It's confirmed!!! SONYKEKS BTFO lmao
Really gives a proper tussling to the ol' wrinkly grey walnut.
more like death BLANDING
Kojima's a hack
That's cool PC bro, looks like a good game. Now we get to enjoy it together. The more the merrier I say.
I read the interview and he didn't even say anything about DS or on what platforms it comes out.
The latest official info is that it's ps4 exclusive due to the engine.
why is his necklace made out of usb sticks?
It's been confirmed since the announcement.
Game'll be shit anyway, with no one to put Kojimbo in line he'll just make a movie like he's always wanted.
gonna need a source on that...
>gamespot are the only ones who still keep parroting the pc port
False flag
The latest official info from Sony is that its "Console Exclusive," which is what they said in their E3 press release for the game. The fact that they're not shouting "ONLY ON PS4" from the rooftops is extremely telling.
It makes sense for them to allow KojiPro to use their engine since, as the publisher, they'd need to foot the bill if they chose UE4 or something. Using Guerilla's engine saves them money.
>Kojima given increasingly wider freedom after MGS1
>we recieved the masterpieces of MGS2 and 3, MGS4 was pretty good besides the gameplay/cutscene ratio, Peace Walker was also good
>Konami starts going 1984 on KojiPro with MGSV
>Game is still good but unfinished as hell
>Kojima wasnt allowed to talk to his team for the final 6 months
>KojiPro employees harassed, monitored, emails restricted to 3 a day
>Kojima was the problem with MGSV
Le ebin kill yourself.
its going to be hard to avoid spoilers
>false flags
Watch the entire video user. It's only a minute short
Who cares. No one even knows the genre of that game, if it is even a game.
MGSV was the only good MGS tho.
>putting platform wars over enjoying the next ludo by our boy Kojimbles
>MGS1, 2, 3, 4, PW
>Not good
I'll give you 4 and PW, but the others? Factually incorrect.
MGSV does have the best gameplay though, the others come together as a tighter, more controlled package.
Gamespot has been saying the game is going to come out on pc since forever, with the only source being a deleted Q&A. There's no official source that confirms this
literally no gameplay
Or anything else really
>usb sticks
>published by Sony Computer Entertainment
user, since when has SCE published PC games? I wish this would come to PC too but that's a pretty strong indicator that Death Stranding is stuck with Sony.
I'll just ask then, What's in that more controlled package other than gameplay and story that turned into a mess after the first one, after all this time I still don't know what people see in these games.
>user, since when has SCE published PC games?
It's going to be a movie m8. You can watch it on whatever platform you want.
oh shit, some indie games getting ported to pc isn't exactly the same as a AAA flagship title but I'm gonna hold onto that small thread of hope
also Sony Online Entertainment was an entirely separate entity, they had nothing to do with the branch of Sony that made console games
The stories arent really that confusing if you pay attention, they each have two concurrent plots, the simple story its following, and the hidden story its telling.
For example, MGS2 is a deliberate retread of MGS1, a lone soldier stopping a terrorist takeover, but the hidden plot is a post modern set of theories and ideas about the information age and the nature of the internet, self, and censorship, as well as the nature of memes in regards to society, using the gameplay to communicate this better than any movie ever could.
Its interesting desu.
>MGSV has the best gameplay
Do you mean controls? It has the best controls, but gathering herbs, Extract Prisoner #2137 and the like were not what I'd call MGS gameplay. Hell, there were only two bossfights, and virtually no memorable boss characters other than SF, who has more screen time in GZ. TPP was incomplete, and I don't think anyone would argue that, but I think if Kojima had still gotten another two years, it still would've failed as an MGS entry. I'm concerned the guy has lost whatever it was that he had. I guess we will see definitively with DS.
the first two are Sony Computer Entertainment you dipstick.
yeah, that's why i posted the steam screencap of those first 2
thank you gamespot shill
Kojima is Sony 1st party now. Better buy those Playstations if you ever want to play another one of his games.
Well he got taste
>Sony is publishing the project
>The game uses Sony's internal engine
>Sony execs are directly involved with development
How the fuck would this EVER come to PC?
But what is the actual game like?
Yeah Konami did that because in more than half a decade he accomplished fucking nothing while bleeding money at a ridiculous rate
doubtful, since this game is going to use Sony's engine
>the best game Kojima has ever made (MGS3) still has no PC port
Really stimulates your brain cells
inb4 MGS2 memers
>no game play footage
This was already revealed like a month ago or so
>>Sony is publishing the project
I-It doesn't m-matter it was the mobile division.
I don't want a PC port. Stop bloating our catalog of games with more stupid movie games. I fucking blame you Kojimadrones for even letting him exist in this industry.
controls and gameplay
>Sony owns the engine
>Sony literally owns the Death Stranding trademark
>Sony is directly involved with development
Yes and?
Sony owns everything of that mobile shit game and also was directly involved with development, just not on the scale of a AAA game.
>Tomokazu Fukushima writes the codecs, script, research, scenario, etc. for MGS 1-3.
>Instant classics, true kino, that stand to this day as a testament to the medium.
>Tomokazu goes on to make Ghost Babel on his own between drunken trips to the pantyhose bar pissing himself and eating Hello Kitty riceballs.
>Tomokazu, sensing Hideo is a worthless hack, asks for dismissal from Konami so he may pursue a different profession.
>Kojima, now with bloated budgets and finding himself spearheading more of Tomokazu's duties, produces PW, MGS4, MGS5, and a hallway sim... All of which are the worst work of his career.
Why do Kojima games always seem so cool at first but end up so boring?
>implying le generic cinematic experience "game" 2016 is worth the bandwidth
The gameplay was bad.
