What are some things I should know before going in? I heard 2nd edition dnd can be really confusing to a new player.
Thinking about getting pic related during the steam sale
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Just pirate it, it's not multiplayer.
the non enhanced edition is on archive.org
>Enhanced Edition
Buy it from GOG. You'll get both the "enhanced edition" (SJW shitfest) and the classic one.
it's ok, I have 5 bucks.
>What are some things I should know before going in? I heard 2nd edition dnd can be really confusing to a new player.
half the attributes do nothing, but the game will tell you they are useful. the classes are not balanced even a little bit
You don't understand, the """enhanced editions""" are worse then the original releases.
in what ways?
It's full of bugs they didn't bother to patch. They put a tranny character just to appeal to their political agenda.
which classes should I avoid using?
This. The additional content is fanfiction-tier SJW-pandering diarrhea, and cannot be disabled, plus the enhanced editions are if anything buggier than the original games.
Don't even come close of things like Fighter, Warrior, Wizard, Magician, Druid, Fisher, they're all shit. It's also good to avoid Archer, Bard, Rogue, Spellcaster and Necro.
nice try
It makes the 12 year olds from Sup Forums butthurt as you can see here
Ignore the spergs. That version is perfectly fine and you don't have to deal with bullshit. The retards going MUH SJW are talking about an expansion and the original game is unaltered except that BG2 rules are in BG1 (a good thing imo).
They are right about GoG being good as well, but the Enhanced Edition is perfectly good too.
isn't that tranny only in the expansion that came out a while ago?
>tampering with a gaming masterpiece like Baldur's Gate 2 to insert tumblr-tier fanfiction is somehow acceptable
Even if you are just baiting, you should be ashamed of saying something like this in a place where someone might take it seriously.
>tranny character
That was Siege of Dragonspear, so not part of the EE
I only said they aren't balanced, I didn't say there are some you shouldn't use. if you want to be maximum powergamer faggot then it's complicated. a wild mage is better than other mages, and a berserker is better than other fighting classes. maybe you don't want to play a good class, I don't know
there's a shitload of dumb shit with the rules you can learn. the only huge retarded things that come to mind and gimp your character are intelligence, wisdom and charisma not doing anything for fighting classes, and only being useful specifically for spellcasters that have spells relying on one of those particular attribute, and a strength score of 19 being about 5 points better than a strength score of 18
She is a NPC that you don't have to talk to.
Jaheira best waifu, come at me Aerie/Viconia fags!
>I-it's okay, g-guys, just ignore that woman with that 20cm long dick
All of them were obnoxious, Aerie whined every other moment about stupid shit, Jaheira was overbearing and too willing to get over Khalid for essentially a kid probably 10 years younger than her, and Viconia is Viconia.
A first time player won't be able to tell the original game's characters apart from the fanfiction shit.
Sad that cock is not up your butt?
Not everyone that plays games is 12.
a first time player is also less likely to care in the first place
>a first time player is also less likely to care in the first place
That's the problem, they're playing a fucked-up version of a true gaming classic and they don't even realize it.
You also get a surprise nigger!
>original game is unaltered
Except they added a few more bugs in. Like a shitload more.
>true gaming classic
wish people wouldn't suck baldur's gate's dick so much. it's good and all, but come on
>Sad that cock is not up your butt?
Maybe you're happy it's up your stinking milenial liberal ass?
People here consider trash like Witcher 3 "classic". So it's not that much of a leap to praise Baldur's Gate.
With all the whining from retards like you they most likely heard about the NPC already.
yeah that sucked bro
the second "Enhanced Edition" is even worse.
>the NPC
there are several added fanfiction party members in both of the enhanced BG games
Honestly enhanced edition is pretty much the same as the old one now that most of the mods support both so go with whatever is cheapest/more convenient. It's definitely not a HOMM3 HD situation where the HD version is markedly worse in every way compared to the gog version.
Trying to play it now, started off as a mage, playing the enhanced verison
the graphics is bothering me man, just can't get into it, and your character moves so fucking slow, maybe I should re-start and play as another caster, and play EVIL, don't know man
They could really make an "enhanced edition" making this little ape being able to be your personal slave or pet as you choose. Morrowind almost got stuff like that.
This one NPC is a source of a lot of butthurt.
