What was his endgame?
What was his endgame?
Family, it was always family.
At first it was Duck and Katija, but of course that shit didn't work out.
Later it became Clementine and AJ, but, well we know that didn't work out too well either.
RIP Sweet Prince. :'(
dying a fitting retarded death
Why did they keep him alive for 2 seasons just to kill him off in the beginning of the third season?
Am pretty sure they don't plan that shit that far in advance, Hell, I'm not sure they even knew there'd be a Season 2 when they "killed him" in Season 1 in the first place.
like telltale is going to do an entire long path for jane and kenny. its easier to just kill them off.
Only hope I have now is that anyone with a Wellington ending will get to reunite with him later. As far as I'm concerned, if we don't see his body then he's not dead.
ment for
What? In my game Clem was just kind of "there". Nothing about Kenny or Jane whatsoever.
I started a new game with no carryover data so does it default to both Jenny and Jane dead?
He died for most people who played season 2.
They can't really keep characters alive for long after they give you a "choice" between two. The story would get so complex you'd be making 10 different games or one shitty game where characters can easily be replaced in every scene.
You don't see the flashbacks until quite far into the episode, but as far as I'm aware, Kenny and Jane being dead or unknown is the only canon start to Season 3.
I figure it would make a randomly generated background, but you find out what happened in a Clem flashback in episode 2 (I think).
I think it might work to some degree. You'd have to downplay their role though.
So far... looking at everything in S3, Kenny could have just been around Clem. Being more quiet than usual. Tell me a single scene that would be impossible to do and I write down a work-around method.
Getting rid of the Wellington situation somehow might have been neccesary though.
>Kenny returns to Wellington to see if they have room now
>see it's in shambles, Clem and AJ nowhere around
>finds his hat, assumes they were killed and wanders around thinking he's failed
>doesn't find the hat and assumes they made it out
>goes on a journey to reunite muh family
TT pls
To die before they could fuck his character up as egregiously as they did to Clem in ANF
janefags on suicidewatch
>never got his boat
>didn't get to help raise AJ right
>tells Clem she was his second chance right before dying
>ust wants muh family
He deserved better
Jane was better.
This is Telltale, i'd be suprised if he DIDN'T die
Better at running from responsibility
Better at being an annoying whore with monkey ears
>Where's muh family, asshole?!
Coward bitch better than someone who would gave their life still protecting family?
Janefags everyone
Better at hanging
Better at tying a noose, sure.
Obviously Kenny dies just so he can rise up once again three episodes later