What is Fukushima up to these days?
The codec missing from MGSV was a bummer, the characters are so fucking boring in V, besides Kaz.
Also Ghost Babel was amazing, maybe one of the best games on the Gameboy Color.
Xbone slave here
fuck my fucking dumb ass life shit
>Implying the writing in MGS4 is bad
Sure theres oddities but it did an impressive job tying up the franchise until then, thats nothing to scoff at.
And Kojima has wanted to end the series for a long time now. MGSV was also half done when it was rushed out, its kind of unfair to judge him on those. I'll give you Peace Walker though, but he did admit it was designed for portable sessions on the way to school or work, not really along the same lines as the others.
In addition, he's a fantastic director, evidently he's also the only thing keeping KojiPro functional going off of MGS:R.
Nobody knows. Some people literally say he's dead, was fired, kidnapped by aliens. There's only one picture of the nigga' on the internet.
Just a reminder to calm everyone down.
And no, Kojima didn't say that anywhere, the Gamespot slave simply assumed DeathStranding platforms, it wasn't even from the interview.
Tell me more about this pantyhose bar.
>was directly involved with development
Do you know what "source" means, you massive retard?
Is that true? The Knack hack?
>Article doesn't say anything about PC version of Death Stranding.
>Still talking about that redacted Q&A from 2015
Oh im laffin!
Didn't sony do the same with the sfv?
No man, it wasn't. It was fucking retarded, you're retarded. Great they tied up all the loose ends...
At a cost of story, plot, pacing, characters that are worth a fuck. It was a just a clusterfuck of smooshing in all the loose ends... And the execution was shit. The ending has to be one of the worst things anyone has ever been paid for creatively.
Nope thats a capcom title. There may be a partnership with Sony in some fashion, but its propably nothing more than a console exclusivity moneyhat.
I don't see bloodborne on pc.
Wouldn't Sony then also make money from copies sold on PC? Perhaps they don't expect this to be a massive seller on PS4, what did MGSV sell? Probably not the millions and millions of copies Sony would want after investing their time and money. Sony knows the majority of their customers primarily buy GTA, Call of Duty and sports games, perhaps they want to make sure they'll get the returns they want by releasing this weird Japanese pseudo-movie on PC as well.
nope, customizable and very open ended. It's a classic of it's genre.
>Can't run on PC due to the engine
>An engine designed to only run on x86 architecture can't run on x86 architecture
Ok then
>1 year old game
>Mustards think a game comprised entirely of first-party Sony engines, tools, and developers is coming to PC
Wew lads. It's okay, in 2018 when it comes out you can come over and watch me play it.
>Thinking the instruction set language has anything to do with system design and architecture
Its easy to spot tech illiterates.
Sony had literally all mentions of a PC version deleted, until I hear something official I'm not gonna believe it.
Besides, it's a movie, might as well watch it on YT.
>Perhaps they don't expect this to be a massive seller on PS4
He didn't make knack retard
>Besides, it's a movie
t. PCfat
>bleeding money
>at a ridiculous rate
>80 million for an open world game and an engine that they could have used to make any Triple A game
>in 4 years
>MGSV makes more than twice it's budget in less than 24 hours
>implying companies give a fuck about the quality of their games
I'm very happy Kojima is developing games and that Konami is getting the boot from the videogame industry, and that MGS is dead.
But hey, at least Konami will give you what you want, a cheap game made in 9 months with a $30 budget.
dude what
Is it possible for you to discuss something without going into an autistic rage?
MGSV costed only 10 million more than MGS4, the development time was just as long, and on top of that it gave Konami their own Forstbite, plus, the game made mad money.
Konami fired Kojima because they wanted to milk MGS hard and fast.
same here, i wish more game could do cross play for online, and also that console could use KB+M
but still, i wonder what this game is about
>i have no idea how video games are developed or how literally any video game for PC works.
Give me a single example of good writing in MGS4.
>it did an impressive job tying up the franchise
Sure, in a terrible way.
But then I forget i'm in Sup Forumseddit and obese contrarians now automatically praise the previous entry.
Stay in denial, sonyfags. You'll end up on another collage.
>Sony had literally all mentions of a PC version deleted, until I hear something official I'm not gonna believe it.
If they had to remove it, that means it's real and don't want the truth out so soon. Only after when the game releases in Q4 2018
>Besides, it's a movie, might as well watch
Sorry to disappoint you but it's going to be an action game that relyies on the community to solve puzzles so they can progress the story, like PT. After the fucking disaster of solving PT that took MONTHS and the stalling of nuclear disarmament which actually has locked content to download for GZ at Konami's servers (besides the scene that was data mined in TPP), you probably won't ever be able to see the YT movie of death stranding
Not because it doesn't have cutscenes. But he causes the fans are too fucking retarded to play along Kojima's game
>people are looking forward to a game with 0 gameplay shown
Nice projecting
>he accomplished nothing
Except a massively succesful game that was praised everywhere?
>praised everywhere?
not on Sup Forums
>published by Sony Computer Entertainment
Yeah, on PS4. Self-publishing on PC is not difficult.
Sony explicitly stated upon its unveiling that Bloodborne was fully PS4-exclusive. When DS was unveiled, all they stated was that it was console exclusive. Again, pretty telling.
Best thing to come out of this game
I love how you Sonykeks always go "WE WUZ PEACEFUL n shit" when things don't go well for your side.
>the stalling of nuclear disarmament which actually has locked content to download for GZ
Literally what
Oh wow, i'm sure Konami was devastated over what 20 neckbeards said on a has-been website.
I call them flash drives
Gamshit is just repeating the same old bogus article that was never confirmed. Seriously why expect anything from a "journalist"