This kills the sonyggers.
This kills the sonyggers
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fuck off with these shitty ass console war bait false flagging gay ass threads you fucking gay faggot
i hope you get fucking permabanned. kill yourself
it was meant to be played on PS4 though
peacocks are basically playing a port
>own a ps4
>will play this game
>people with a PC can now also play this game
How am I getting killed from this? Enjoy the game.
post the video that this was from
t. bootyblasted sonygger
Dude I'm so glad you made a thread about this I couldn't find one in the CATALOG
It's just Gamespot being stupid and assuming it's still coming to PC because their database once said it did probably
>I-Its ok, I-I never cared it was an exclusive anyways!
You keep a catalogue of threads? Get help, seriously.
>have a PS4 and PC
>Get to enjoy the game on whatever platform most of my friends are playing it on because I don't care about console war faggotry.
I too remember being underage OP.
I'm happy for you guys actually. It's not like it's a given that good-looking console games get PC ports. Have fun
>ever caring about PC ports
You have to go back
>Literally the only thing that hints at a PC release is the redacted Q&A from 2015
Keep believing boys it just might happen.
>having friends
>Anyone against console war shitposting is a butthurt sonygger!
This is why no one likes you mustard fags. Instead of spending time talking about the game, you just want to shitpost and arrogantly look down on people who play on consoles. Get the fuck off that high horse.
Anyone start listening to Low Roar after the first trailer?
I'm listening to 0, the album with 'I'll Keep Coming' on it.
It's good music.
haha shitposting, how original and hilarious
Wouldnt xbots be the one that died if anything? I dont get it
>I'm against consolewars!
>You mustardfags
PC niggers need to stop acting like PS4 owners care. Fucking good. You get to play Kojima's new game too. Want a cookie?
Video games are really expensive to make nowadays. PC is a neutral platform. That said sonyggers are so obsessed with exclusives being their saving grace it's funny to see shit like this.
no because sonyggers can't be arsed to play on win10
Your butthurt is amazing. The fact is sonyfags shit on everyone and everything. Soon as you lose an exclusive, to PC to no less, you scream damage control.
Also please learn the proper use of the word "arrogant." Idiots like you who throw it around so easily are the definition of it.
Sony's own press release for the game, the only time they've mentioned its exclusive status, calls it