There's a reason obsidian threw in fast mode to PoE and tyranny.
cheat and give yourself 6 boots of speed, then suddenly you walk faster and the game is more tolerable
Sure, its pretty simple, but in terms of video games the plot is fucking superb. It's like a sherlock holmes novel that turns into the highlander three quarters of of the way through. And the gameplay is tight, it's a relatively flawless adaptation of 2nd edition D&D ruleset for computing.
It singlehandedly spawned a revitalization of the CRPG genre, I think it's a bit naive to think it is overrated.
Is there any response of the original creators of the game to the "enhanced edition"? It would be cool to see something like that.
All of those points are completely valid though.
Nope and he sounds like a whiny 12 year old.
Do you work for Beamdog or something? His post is entirely accurate.
Lurk more, newfag. That's not how you meme.
You butthurt liberals are so easy to be spotted.
Nope and nope to both of those
Good job at finding yourself.
I think when you release an """""enhanced""""" edition, you're meant to remove the bugs that currently existed, not add more ones.
Also stealing modders work without crediting them is objectively scummy, go fuck yourself.
>so easy to be spotted
I agree with Hexxat being a shoe-hroned, disgusting pile of shit character but you need to work on your English a bit.
>Nope and nope to both of those
as someone who has seen enhanced edition in action I concur with his points. Stick your head in the sand all you want, it doesn't change facts.
Maybe I should work on mine too
Don't listen to the retards posting here.
-The enhanced editions are no longer buggy. That meme ended a long time ago.
-The new companions can be told to fuck off if you don't like them.
-The only tranny and sjw shit is in the Siege of Dragonspear, which is a separate expansion that is unnecessary.
Now then, as a new player, I would recommend reading the digital manual that comes with the game if you have never experienced 2nd edition dnd.
A good starting character is a Dwarf fighter/cleric. This combo gives you good healing spells and buffs. Dwarves also get improved saving throws for spells, which helps make fights against enemy mages easier.
Google some good beginner guides if you need help.
>you need to work on your English a bit.
so what language is "milenial"
>Good job at finding yourself
>nooo, it's you!
Typical liberal talk.
>being so buttblasted to the point of correcting spelling mistakes
Also, typical liberal talk.
Bugs is not what is making the retard all butthurt and I think the bugs was mostly fixed by now.
You mean the facts you don't have?
>so what language is "milenial"
Closest to Spanish but it'd do with an extra "l" after the "mil". Also unless you're 40+ that term is meaningless.
Imoen should have been a love interest as well, damnit. Her personality in BG2 was incredible. And like Viconia said, since when does a pesky little thing like being blood related matter to demi-gods?
All of that stuff is in the new shit though. I don't like that shit as much as the next guy, but the original BG1 EE and BG2 EE aren't buggy and new shit is optional and very obvious when you find it so it's easy to avoid. You cannot say that the EE removes anything from the originals. Just don't buy Siege.
I think you're mistaking me for the other guy, I agree with you.
You are a butthurt faggot too?
She acts as your sister so a romance would be weird, if anything. She isn't genetically, obviously.
Shame too because she's the more tolerable than the female LI's.
It's a shame you have a full party most of the time when she is supposed to join and ditch her for convenience sake.
The two notoriously shit ones are wizard slayer (inquisitor fits pretty much the same niche as an anti-cater melee class, but infinitely better) and shapeshifter (a druid who gives up armor for transforming into a shitty fighter)
You need a thief around, but they suck at fighting and you probably shoudn't play as one unless you're dual/multiclassing.
Sorcerer is for people who know what spells are good already
I was just looking at the grammar. I agree with the notion that women should be banned from developing or working on video games.
>having to buy games during sale
is your NEET welfare that low?
Honestly, I like how little drama she had and was so quirky and upbeat. Yeah, she acted like an older sister but that just makes her even better than the other three love interest.
Don't listen to this retard. Play the originals
-the enhanced editions has a lot of content that is of questionable quality, and as a first time player you may not know what to avoid if you want to prevent jarring dips in quality.
-mods that are used in the enhanced edition have been hastily bootstrapped to the executable and any other mods are unable to be used with it
-the mods that are used by the EE are also better installed manually because there is less chance for bugs to occur
-new content also breaks the game, making it very easy for you to unwittingly faceroll everything
I'm sure there's more, but that's just off the top of my head.
Long story short, get the original from GoG. Absolutely no question about it.
