What does Sup Forums think of Chicken-chan aka LOTY 2016?
What does Sup Forums think of Chicken-chan aka LOTY 2016?
Sexiest 11 year old
She makes me choke my chicken.
I started playing the game recently and I appreciate the type of feel that movement and the camera angles have. It feels like the PS2 Dragon Quest games.
But I'll miss grid-based movement.
Have fun user S&M is a relaxing game
I do like that they heal your pokemon after every big fight. They know that the first thing everyone would do is run back to the pokemon center.
>click webm
>download button
what the fuck now I'm going to get all of the viruses
>that webm
has anyone got good webums for the sharpedo boosting animation?
> lolies
> not shotas
Good job. You're not only a pedo but a faggot on top of that kys
Has she got no top on?
Don't even have a 3DS and barely come to these threads but I had a dream I was at a gas station and saw Chicken-chan's hat for sale. It was so tiny that I picked it up and stretched it out until it looked like a glove and put it back.
I'm sick of her and hate the people who constantly spam her everywhere.
what am I even looking at
Topless loli
>my last pokeshitpost didn't get a single (You)
fuck off. Pokewaifu trash isn't vidya
Is that a mod or something?
She's a massive step down from Serena. Anyone with decent taste thinks she's not even in the top 5 of female Pokemon protagonists.
Look at this wrong ass opinion
Not vidya
We get it, it's near Christmas and you're all alone. Isn't there something you could do that's more productive than shitposting?
You're the shitposter tho. Keep your movietrash off of Sup Forums, pedo
why do cute anime creatures like boigahs so much?
>FUCK he called me out on my shitpost thread
>I'm the one posting bait, but I'll accuse HIM of doing it!
take your pedobait movie and fuck off
>make strawman
>h-hah, b-btfo
>not even denying samefagging
exactly. Stay mad, pedo.
>Chicken-fags SEETHING
May, Dawn, Serena, Leaf and Hilda are all better than Chicken Bitch. Get over it.
100% agree. Only lyrafags would like this trash.
t. pedophile
I want to fuck her 11 year old asshole
lol mad
Any good romhack for S&M?
This guy has good taste
stay. mad.
>not one, but two may figs coming out early 2017
this gon be a good year
>that webm
Where can I find more of this?
>he thinks my strawman is retarded, that means HE'S the strawman
you two are both retarded and just jerking each other off for (you)s fucking do something interesting or cut it out
t. Pedophile
imagine being so buttblasted that you save 500 shitpost images in case someone triggers you.
Stay mad ;)
When will Trump pass a law so we can backtrace to you fucks and put you all in an Asylum.
What are you keeping track or something.
How about you turn around so I can see your...face
See that? Even the Pokemon company knows that May is money.
How can one user's taste be this shit?
lol holy shit go get a hobby faggot. Then you'll stop being such a salty shitposter
enough with the baitposting
get to the dl link
That picture is basically me and I don't even care anymore. It's not like a real woman would ever want to be with me anyway, so who cares if I fap to lolis.
Looks like she's wearing a tank top thats a similar color to her skin.
that shitposter, apparently
lose some weight and stop sweating so much though
>Liking scrawny chipmunk face May
Your loss.
>stop sweating so much
>Rule 10: No spamming or flooding of any kind. No intentionally evading spam or post filters.
>that user is the only one spamming
lose weight, (possibly prescription) anti-perspirants if it's spray on trim your pits first so the hair doesnt get in the way, it's winter so open a window
>n-no please! I-It's not muh fault
fuck off shitposters. There are rules for a reason
Rule 10
>pretending that's spam
good luck m8
>Still lusting after human girls when Salazzle exists