I'm thinking about getting the GPD XD. Is it worth it? What is the best emulator I can get for under 200 dollars?
What handheld emulator to get for xmas?
That's the best one. I have it and it's god tier for emulation.
Any problems with it so far? I heard that you can somehow brick it if you aren't careful. What emulation doesn't work with it?
GameCube is the only one that I have a problem with since the dev doesn't update it anymore. But aside from that no problems at all, never been bricked at all either and I heard you can OC it as well.
Wait you can play GameCube on it? I thought it only did emulation up to PS1/dreamcast era? Can you run Ps2 on GPD XD?
stop pretending that the vita is relevant
It can emulate loads of stuff when hacked
No. You can't play GameCube or ps2. They run very badly.
Dreamcast works though.
You already have a phone
I literally have a flip phone
then why are you pissing money on a handheld game system
get your priorities in order lol
Fuck smart phones. Too much money
>i dont have the money to spend on a phone
>but i have the money to spend on something literally only useful for playing games when outside
This, goodness sakes OP, decent smart phones these days can be got for the same price as that GPD your intrested in
Although I think that controller attachment is gimmicky as fuck, you need to get your priorities in order
He didn't say he doesn't have the money, he said a smartphone is too much money.
it does literally what he wants, AND more for the same price. his literally saying he cant afford something that does the same shit, but wants to buy something that does the same shit, but less of it
Maybe he wants proper controls in a portable format. I wouldn't blame him for not wanting to carry around a controller
>playing games in public
Nothing wrong with that.
Not him, but I love playing games on my android.
The smaller screen makes older games look terrific.
>not playing armored core: master of arena while taking a shit
then buy a fucking phone with decent controls. theres MORE then just goddamn iphones. get a slide out keyboard. hell, some company was coming out with a modern smart phone flip phone, wait for that shit if your that autistic
Just get a Moto G4 and a gamepad.
>stop pretending that the vita is relevant
Noone has to pretend. Vita still getting lots more games even when 3ds and wii u are dead.
get the win, not xd
Reddit please go
Sad thing is, is that I know you're fucking 100% serious