Let me start by saying I am not great at this game at all, but I have lots of fun playing it (most of the time)...

Let me start by saying I am not great at this game at all, but I have lots of fun playing it (most of the time). I have been really frustrated with it lately though, because I just can't seem to solo queue with a decent team. I am low ranking silver, and I feel like people at this rank just don't care. No one uses mics, they choose characters that just don't help the team at all, and rage quits happen almost every other game.

I would inagine that climbijg the ranks would he pretty fun, and having close, intense games is cool too, but I just never get that experience. I am not really good enough to carry a team either. Has anyone else experience this? I am on xbox by the way.


Switch to pc or just stop caring. Really your only options. That or find some friends (who are good) to play with.

Overwatch is 50/50 win/loss solo queue no matter what.

>I am on xbox by the way.

Stopped reading there.

That's also where I stopped reading the post.


Opinion discarded


I feel your pain, brother. This season I was placed 1800 silver, and have gone down as low as 10xx (my fault though, because I spawn killed as mccree and played no-heal mercy a ton).

But once I got bored of joking around and started playing seriously I made it all the way to 1960. The only thing keeping me from gold is my mongoloid teammates.

Me too

I know your pain OP, but PC isn;t any better.

I didn't have time to get into ranked again at the start of the new season, so now I have to play the 10 placement matches and it sucks. Queues take forever and everyone who cared about having a good game got in at the start of the season, so now I'm left with the retards.

I just spent an entire game with no one on my team countering bastion. I'd have done it myself, but I was the only healer.

Not to mention the game seems horribly laggy recently, but that might be my internet.

It makes playing the game a fucking chore and I decided to stop giving a shit.

How does playing on xbox have anything to do with it. I have a gaming PC as well, and will probably get overwatch on it eventually to see if its any different, but I have some old army buddies I play on xbox with. This why people hate "PC gamers" as if there is any difference.

I don't want to just stop caring. I will get it on PC as soon as I replace my motherboard. But too many people like to pretend there is a huge difference, its funny but annoying at the same time.

I must admit I'm a bit miffed myself, but I play games to relax and as soon as a game starts feeling like a chore it's over.

just keep playing and you'll get better games. it took me 21 hours into the season and now I'm finally matched with players similar to my skill, and not every game is a shutout. that's just how the front end of it always goes. but now I've settled in and games are decent.

mee three

Damn Im 4th?

I have been playing this game for a little while now. I am getting good enough to start carrying more I think, but I am not good enough to do it all the time, and even when I am carrying it doesn't always win us the game. I am just tired of seeing shitty Hanzos dping nothing, or worthless genjies who refuse to switch. Or 3 DPS characters and no tanks. WTF is that.

Solo queue is really 50/50. To really climb, try to find a 5 to 6 maybe even 4 man group, then at least you know you got some dedicated communication. In the meantime, if you're having fun, just keep improving yourself until you find a group.

Play lucio and let your team do all the hard work

Thats what I did and it ended up getting me to master

Its always the team, no matter what do you or where you go the randoms in your game will always take the blame. If not a single person is using a microphone then I bet you the enemy doesn't either, and as long as you continue doing your best (for example: communicating) then you'll have an advantage over the enemy team.

Climbing ladder will always be frustrating, but you really have to look at it long term. A 60% winrate is considered really good and you will definitely climb, however that also means that 40% of those games will be insufferable, frustrating losses that drags down your morale and makes you toxic.

Sometimes it really feels like you're not making a difference, but you really do. You're the only one communicating? The others are listening. You're the only one countering their heroes? You become the backbone for your team and doom for the enemies.

Just stay strong, user. Climb the ladder one step at a time and just push forward.

>solo queue
If you care about ranks, play with a team. That's all there is to it.

Trust me, shitty lucios are annoying. Not op but god damn i hated those shitters

Speedboost pls

>I am low ranking silver,

1. Pick Pharah
2. Win

If you can aim you will dominate. You won't meet any decent McCrees until 3000SR.

Duo with a friend is best for climbing. Climbed from 2750 to 2950 in a day. Working my way up, at 3075 now.

I had fun for the first 30-40h
Then i became quite good even soloing during the first season but it was just impossible getting better while having to rely on random people.
Overwatch was the only game that frustrated me to a point where i even had to ragequit and almost broke my controller.
If you dont want to give up on it then find a team of 5 capable people and play it as its supposed to be played.

same im in paladins by the way.

>place at 3700
>drop THOUSAND FUCKING SR because the only thing that matters in this shitty triple tank meta is which roadhog has the better hooks
>get down to platinum/diamond level
>while the triple tank meta is rare, everyone is just really fucking bad and the only deciding factor is who doesn't have that one completely useless DPS
I hate this game so much

I could never do that because I wouldn't feel like I deserve the rank. Unless I played a crazy Lucio like that DSPtanky guy