Can we stop pretending Warped was the best? Shit was littered with way too many vehicles (and less platforming levels and environment variety) for it to be anything but a shittier Crash 2.
Can we stop pretending Warped was the best...
I think everyone agreed that Warped was a good game, but Cortex Strikes back was a fantastic game.
First game was a good game ruined by impossible saving system making everything tedious as fuck. Controls also feels a bit too unprecise compared to Crash 2, but maybe that's just my opinion
Crash 3 was too filled with gimmicks unrelated to platforming
Crash 2 > Crash 1 > Crash 3.
That is how it goes.
Can we leave warped alone and focus on how shit wrath of cortex was.
-looked like shit
-copied warped
-way more vehicle level than needed
Why no love for Crash 4?
i had good memories with this series as a kid but i'm pretty sure i've outgrown it. this cover art, for instance, makes me feel sorry for all the 20somethings that will purchase the remastered trilogy in the hopes of perhaps reliving a part of their childhood or whatever it might be.
and i say this, but i recently bought the master chief collection and beat all 4 games in a couple of days and loved every fucking minute of it--maybe Sup Forums has fucked me and all my opinions up
Everyone loves CTR though
Why is it always the first game that's good, but clunky with some issues, the second game that perfects LITERALLY everything that made the first one good while adding onto its established formula
and then the third that shits all over it with shiny gimmicks to convey the illusion of being innovative when really it just gets in the way?
desu I wish it WAS like that. Usually we get a good first game, shit second game, and downhill from there
Crash 3, Spyro 3, Jak 3, and Sly 3 all follow the formula I just said.
I'm this guy and I can safely say that the Halo series is no exception
And then each one of those never made a good platformer again.
Jak is arguable. Jak 2 is a lot different from 1 in so many ways.
Based Ratchet & Clank. Up Your Arsenal was pretty much the best fucking one.
I know they do, hence 'usually'. All the games you mentioned are PS1/2 platformers so I agree that the issue is more egregious in that genre.
But you did say 'always' and many game series either have a shitty second game, or no sequel at all
No, that would be Going Commando
>Jak 2
>perfecting the formula of Jak & Daxter
are you retarded?
Crash 3 was the DKC 3 of the series. Experimented a lot, but it got in the way of what was important.
Often times the devs realize they kinda blew their load on the second try and so with the third, there's not really much to do beyond rehashing what worked in the second. Everything listed here didn't really have anywhere to go after the second entry in terms of core mechanics, so they went sideways and tried a bunch of new stuff. Ratchet and Clank is an exception; rather than just go sideways, they doubled down on what worked in Going Commando and stripped the game of just about everything that wasn't core gameplay. Arguably, it made a stronger game.
can we all agree that Dingodile is the coolest character
Probably my favorite Crash tbqh senpai
the strengths of the two games differ in that 2 is pure platforming that always give you good levels, while 3 is more well paced giving you some levels that are merely "ok" to highlight the "god-damn holy shit this is fun" levels. if every level in 3 was a pyramid level you wouldnt appreciate it as much.
i love both these games, but 3 has a slight advantage in both the feeling of progress and pacing.
fuck the underwater levels tho. the sharks come way too quick off screen at times and the controles are just bad enough to make it harder than nessecary to position yourself. the remakes need to zoom that shit out a bit to make speedrunning those levels anything that resembles fun
Team Racing was the best. As for the platformers, Crash 2 is the best, however it doesn't beat the superior Team Racing game.
Also, Crash Bash wasn't bad. It was a good fucking party game, but with a shit AI which means friends is a necessity.
I remember how shit was to get the platinum relics in the underwater levels because I hated these levels.
Most people on this board think 2 is the best, what the fuck are you even talking about
Not that guy, but I've always been in the same camp as you until I replayed both in the last year. Now it's a much closer race. Going Commando is still closest to my heart, especially since Megacorp Games is better than 3's arena. And I had a lot more fun doing the desert/tundra crystal collection missions than I did the shitty Sewer Crystals area.
However, the weapon upgrades were perfected in UYA and they nailed the spread of weapons, barring a few what-the-fucks like holo shield and whip (which were still neat in their concept). That, and the mission areas were a neat way to grind bolts beyond regular arenas.
I could honestly go on and on, but in short there are a lot of things 3 simply refines/does better, but it misses out on some raw things I liked about Going Commando: they experimented with some pretty whacky weapons, which produced neat shit like the Spider Glove and also absolute turds like Zodiac/Clank Zapper. I liked more of the levels, ESPECIALLY TODANO, which will always be my favorite level in the series. I dicked away many hours playing with the squirrels and protecting tourists
Can we stop pretending that any of the Crash games were good at all?
This, just like sonic XD
As soon as you stop pretending to be retarded. Oh wait.
Warped sold a ton of more copies than crash 2 so it makes sense that there's a lot of people who only owned Warped remember it as the best one
>wahhh it has more vsriety in gameplay
yeah you're right all the games suck DICK
Warped was amazing but it wasn't the best.
2 had the best controls, 3's were slightly worse and 1's were horrible.
3 did have too many "gimmick" levels but most of them were at least fun. The platforming levels were great and it had relics which were fucking amazing.
2 still beats it out slightly though. 1 is still good but not on the same level as 2 and 3.
>kiss your self
>Dingodile's laugh in crash bash
My experience was Crash 1>Crash 2>Crash 3.
The rest of the games worth mentioning are Crash Bash and CTR, which were both great. Everything else in the series is unredeemable shit
>Variety is automatically good!!