Fuck. This. Sale.
I was really counting on at least a 40% off sale on civ VI or total war: warhammer, but it looks like I got fucked. I just want a good RTS that will also take advantage of my rig. Should I just settle on Atilla?
Fuck. This. Sale.
I was really counting on at least a 40% off sale on civ VI or total war: warhammer, but it looks like I got fucked. I just want a good RTS that will also take advantage of my rig. Should I just settle on Atilla?
Other urls found in this thread:
>I was really counting on at least a 40% off sale on civ VI
>game literally released 2 months ago with huge playerbase
>40% off
Also, if you're looking for RTS that takes advantage of hardware, get either Ashes of the Singularity or Grey Goo. Neither is particularly great, but there hasn't been a "good" rts since SupCom and CoH1.
>Jew refuses to play a game because it isn't 40% off
you should wait on Civ 6 until they do a big sale with all their dlc bullshit bundled with it
Those games just came out... ... ...
Just buy real grand strategy. Don't waste time on babyshit.
My personal rule is to never spend more than 30 dollars on a game. Sorry.
Honestly, my dream is Warcraft III, that'll never happen though because of WoW.
>just picked up Attila and all the DLC for 32 leafs
thanks, OP!
Just get cdkey from some store if you want better deal.
peecee gaymin
hey OP, whats your steam
>a 40% sale
>on a game released 2 months ago
Currency isn't natively supported and refuse to to overcharged on conversation rates
Warhammer is garbage. Attila actually has sieges worth a shit and combat that isn't giant trash knocking around other trash.
what is?
Why? Do you want to be the best of buds?
>that'll never happen though because of WoW.
seems silly desu. they released starcrat 2 while wow was still going. same with diablo 3.
You would think they would have even more incentive to release warcraft 4 with wow going because people who are into wow will be more likely to cross over to a new genre if it is the same fantasy setting they already like.
Blizzard could have the rts release part of the story for the mmo before it is revealed for the mmo. (do people play wow for the story at all? i think maybe) All the free advertising they get from wow would be great.
Mind telling me why it's garbage? I was going to grab. I've played all of the other Total war games, what makes this one different?
i'm was going to gift you TW warhammer steam code. i bought 2 msi motherboards that had it on promo. but you see, now that i've announced this many people will reply with their steam IDs. :/
kek, these aren't even sales.
I can get the retail copies at lower prices.
Why does anybody spend money at the Steam Store?
Really? I've heard a lot of great things about warhammer. And I just prefer the high-fantasy genre in general.
>Warcraft III
>Never Happening
Wat? Did you went in a Nuclear Bunker after the 9/11, fearing the WWIII, and came out only a few days ago, missing the 2002 Warcraft III release?
Mainly the 75%-90% off franchise sales. Sometimes their sales are retarded, but a lot of the time they're fantastic.
Attila is pretty good imo, after maybe 3-4 campaigns the default factions all kind of blend together and it gets a bit repetitive, but with that being said $11 is a decent price for the amount of hours you'll probably get out of 3-4 full campaigns on a higher difficulty.
Sorry, I meant Warcraft IIII
Oh, well if this is real my ID is Thoriar. You'll have to play some matches with me.
With total war games you at least double the price to get all the DLC.
well i just added the both of you faggots. first person who accepts will get the code
It's a £50 PC game. We're not the jews here.
Have you tried the Hyrule: Total War mod? 4.0's got one or two bugs but fuck it it's free and it isn't all just shades of brown and grey attacking different shades of brown and grey in brown and grey surroundings
>Warcraft IIII
I am on a board with people so retarded they cant even count to 4 in roman numerals
its IV kid, not IIII
not him but some clocks that use roman numerals use IIII instead of IV. It's fuckin' dumb but it does happen.
OP here. This man right here is a saint. Merry Christmas to you all.
Lucky you
Empire is the most fun race
Not him but it's the most streamlined/shallow TW game loaded with DLC and only 4 factions on launch. The magic system is shit too and the game will flaunt DLC in your face whenever you go in a menu.
Why do all you faggots expect new releases to be 90% off by the sale?
Civ VI was $45 at Target a week or two ago. A physical copy, at a retail store, was on sale for less than the digital copy on Steam.
No Target where I live, small town.
Do the sales get better as they go on? currently there is mark down on the DLC for TW Warhammer.
I also think that the time difference equating to better mark downs is arbitrary Doom was only released in the same month as Warhammer and is 67% off.
>40% off on a game that came out a few months ago
Just bought the Dead Space pack for like 5€. Feels pretty good. I haven't played either of them since their respective release and figured they deserve a second run.
Based on what? Even at $100 a good game has insane value for money in hours of entertainment
Just pirate them all.
how good is shogun 2 + the expac, compared to the other in the franchise?
Any good racing games on sale that won't get boring after a few hours?
Probably gonna wait until after Christmas to buy anything since the sales don't change now, but is there anything I should look out for?
Shovel Knight is still only 33% off. This is fucking GTAV tiers of Jewishness, except they don't even have the excuse of being Rockstar.
please help me remove something from my list
Why does it feel better play games you bought with hard earned money? The only games I like pirating are ones I can beat quickly like TWD or something short.
>counting on at least a 40% off sale on civ VI or total war: warhammer
What parallel universe are you from?
I mean, those are all great choices and will most certainly keep you entertained for a long time. I'd take nothing off if this is all you will spend.
remove witcher man, its way to much
Should I Sup Forums?
Can't say I share the feeling. I don't meant to sound insulting, but it might just be the sunk cost fallacy. When you pay for a game you may subconsciously be inclined to enjoy it more. Which is fine because if you perceive it to be more fun then that is what should matter from your point of view.
forgot cart because i'm a retard
Is this your first your as a PC gamer...?
Retail is always cheaper for newer games.
Get ready to kill a good and caring daddy.
Gehenna is really good.
Pre-ordered it for -10% and was fully satisfied.
why? I bet it won't get cheaper until like 2018
No worries I wish it was a feeling I could shake. I just like being able to gloss over my Steam collection, playtime and achievements.
>wanna buy games
>will have to go outside AND talk to people to pay for them
I guess i'll just stay inside and pirate them.
is America such a police state now that you have to go outside to buy games on Steam?
Is Far Harbor worth it?
Any games focused on sword or melee combat available on Steam? I've already played the three Dark Souls games, Lords of the Fallen and Metal Gear Rising
What the fuck is a fjern?
all clocks do, and it's the only use case scenario where it's permissable
>expecting a 40% sale on games that haven't even been out for a year
Either you're retarded or you got swept up in the steam sale memes completely warping your expectations for your first sale.
what the fuck do you think? look at your own cart and compare them
Why would you recommend that he removes the best game on his list?