So you are not only a butthurt faggot but also a underage retard?
>having to buy games
Don't, pirate it, you'll be forced to use the enhanced edition and is utter shit. Seriously, outside the SJW nonsense the core gameplay of the 2 originals is fucked.
Come on, femanon, nobody's going to put a baby in your roastie pussy. Just learn to rely on your dildo collection.
You seem to be "butthurt" by that opinion, despite the fact that it will immediately and drastically improve the quality of modern videogames, lest you get more rushed abominations like Dragon Age: Inquisition
You have to be 18 or older to post in Sup Forums.
>he is so poor he got to pirate things
Time to pack your bags then.
Pack your own bags sir fagalot
Let's tone it down a notch here my dude my bro my man
RTwP is the shittiest possible combat system you can have in a game.
If you like it you are probably a subhuman Arab/negro/Brazil who has the mental capacity of a tick.
Turnbased is the only way.
>Turnbased is the only way
>Posts short haired dyke
You need to update your taste so it isn't atrocious.
>clearly doesn't understand D&D stats
All classes are viable for the whole game. Fighters/Paladins start off easier and end up strong, mages/clerics start of weak and end up much stronger, rogues are weak throughout (but having one on your team is important for traps and locks)
>fighters end strong
As someone who grew up on 3.5, 2e sounds wild
>>clearly doesn't understand D&D stats
ok remind me, what do intelligence wisdom and charisma do if you aren't a memecaster? improve your save vs polymorph?
>5 discs
>65kb/s direct
Fighters and Paladins end up doing by far the most damage. 2handers are absurd.
Movin' the goalposts. All casters use Int, Wis, or Cha heavily. If you aren't a fighter type, Str/Dex/Con is useless, too. You don't need more AC/HP if you stay away from combat, and you don't need a shitton of carry weight on one out of your 6 characters. Plus there are Ogre gauntlets very early that cap your Str if you're really that desperate for carry weight.
>All casters use Int, Wis, or Cha heavily.
I never said otherwise. you only want one of these if you are a spellcaster
>If you aren't a fighter type, Str/Dex/Con is useless, too
what? you'd rather put your points in charisma, a literally useless stat than have more ac and health and shit?
I thought you were going to explain to me that save vs polymorph was an important saving throw or something, and point out that these stats actually do something
tl;dr below
>Beamdog took money with crap ports made in bad faith to jumpstart their own shit and are now looking to ride on the coattails of BG without showing any respect for the roots.
Beamdog has problems, but the SJW aspects of their writing is a red herring to the real problems with them as a company. The idea of more companies bringing isometric RPGs into the fray is good, but there are two big problems demonstrated by beamdog that give me a vote of no confidence.
They haven't demonstrated good design philosophy
They are trying to fill in boots too big for them
Let's face it, Beamdog did a sloppy job when porting BG and refuse to acknowledge it. They didn't dedicate any time post-release to root out all the problems nor take measures to lessen flaws in later releases. They have carried out the same shit job on three more infinity titles. It's obvious Beamdog rode on the coattails of BG, just an easy buck to wring out of the fans and get a foothold into developing their own thing. This act of pure jewery against the fans is more apparent when you realize focus went mainly towards multiplat porting for a larger audience.
The "enhancements" had mind-fuckingly bad implementation. Jamming in a new ruleset without retrofitting the game to compensate for the OP kits available to your party, whilst taking ideas from already existing mods to make it seem like they did more than just change the color of the UI. New characters and events shoved in with hack-job writing that doesn't fit the tone of the rest of the game. Nothing helps it stick out than a sore thumb more than full voice acting contrasting with the rest of the game, like someone putting a dick in your sandwich.
Now instead of taking their money and running with a new IP, they're dragging BG and its fans through the mud further by trying to carry on its legacy. A great legacy's expectations to meet paired with stubborn and mediocre developers? Good fucking luck.
CHA improves quest rewards, NPC interactions, and vendor prices. If you haven't played the game with max CHA, you missed out on some really great items (especially for when you can get them).
Even an 18 DEX only drops your AC by 4, and that's hardly noticeable if you aren't using heavy armor and a shield as well. Having a 6 even by midgame is a drop in the bucket, and everything will still hit you. And with everything hitting you, having an extra 2HP per level isn't going to save you. Only fighters/paladins/rangers can get more than 2hp per level from CON.