How did you fall for it AGAIN???
Is it out yet?
Actually the WiiU was my first Nintendo home console, I had a few of their handhelds though.
There's no way I'm falling for the same trick again with the Switch.
It's hardly a cycle if it's never happened twice in a row
Dude, I can't wait to jump on Goombas as Mario, but with new power-ups. I also can't wait to play a new Zelda game where Link, like, learns about how he's the hero of a prophecy or something. If they include the original Zelda puzzle jingle then I will absolutely cry with nostalgia.
There's probably a graph curve out there that shows the power of Nintendo hardware over the last few decades versus Xbox, Playstation, and gaming PCs. Every time they do this "it's slightly more powerful than a last gen system" schtick they fall further behind. NX is so far behind power wise that the only way they could get away with it was to release it as a handheld.
Nintendo lost the technological arms race when they made the Wii, and they will never be able to compete again.
You don't need 6 Tflops to play Mario and Zelda
Never forget that they do this to themselves every time.
It actually happened FOUR times in a row.
Yeah, this one is good too.
>some of the best games are ports
Did this ever happen?
Remember the "Nintendo Fusion" specs that were circulated a few years back?
>POWER8 processor
>R92xx GPU
>Holographic disc medium
Twilight Princess
Wii U had a lot of ports at launch but they weren't really that good.
Guys.. I'm fucking scared.
I'm fucking nauseous. I stayed up all night because how worried I was. Switch is our last shot to prove that Nintendo has a future in the console market. If it reviews poorly... then it's fucking over, bros.
I wanted this to ship 20 million units. I want this to FORCE sonyggers to buy a Switch. I want them to cry as they're forced to withdraw $400 to purchase this console.
But it doesn't look good. It has mediocre specs, and was revealed to only have Wii U ports, even fewer exclusives than the PS4. We fucking lost, Nintenbros...
How do I calm down? How do I ease myself as we get closer to release and I have to face the inevitable that Nintendo Switch is a blunder?
It's happened every generation since the N64.
>console war garbage
Are you people 12?
Obviously it's pasta, but I bet 20 million comes pretty close to the lifetime sales of this thing.
This doesn't apply to Wii
>weaker hardware
>bad controls
Also all the people who are shitting themselves over fucking Skyrim on the Switch. It's unbelievable.
Nintendo recent success is making some people very nervous
Nintendo wants the Wii audience SO bad, but the old fucks at NoJ still don't understand it's a fad.
Nobody there knows how to fucking run that company.
get a ps4 and play some games for people your age, maybe? if you're old enough to be seriously worried about the future of a console, you are almost certainly not in their target demographic.
or you could play old games and pretend the future isn't happening
90% of the threads on Sup Forums are either console/steam wars, shitposting and/or complaining about a game. The remaining 10% are peach with a dick threads
Even /k/ would be a better place to discuss videogames than Sup Forums
Not him, but it happened with Wii, 3ds, Wii U and Switch at least.
The controller was an abortion and it couldn't handle textures for shit compared to the ps1. Plus third party evacuation largely occurred at this time.
The Gamecube was a miracle of engineering for it's time. Small, quiet and very powerful.
But it didn't have Halo and wasn't a DVD player.
>Plus third party evacuation largely occurred at this time.
Doesn't matter when Nintendo pumped out a shit ton of first and second party gems that we still talk about today, like OoT, MM, Super Mario 64, Paper Mario, etc.
>The controller was an abortion
Was better than the competition for 3D games. What's wrong with it exactly?
>and it couldn't handle textures for shit compared to the ps1
I don't know where you got that idea.
It's not about console ware.
It's about how relentlessly Nintendo shits on their fans, and how much Nintendo fans are eager to eat shit without any hesitation.
>or you could play old games and pretend the future isn't happening
I have LITERALLY been doing this for the better part of a decade now.
>and it couldn't handle textures for shit compared to the ps1
At least the models were stable and didn't wobble like everyone was having a massive seizure during a world-wide earthquake.
>What's wrong with it exactly?
HOW SUPPOSED 2 HOLD.??????????
I've seen this exact pasta posted for both the Wii and Wii U.
Seriously it's kind of sad. I can already play Skyrim on a GPD Win if I'm that desperate to take a 5 year old RPG on the go with me. If by some miracle they're able to port TES6 to the Switch they will have to do some pretty unholy things to it to make it run.
If you want a sneak preview of what the Switch's multiplatform support will be like, look at the Nvidia Shield console. It has the same architecture as the Switch. Switch will get some ports of old back catalog games initially, but eventually those will slow to a crawl, you will only see scaled down Switch versions of multiplatform games very early in the system's lifespan.
>Be me
>be organizing my collection of a few thousand games getting ready for the first quarter of big PS4 releases.
>see my PS4 collection starting to encroach on my Wii-U collection.
>Notice my wii-u collection is under 20 games despite owning it since launch
>think that I should buysome more wii-u games before they're discontinued
>struggle to think what games I want to buy other than BOTW, I sofar only enjoyed MH3U,Xenoblade Chronicles X, and Bayo 2.
>Only Twilight Princess HD comes to mind, but it would be third time buying the game
>realize I enjoyed more games on the Wii than my Wii-u with Xenoblade Chronicles, Last Story, Mario Galaxy 1 and 2, Skyward Sword, Jambo Safari, and Endless Ocean 1 and 2. And that my Wii collection is around 100 games strong
>See my gamecube games under my Wii games and remember how much I enjoyed Twilight Princess the first time, Metal gear Solid Twin Snakes, Melee, Metroid Prime 1 and 2, Wind Waker, Zelda Collector's Anthology, Resident Evil 4, Star Wars Rogue Squadron 2 and 3, Baton Kaitos 1 and 2, Lost Kingdoms 1 and 2, Tales of Symphonia, and Thousand Year Door.
>glance at my n64 collection again totalling over 100 games and have fond memories of Mario kart 64, Diddy kong Racing, Banjo kazooie, Banjo kazooie 2, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Mario Parties 1 and 2, Ogre Battle 64, Zelda OoT, Zelda MM, OG Smash Brothers, Harvest Moon 64, Shadows of the Empire, Rogue Squadron, WWF Raw, Paper Mario 64, and the SanFrancisco Rush trilogy.
>Realize I also own 50 sega saturn games and have more favorites than Wii-U games sinc eI love panzer Dragoon 1,2, and Saga, Cyberbots, Street Fighter vs X-men, Shining Force 3, Capcom vs Marvel Superheroes, Dark Stalkers 2 and 3, Sakura Wars 1 and 2, Shining of the Holy Ark, Shining Wisdom, and that the Sega Saturn was considered a failure.
>Look at my 90+ SNES collection and think that out of those 90 games nearly all were classics
>realize Nintendo became shit like Modern Metallica.
and at no point did it seem like a decent idea to move on and play better games on a different console? do you really think they will ever stop milking/butchering their handful of legacy franchises? they have NOTHING new to offer anyone over the age of ten.
come on now. i go back and play sega genesis now and then but there are plenty of decent games from this century
Thanks for proving him right, you blithering prole.
>a decent idea to move on and play better games on a different console?
There are simply few good games these days, unless you like really generic AAA garbage or shitty indie games.
Thank for proving you lack comprehension skills, retard.
>being this deluded
nintentoddlers, everyone.
Was falseflagging even a thing back when the Wii was coming out?