>NES classic costing the equivalent of $300
I hate hueland.
When will retailers learn that just because something is new doesn't mean they can ask for a kidney as payment
>NES classic costing the equivalent of $300
I hate hueland.
When will retailers learn that just because something is new doesn't mean they can ask for a kidney as payment
Other urls found in this thread:
>living in a country that accepts kidneys as payment to begin with
You are absolutely correct but you also want to buy that shitty cashgrab so I don't give a fuck.
Nintendo left the country so retailers have to import their products through official channels.
just don't go shopping for vidya in big-box stores. you can get it for $230.
>There are people who actually pay half their fucking salary for a SNES in this country.
I wanted to talk my friend out of buying a Snes for 400 reais at a "collector's shop" and just being a sensible person and emulating it on his PC instead. But nope. He bought it. I actually felt fucking bad to see someone get ripped off like this.
This is the reason why the country's this way. People know they are getting ripped off on a daily basis but they still do it.
I actually don't.
Heard some normies talking about Nintendo's "new" console, the NES classic edition.
Didn't even know it was being sold here, googled it and saw the ridiculous pricetag.
It's disgusting
>posted from a capitalistic country
Damn, $400? If only my sibilings didn't destroy my SNES...
Also, the price on the OP is already in dollars.
Custo brasil uma ova. Existe um fodido lucro brasil.
>tfw you can find them at thrift stores for $12 pretty much anywhere
I know a guy that bought a replica of a Minecraft sword (not done with wood or anything, a shitty one done with eva) at a convention for 70 reais, lost it while leaving, and came back to buy another one for the same price.
What's even appealing about the classic? Emulation does a better job and has more games for zero money.
>tfw you can go to a public hospital and treat any kind of deasease any time in Brasil, even covering expensive medicines and surgeries
>if you get sick in the US you'll have to pay a huge amount of money and you're fucked
Why so unciviliezed?
It's legal I guess.
>Captcha said I should select all street signs.
>tfw you can go to a public hospital and treat any kind of deasease any time in Brasil, even covering expensive medicines and surgeries
Meus lados. Go ahead, go to public healthcare to get that disease treated, famalam. I'll guarantee you'll get that treatment in under 50 years tops!
Why not just buy an actual NES at that point?
was it the VG Museum?
those fucks have the nerve to import stuff off eBay, reseal it and then sell it as MIB. they actually tried to pass off a heavily used GBLight in a mangled box for 450 bananas, 'great condition' the fuck behind the counter told me.
the worst part is the service. the guy I just mentioned is the owner and he can't even be hassled to look you in the eye.
My uncle has been shot in the face and lost the sight of one eye around 1/2 months ago. He has treated normally and got his surgery done one day after. My mother, aunt, grandmother all get a lot of medicine for free from their public hospitals.
Because people who aren't poor can pay it, cuck
Because it has a power button, a controller and an HDMI out. You plug it in, turn it on and choose a game. Emulation is much harder for your typical consumer to manage. Not only that but few nerds want to spend money on an emulation box for emulation up to PS1/64/Saturn for their parents. Its hardly expensive but being the tech wiz will grate on anyone.
>Being proud of being ripped off
Good goy
>it's another emulation is too hard episode
I swear everytime I hear this argument about emulation being complicated for the average player, it feels insulting. My 11 year old brother knows how to set up and run emulators, for fucks sakes.
Most consumers are afraid of what would happen if they tried something as legally complicated as emulating copyrighted material without paying. I can't even talk about tv with my parents because they will inevitably ask if but don't even want to hear that i'm just streaming everything without paying for it. My younger sister won't even try to torrent.
Yeah, because paying 1000 temers (rougly 300 dolars in gringo money) for an 8bit emulator box is sure something to be pround of.
If I shouldn't be proud of it, then why are you jealous of me
>um ps3 usado custa mais hoje no Brasil do que no lançamento nos EUA
There are complete ROM sets in archive.org. You'll have to login to check the content.
Download this, then buy an HDMI cable and XBOX360 controller, install retroarch and you're set for life.
>Buying a literal emulator
You deserve to be scammed as hard as possible
Because retards keep paying for it. It's like car prices. There isn't a tax to justify it, just stupid fucks accepting to pay double and calling it cheap.
So pointing out your being conned out of your money is being "jealous"? Well, I have this little bridge in russia to sell and...
l hope the retarded BR government somehow ban Steam and Battlenet. Maybe then we would be truly free from those subhuman zikamonkeys
>If it works here it should work there
I'm not sure what else you're trying to say, but getting treated a full day after getting shot in the face is nothing to boast about.
