>Nationality: Swedish
>Accent: Scottish
Nationality: Swedish
>Nationality: Swedish
>Accent: ISIS
your gay
Something something future something something white people still existing
There, now thats out of the way
What's with blizzard forcing Dwarves into their scifi games.
because dwarves are le epic! :D
everyone in sc2 seems to have fucked up proportions
everything else should be gassed
Since World of Warcraft that's the only thing they actually understand how to do, so they unintentionally make everything else they make WoW-y.
Never spoken to an actual Scot, have you?
>not gassing elves
>implying knife-ears shouldn't be gassed
I've fucked ur actual mom.
He sounds absolutely nothing like a Scotsman.
he's a scottish man either born or moved to sweden.
>literally a no true scotsman
Sounds nothing like Scottish.
Source: I'm Scottish.
Not your user, but
>having feelings for fairy-ass knife-ears always getting themselves into trouble with dumb magic shit
Dwarves > Long-uns > what have you > Knife-ears
irl we have
>nationality: swedish
>color: black
>languages spoken: {set of arab shit}, no swedish
Patrician sense
reminder that since everyone turns out to be gay later on, nobody should ever take video game related tattoos unless you suck dicks
>le knife-ear psh nothin personnel muh human superiority le rape of le elves le muh superior race
t. Angry half elf-human girl
Because dwarves like elves, after Tolkien are awesome
Sounds more Irish but even that's a stretch.
How many elves does it take to screw in a light bulb?
None, they'll use magic and fuck up half the world.
I mean, that would still take at least one elf, but okay
>come get your armor
>not playing with nip voices
>being this hard of a weeb
Shouldn't you be shitting up someone's game as Genji?
>not doing it for the girls
dude, come on, don't talk like a fag.
>"I have big plans for Jews!"
What did he mean by this?