Why is she so perfect Sup Forums?

Why is she so perfect Sup Forums?


Is this a comfy visual novel thread?

Really makes you think.

>completely casual look on her face

Hottest part

Is the the best female protagonist ever?

I want to fuck that titty monster behind some rocks at a beach.

Shit taste, Miyako is the best girl

>by far the best girl
>completely obvious
>the VNs proceed to shit all over here every single chance it gets

Why do japs love doing this

Because she's not real


Anyone who can survive the horrors of state capitalism must be strong beyond measure.


>tfw I always feel like shit doing another girl's route because Miyako will be denied her pure love for Yamato and will forever be alone

Is maji actually a good ride anons? Is it an actually good experience for what it gives?

But the best girls are Chris and the femdom girl from Majikoi S.

That titty monster is so smug.


Nah, not really. It can be pretty cute in some scenes and the art's alright, so if you have some time to burn that you don't really care about, it won't hurt to read it. You might even smile at times.

Majikoi is the funniest VN I've ever read. The cast is so enjoyable. Highly recommended.

Original one is great. Comfy as fuck in most scenarios. S isn't as great as it's bogged down by much more porn and a loli character.

>female batman

el o el

Majikoi, Majikoi S, Majikoi A, and Majikoi A-2 are my absolute favorite VNs.
They're incredibly relaxing to read, all of the characters are fun, there are no shit girls, the music is great, it's wacky in all the right ways. You just can't go wrong.

That's just wrong though. If you said Benkei or Wanko I might have let it slide.

>just finished wanko's & yukie's routes

Are the other routes any good? Because Yukie's was fairly unsatisfying and Wankos had some super fucking pacing issues.

I was expecting more from this vn, but it's let me down pretty hard so far.

Say it with energy user.


It's too late for you now mate, you went in with expectations

The routes are always the weakest part of a VN, the main scenes before the route splits are the only thing the Japs do right.

>Yukie's was fairly unsatisfying
If you didn't enjoy fucking the autism out of an autist then maybe you should read something else.


There was nothing to the route. Sure, porn, yay.
But the route consisted of
>I want friends
>I got friends
>I defend my friends
>Oh yeah, I forgot to mention it, but I'm super fucking powerful, but I can't hurt my friends - sorry tits mcgee
>I want your dick now

Again user. With more spirit

The route was fun though. The huge conflict in it was pretty entertaining, I just think you're expecting too much out of a porn game.

you might be right. Is it wrong to want it all, user?

Don't forget to do the agave route. It's the epic finale and a true ending of sorts.

>you will never get reverse triangled by Jill
Why even fucking live

Good! But you can do better.


Maybe you should try out Grisaia then. I liked it less than Majikoi, but it's kind of the same idea. MC feels like a bit like a Gary Stu though and the writing is meant to be taken seriously once you get into the routes (a downside in my opinion because the first half is so light-hearted).
Michiru is best girl though because you end up fucking two girls at the end of her route.

I've actually finished Grisaia already (at least the routes I was interested in)
And you're right, Michiru is best girl.

You're almost there!



Well shit then.
How about Yume Miru Kusuri then? It's pretty fucking crazy, but good fun.
Aeka is the best girl and has the absolutely greatest ending.


jill is cute

Yeah, I played through Aekas route a few years ago, but didn't bother with anything else involved with that vn. And you are absolutely right about that ending - which I think is part of the reason I didn't go through any other routes. I think I'm gonna go through Miyako's route in Majikoi before I put it down, but I'm on a vn kick right now and I'm unsure what I'll end up with next. It's rough not being able to read much japanese, but I'm sure there's something interesting.