So does the majority of Sup Forums hate this? If so, why? I really enjoyed it.
So does the majority of Sup Forums hate this? If so, why? I really enjoyed it
it's pretty good. people who've played it here tend to agree. but sjw something something.
>indie pixel trash
It's automatically shit
>but sjw something something.
it has nothing to do with that you fucking retard, the problem is that it was supposed to have 10x more content than it has.
I never finished because I'm stuck on the last boss and there arent any health packs hanging out
Was thinking of picking it up, expectations just being a 2d action rpg with good music. Worth it for the 13 it's on sale for?
something something sjw something something
Simply not fun
It goes too far in to colectathon territory to stretch out the content.
It's alright, pretty fun game. Could've been longer but I didn't pay much anyways.
Since some point this year you can also play in 60 FPS which is pretty cool.
Too lazy to go back to it
literally SJW: The Videogame
>I hate everything so i shitpost
because it's was pretty shit when it was out and the dev didn't add some feature that was on their kickstarter.
And forbidden names in the credit.
>while the creator literally poured out his heart into it
It's literally about a heart decease you fucks
>Game is actually fine
>But it's made by a SJW so we must hate it
Sup Forums in an nutshell
How so? Like how actually is it? Or was there some controversy or something during its release?
what the fuck? it doesn't even have text. I'm only 1/3 through, but there's no sign of an SJW agenda yet.
Yeah the company is called Heart Machine. Why do people not get this?
something something outrage something sjw something something
Aren't there health packs literally right outside the boss door
I liked the style but it looks too bland to actually try it
>stuck on the last boss
wait how
That was like the 2nd easiest boss in the game.
Just don't get hit you noob
Fun as fuck, really enjoyed it when I played. Felt very kinetic, and quick combat full of combos was very possible if you got gud.
There were some annoying frustrating moment, but overall pretty great. Atmosphere, music, story, gameplay, all there.
>that title
>its not future initial d
>something something sjw something something
I'm gonna force it as a new ebin meme until you like it!
you managed to force a meme into the oval office, i don't see why i can't something something
At the end of the game, 'Drifter' finally has the time to go to sleep after his long battle. As he lays down to sleep you see him take off all of his armor, the final piece being his fake detachable penis--making him one of the more contemporary Trans characters in videogames.
thought it was a girl the whole time
wait, is this true?
now i'm legit curious
Seriously, off yourself. Making up shit is just pathetic.
One of my favorite games of all time.
I do wish some of the early concept stuff made it into the game (which is where the haters fuel their "SO MUCH CUT CONTENT" garbage even though it wasn't in the game to begin with) and I'd really like to explore more of the mystery in that universe, but it is easily one of the best games I have ever backed on kickstarter.
It's a hundred percent completion ending plus finding some hidden collectables and I mean HIDDEN. They're invisible unless you stand on them for a few seconds but they're essentially little 'patches,' not unlike hormone patches that people going under gender transitions may use. You may have gotten one or two in passing and not know what they were as their only purpose is for the ending. I believe it's also a metacriticism on the Trans culture itself as the patches are hidden, almost as if to say that this is a future that so discourages Trans culture to the point that those of that community have to make their resources invisible so as to use them. Pretty interesting stuff desu.
Literally the only indie pixel game that is good
I second this. Sjw and cuck are used to death. I'm making a push back to old insults like douchebag.
Never really played a game like this before. Thinking about getting it. Anyone play it?
It's a pretty strong 6/10, and that's ignoring the fact that it failed to deliver on literally everything promised on kickstarter besides it being a game.
2/10 for imagination. Still super obvious bate.
>I'm making a push back to old insults like douchebag.
back to red dit friend. try nigger and faggot. you roody poo candy ass
>Indie game locked to 30fps
junko is actually an imposter
fuck off with this bullshit
its my goty
It's almost like the bait is supposed to be blatently obvious so as to poke fun at how most indy games pander to trend culture to gain easy publicity. Being so fucking autistic that you can't even fathom a joke, or even allow a joke itself, I can't imagine your life going on any further. You should kill yourself. You should hang yourself and let everyone see your dead body dangling from the ceiling and known that those that do find you will find relief, finally, in no longer having to suffer your presence it's supposed to be bait.
Oh hell yeah. It's a great game. I don't know why Sup Forums hates fun. Literally no SJW shit like people are saying, fun Dark Souls/LTTP gameplay; my only complaint is the pixel art is a pseudo-isometric that gets a little confusing perspective wise, but mechanically this game is amazing. Also the animations and designs are top tier. If a triple A game with this same gameplay, art direction, but 3D models, I unironically think it would be a system seller.
dude why
It's pretty fucking obvious the moment the plot starts developing near the end anyway, but still, why
hehe xd so edgy
I loved it personally. Sad it was so short but if my only real complaint is that I want more of it then it really isnt a negative in my opinion.
I liked it, it was just really fucking short. It was like there were supposed to be bosses in each of the intercardinal directions.
>beat 3 bosses
>just stop playing before I even reach the south boss because I just lost interest
>find another game and never play it again
>don't even finish the other game I picked up.
And the cycle continues. Just stopped playing the Forest even though it has an ending, now just started to play my pirated copy of doom and probably won't finish it either.
>Since some point this year you can also play in 60 FPS which is pretty cool.
Oh shit, really? Reinstalling.
You might need to join the beta to activate it, that's how it used to be.
You mean danganronpa? No, this game is trash with some abysmal writing.