaders, the horde needs a strong leader, no thrall pussy shit
Dranei women have horsecocks
>shortstack is a shit fetish
you disgust me.
Faggots like sylvanas, they don't care about what the horde stands for or even what the horde is supposed to be.
Most of those twisted individuals are probably fucking leftists, and having a "stronk wumyn" in power gives them a boner, or something.
I hated what they did to garrosh, he was supposed to be the epitome of strength, and a true example to the horde of a leader, but blozzard had to go full holocaust and paint him as the evil guy who wanted to wipe the "poor jews" out of existence, and now he's dead.
Although I really enjoyed mop, killing garrosh and making him a villain for being too strong of an alpha male, just shows how politically bent blizzard has become recently. It's retarded.
Now they are pulling this shit again with some elf who despises those who betrayed their heritage, and those who went full multiculturalism by breeding their own race out of existence. Supposedly, caring about your bloodline is "bad" or something, so they made her an antagonist, for the surprise of no one.
I think you're reading too much into it and Blizzard is just really fucking retarded
I have more evidence to believe otherwise. They seem to actually be politically motivated to both drag their games into the ground, and make retarded statements about what is "wrong" and what you should think.
The most recent leftist propaganda they pulled in the overwatch comic, is just another example. They are doing it too often, and they are not even trying to hide it anymore.
>who wanted to wipe the "poor jews" out of existence
He wanted to wipe out everyone who doesn't agree with him
If that isn't lazy writing, tell me what is.
Post draenei futa.
What? Are you a fucking leftist too? Fuck off.
>shortstack a shit
>posts space-goat slut
Horde in vanilla
Alliance TBC+
>Second sentence goes politics for literally no reason
>blizzard isn't pushing their political garbage at every opportunity they get
There's not even a point expecting someone like to actually see it.
back to leftypol faggot
Right Right
So what political garbage are they trying to push with the Starcraft series?
>tfw no dominant orc warrior gf
>he isn't on an RP server.
I'm not a drooling blizzard drone who keeps track of every move they make.
I can't say there is one since I don't know, but it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if there were some indirect messages sneaking there as well.
>ur reding 2 much into it
>it's just a coincidence that the gaming industry is constantly scrapping the bottom of the barrel and hiring people fresh out of community college who majored in woman studies, who constantly bitch about sjw shit on twitter, and are blantantly as leftist as they come. dont read into it, just ignore it. I MEAN COME ON ITS JUST VIDEO GAMES, clearly the multibillion dollar corporation making the most successful mmo in history is ... LOL THEY ARE JUST RETARDED XD
You have lost all breeding privileges.
here's your (((you)))
>actually good orc girl porn
literally why
It's hilarious how you completely misunderstand what the green text is and yet went through the effort to make an image macro to demonstrate how much of a newfag you really are. It's almost as if you want people to call you a retard.
Sense you can't tell us what messages they are sending us kindly shut up until you do.
that would imply I read your shit to begin with
if you have something to say do it like a normal person not a retard
Eventually you'll love girl cock, its the natural progression into high tier kinks
>The absolute closest we get is Baine lifting his eyebrow.
Fuck, I laughed.
I also agree with you 100% senpai. Garrosh was actually a great warchief and the only reason we killed him was because a majority of subscribers thought he was "too mean" to be warchief. It's honestly bullshit. We'll never get a good orc leader again.
>Saurfang doesn't want anymore of this shit because he lost his whole family to war, he'll probably keep drafting himself until he dies
>Thrall is a fucking jobber (RIP Metzen)
>Nazgrim is a Death Knight
>Every other male orc is old as fuck or dying
>Female orc leader lol
I think the only REAL potential orc leader we have left is High Warlord Cromush and he's a literally who.
What part of me not knowing one of their products in depth makes the argument, that they ARE constantly pushing leftist garbage at every opportunity they get, invalid?
Even if there were none in SC, what makes you think that it, somehow, invalidates or excuses all of other bullshit they are pulling recently? Even if it was true, just because in one instance they happen not to infecting something with a politically corrupt rhetoric, it becomes acceptable for them to do it somewhere else?
Fuck off, retard. You are not countering any points here, you are merely trying to invalidate my point with some lazy attempt to discredit it by mentioning something that neither invalidates nor excuses what they are doing.
Jump off a bridge, please.
He might be a death knight but he's more horde than the sitting leader.
>What part of me not knowing one of their products in depth makes the argument, that they ARE constantly pushing leftist garbage at every opportunity they get, invalid?
Because you can't prove your argument.
>huurr u cant prove whats right in front of me is actually happening huurr
Yeah, go fuck yourself.
All I'm asking is for you to prove your point
I'm waiting for the bastard love child of garrosh and zaela to rise to power
Are you asking for proof that blizzard is pandering to leftists, and pushing an agenda in their games?
How about the change in that boat's name? How about removing the pose of the retarded character in overwatch after ONE complaint? How about this new bullshit on the comics? How about them painting antagonists who use talking points like the purity of their bloodline as evil maniacs?
Why am I even replying to someone who just refuses to be honest and just keeps shouting "HURR SHOW ME THE PROOF SHOW ME THE PROOOOFF HUUUURRRRR". Fuck off.
Fucking sage. This retarded thread is dead anyway.