No undertale

>no undertale
color me suprised
but seriously what are these choices? far cry? borderlands??? what?

>Far Cry 4
Literally what. Assuming this is referring to Pagan he didn't need a hug, all he wanted was to be your bud

>4 games that werent released this year
>one that isnt officially out/ early access
good job idiots

>Isn't officially out
>Dead by Daylight
The game's been out for a while.

Give him a brohug, then load up your rifles and go hunt some terrorist scum with him.

>test of time nominees

>Ignoring the fact that Best Use of a Farm Animal is missing Nekopara

fuck off with your weeb shit

a cat isn't a farm animal

Where do you think you are?

>only game that's over 10 years old in that category is a HD remaster
Nu-PCgamers were a mistake




I don't know. They're the same retards who like bacon and shit


Because it was their first RPG experience, much the same way people judge all Fallout games by 3 and Final Fantasy games by 7.

t. never been to a farm

>Ignoring the fact that Best Use of a Farm Animal is missing Hotline Miami

Schwarzwälder Schinken all day every day
tastes 10 times as good, is just as versatile, and most of the time just as expensive/cheap as bacon

>No mgs5 for best use of a farm animal

Half the fun of that game was fucking around with the interactions.

Nope. You can believe what you want though

none of the nominees make a lick of sense

>no LISA

fucking this get your shit together steam

the villain in BL2 is Lilith who turned into an eridium crack rock smoking whore and fucked over everyone. A hug from Roland would've sorted her out

Handsome Jack did nothing wrong

Borderlands is the only one that makes sense
Jack wasn't that terrible of a guy in pre-sequel
Then people started betraying him and he just kinda went batshit insane
Before that he was really against killing people and only wanted to get rid of bandits

this. how is it not on the list of nominees?

your weeb weakness makes me sick, please just fucking die

Todd your game is shit

>“I Thought This Game Was Cool Before It Won An Award”

>“Test of Time”
>AoE II HD - 3 years old
>Terraria - 5 years old
>Skyrim - 5 years old
>Civ V - 6 years old
>TF2 - 9 years old


you must be 18 or older to post here

They like fantasy stuff but no games that are anything more complex than walking over to hit things while looking at shitty landscape.

Cats hunt the rats that bother crops and livestock.
You city folk need to educate yourselves.

Shouldn't you be working on the next elder scrolls instead of shitposting on a korean cartoon forum?

The core gameplay of AoE wasnt changed though.

>“Villain Most In Need Of A Hug”
>Every nominee is either villain that did nothing wrong or just straight up psychopath

>“I Thought This Game Was Cool Before It Won An Award”
>All are popular games thanks to shitty youtubers promoting it and turning them into a fucking meme

>“Test of Time”
>All besides one aren't even old and that one is a HD version that was released recently, plus it features shittiest RPG ever made and a game that didn't last the test of time since updates turned it into garbage

>All that garbage in “Whoooaaaaaaa, dude!” category

I never thought nominees for a pointless video game awards that mean nothing would anger me but holy shit, they did.

Undertale is a shit overrated game for furfags, what did you expect?

at least red barrels can shitpost on twitter about their game not making it in
all these entries are shit though

This is a worldwide thing, isn't it? Clearly all the third worlders voted for the one game they had the money to buy that year

>AoE II HD - 3 years old
I can at least understand AoE II being nominated because although it's an HD remaster the game itself (core gameplay and what have you) is a lot older than three years old. I agree, though, that the rest of the nominees in that category are shit. Especially skyrim.

I think you are on to something.

What bothers me most is that AoE2 didn't stand the test of time. Playing it now feels awful and really shows how much UI and patching have improved over the years.

FC 4 makes perfectly sense.

Bruh that is one hot opinion you got there.
I honestly think it holds up completely even by todays standards.
I have yet to find a RTS that is as fun as AoE II

You'd think Sup Forums would be unanimously overjoyed that undertale doesn't get nominated for something.

And the bad boy doesn't need a hug.
He got the hug.

Shouldn't you be killing yourself you underage faggot

>no nepgear
It hurts to live

Neither is a fucking dinosaur but that didn't stop ARK from getting on there.

He isn't underage if he remembers Morrowind and Daggerfall Todd.


its an open world rpg without the rpg part

no more (You)s for you toddposter

>needing a hug

If anything Ajay needed a hug, Pagan Min was like the Milo Yiannopolous of gaming except he predates Milo being relevant by at least a year.

>tfw CTF serves have 0 players
>tfw co-op servers have 20
I just want to play some CTF and relive my childhood.

he wants a hug because is is your uncle

>nooo not the normies oh my lord i hate those gosh darn normies ree am i right?
Eat shit and die faggot, there are more neets that play Skyrim on pc so they can make their waifu with male genitals.

>Team Fortress 2 earning the test of time nomination despite it being known as one of the games that absolutely went to shit in the last two years.

i thought you were his wife's son? (literally)

give me a hug man

No he fucked your mom and she had a daughter. So he's your step father in a way.

Ironically, I did nominate Undertale for that category.
Instead, it went to the crying category,. Which drives me mad. I nominated To the Moon for that category and it got in. But it will NEVER win against Undertale.