>bu-bu the online is free
Yeah, but the servers falter for hours every sale. I pay for Xbox Live and PSN. You know why? Because they are stable services that don't break down under pressure.
>bu-bu the online is free
Yeah, but the servers falter for hours every sale. I pay for Xbox Live and PSN. You know why? Because they are stable services that don't break down under pressure.
> servers falter for hours every sale
literally never happens
>xbox live
>Because they are stable services
Great joke
yeah they get DDoS'd and hacked every month instead
>stable servers
>Because they are stable services that don't break down under pressure.
I remember downloading all those games from PSN on Christmas.
boring b8
>I pay for Xbox Live and PSN. You know why? Because they are stable services that don't break down under pressure.
The bait is real.
awful bait
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>literally never happens
this is bait.
>I pay for Xbox Live and PSN. You know why? Because they are stable services that don't break down under pressure.
good joke m8
>everyones gotta give gabe their money .05 seconds after the sale goes live
Just wait a few hours you dummies
>having so many users interested in your sales that they unintentionally DDOS your shit.
Although its annoying its the equivalent of a black friday rush.
>xbox live
This is some weak bait.
works for me :)
no the reason you pay is because you have no choice mein sonygger :')
Xbox is actually really stable and fast. Saturates my connection same as steam.
Psn however is slow as shit and unreliable
>you have to pay a subscription to Microsoft and Sony to get access to the internet
>both are heavily flawed and have been hacked multiple times with people's credit card info getting stolen pretty often
>Nintendo offers a free service
>never has been hacked
>Because they are stable services that don't break down under pressure.
Do you actually believe this?
>bothering to hack Nintendo
what are they gonna do, steal all the Pokemons?
They've literally both bene hacked though
How the fuck does this even happen.
Multiple sales each year, each year it's the same bullshit
And they still don't spend a single penny earned from those sales getting more servers.
>guaranteed replies
Aside from that, it's of no consequence that Steam's servers can go down. To begin with, it's never been that a simple refresh or two doesn't resolve the issue. It's also rare. And it doesn't have any long term consequences.
>he doesn't know steam sells server hosting for the PSN, so PS+ is literally paying for my free PC server