Even our boy thinks you're silly for getting mad at it
Even our boy thinks you're silly for getting mad at it
Videogames haven't been around for hundreds of years though.
who cares ? doesn't he have a transmongoloid gf to fuck right now ?
>our boy
That autist just wants attention.
Did Suzie threaten to kill him if he doesn't drink the Kool-Aid? The threat of divorce can't be that powerful, can it?
If no one cares then why do they need to be gay?
>our boy
I dont get why people are upset because Tracer is gay. Its a fucking character in a Videogame
I hate faggots
We weren't being fucking silly until people started baiting and pretending to be retarded and hiding under layer after layer of irony. The first thread was mostly
>I'm okay with this
>videogames are hundreds of years old
In California it is.
Gay people don't breed.
>Sup Forums is one person
I don't give a shit. I don't see why anyone gives a shit about sexuality in video games. And frankly, if you can only relate to a protagonist if they fuck the same things as you then you are a pretty base person at best and a Herero/homophobe at worst
How dense do you have to be to not understand that he's referring to media characters in general? Or just using hyperbole?
You have to be pretty new to not realize the hivemind meme is grounded in reality.
The only think I hate is that this is a relevant topic for days now on Sup Forums. I hate this place so fucking much.
wait that tweet
Yes, but also the countrary.
Hey, remember when he made a fag club to prove he wasn't gay?
literally no one but autists were getting "mad" at it.
Overwatch's characters are so fucking boring and devoid of any actual personality anyway, its not like their ruining some beloved character.
>"Arin, it´s me, Suzie! Come to bed and ravage me"
gays make up 3% of the population, if anything, they are over represented
race/gender/sexuality doesn't matter
>also Tumblr
Fuck you Cisgendered heterosexual white men. race/gender/sexuality is the only thing that matters
maybe when he only went with egoraptor
he is arin hanson now
Of course he would say that. He's a faggot.
You wish, shitlord.
Embrace the future!
Because there are a handful of games where sexual orientation is relevant. Game developers going out of their way to make gay and bi and transwhateverthefucks just comes off as pandering. Certain things just aren't important or necessary in a video game.
As a professional closet bi I just want to tell you all that Arin and Maxmoe are 100% undoubtedly at least bi.
This. Half the front page is OMG LE FPS CHARATUR IS LE GHEY threads and the game is a fucking trashbag at that.
I thought tracer was banging the monkey? Why not take it a step further and have her be a zoophile? Being a fag is boring.
Its not that having a gay character is a problem. Its that the only character that has their sexuality on display happened to be gay out of nowhere, suggesting that it was motivated by an agenda.
>give someone else a shot
At what? I don't understand. When I was playing Diablo 2 I didn't wonder if my Sorceress or Paladin straight. Why would I even care? Even if they were gay, what would that add? Would Baal Runs get easier? Harder? Is Baal a bigot? What?
why are you here lad polygon is right there
i wont ever bother explaining why that is because telling you to fuck off is time better spent
I keep seeing all these posts on Facebook about people being happy she's gay. I don't understand it. Why are they happy?
>ugh, who cares? It's just a video game
Yeah, and the Disney ww2 propaganda was "just a cartoon." It's still fucking dangerous and an extremely slippery slope.
>who cares
>I'm glad Tracer's gay
Two faces. Ten chins.
I'd have been fine Tracer being gay if it had just been established from the get go.
As it stands, I think it's pretty disrespectful to just about everyone and everything involved. Straights, gays, the integrity of Tracer as a character, and Overwatch at large.
Not I even care much to begin with. I more or less stopped playing Overwatch already anyway even before this.
Who the hell is getting mad at it?
Are people really upset? Besides she might be bi or anything, hell they might all be bisexual, its the future and sexuality is just a spectrum.
Sherlock and Watson were totally in the closet for each other.
That poor fucking baby, mang. Eighteen years from now when he sees this pic, he'll probably fly into a blind rage and murder his family.
>a woman with a beard
And? Does she work for a circus?
Because it means someone is pretending they are normal.
Ever consider those are two separate people with 5 chins each?
What's with the gay people meme lately?
Is he retarded or does he not know there were gay characters in shakespear?
They only did this so they could go back to using her original pose without people bitching.
From grumps, two phantoms were born.
just another evil whitey for the media to vilify
Gay characters, men dressing up as women and all sorts of shit has been in media/stories for a long ass time. It's just as retarded in that context as well.
Suzy doesn't have a chin. Just a long neck that goes from her 5 head to her collar bone
It makes so much more sense why they hate each other now
Arin is a fag and Jon is alt-right
He's a literal who these days.
>our boy
Egoraptor has always been a fat, insufferable faggot and liking him has always made you a fucking goober. Even back when Sup Forums sucked his tiny chode.
I'm only mad that it doesn't add anything to her character.
Like big fucking deal she's gay, yeah that's hot and I'm gonna love jerkin to the bountiful lesbian porn to come but literally she's the same exact static character she's always been.
>nigger girl starts molesting blonde loli as they share a graphic kiss, their nipples press together and the black one begins rubbing her clit on the other one's leg
>two adult women kiss
Leave politics out of videogames k praise jeebus
>tfw tyler perry is an immortal being who spends his life bringing joy to others by dressing up as a fat black woman
And now it's laughed at for what it was at that time, silly propaganda, so what's your point?
Maybe people that openly identify as gay, but I really doubt only 3% of the general population is interested in the same sex.
So many mire people are mad about people being mad than are mad about Tracer.
>im a fucking retard
>give them a chance
does he realize they aren't real and they aren't actually helping any gay person?
Now just give Tracer a canon futacock.
Anime is fucking garbage. Grow up.
>watching anime
>supporting homosexuality of any kind
>had to create a new account
>trying to buy all games I had once
>no flash sales
>everything is expensive
Thanks, Gabe.
it's almost like it's made up controversy for the sake of publicity like the fucking starbucks cup
Jon leaving that fuck behind was the best thing he could have done.
he wasn't always SJW, only after grumps.
anime is for future gays