I am Mexican and it's 90$
What the fug?
Idk why people around here would do that. You can emulate that shit anywhere.
Besides you can get a original NES in São Paulo for 1/4 of the price with maybe some games.
To be fair only literal retards do that since there are ways to get cars for a decent price.
Care to explain how brazilians bother you on Steam? This is just blatant prejudice with no reason.
In Brazil you'd have to be a fucking idiot to buy console games and retail games, I keep seeing these dudebro dads spending 250 Temers for the newest Call of Duty, or any other game that lasts for 5 hours without a second fucking thought.
>When will retailers learn that just because something is new doesn't mean they can ask for a kidney as payment
When your government reduces the tariff on foreign goods
brazilians usually fuck americans in the arse in dota, cs or any multiplayer game out there
>some guy in Argentina's equivalent of eBay is selling it at $200
>12 units sold
And this is why this country fucking sucks
even in pc the price is catching up
they are releasing games at 200 temers or more now, its ridiculous
never ever
>tfw hyped for AC7
>mfw it doesnt matter because would have to sell my fucking soul to get a PS4+VR+game
Chilean here.
Console was from $103 to $118, sold out immediately.
Socialism at its finest.
There isn't enough tariffs to justify that fampai.
>this fucking posts
jesus fuck
Then you just get better at those games and everything is fine.
how is this price even possible
1 dollar +- = 3 reais
its around 60 dollars
so in a direct conversion we would have to pay 180~~200 reais
how the flying fuck this goes to 1000 temers?
Then do something
Raise up, it's what Marx would have wanted
Do they still sell PSP-1001 yeah, I know battery here? Mine is fucked and lasts a few hours.
>download one program and install it
>download whatever rom you want
>open the rom with the program you've installed
>play the rom
That's literally it.
In PC is way more fucking insult I feel because there is no gamebox, import taxes or added value, they're literally charging you extra money for a digital download, you're paying 200 bucks for a game that probably won't run that well in your Toaster and you're going to give more money to whoever's idea was to charge full price for a digital download
Taxes and malandragem.
lucro brasil my nigga
If by fucking people you meant having high ping, extremely bad manners, horrible skills at any game and speaking that caveman like language you are right.
There is a reason why nobody likes HUEmonkeys.
Extremamente rude!
>Brazilian weeb
Não sei por que todo mundo ainda fala inglês aqui, gringo nunca entra em thread br.
>the country with largest number of japanese people outside japan
>get shot in the fucking face
>its OK, just wait until the next day to be treated
The funny thing is that Japanese usually see Brazilians aa disgusting monkeys
força do hábito
so what are you playing huebros
I just beat Vanquish yesterday and got started on Bloodborne, thinking of continuing Kingdom Hearts 1.5 as well
You get charged more because your fucking monopoly colored play money isn't worth as much as the american dollar
>he didn't get the fuck out yet
writing from >a fucking leaf
life's great here and the salary as a minor employee is enough to live off of. What the hell are you still doing in that hellhole, monkeys?
Better to be a monkey than a brainwashed degenerate living in weed wonderland
>mfw BR on the other side of the wall
>mfw watching my country burn while comfy
It must burn to the ground lads, so it can be rebuilt from scratch.
no, retard. the monopoly price would be something like 120-180. they're charging 200+. they're charging as if there was tax on online games, which there isn't
I am Mexican, and I've been considering moving to Canada.
Anyway, I'm travelling there for vacations since we don't need visa to travel to Canada anymore.
>being proud of living in satan's urethra
enjoy your gambling taxes on video games, faggotron
...not really
not him but BR has ways and ways to go to even begin to talk shit about other first world countries.
you become first world first monkey, then you can talk
>paying for video games
>paying for movies
>paying for things you can get for free
>In fucking Brazil
You tell me what's like living in Satan's uretha
How about you give my johnson a little kiss
>being forced to beg for pc ports because it takes 5 salaries to buy a fucking console
>meanwhile it takes 2 weeks of minimum wage to buy a ps4 to play the game that you want
jej, you tell me monkey
Been thinkin about this later, fellow macaco. How's immigration there? I'm an university drop out, can't stand how these places are becoming hug boxes for liberal crybabies and MST undercover agents.
I just wanna work and live like a decent human being.
>other countries magically can't pirate media because I said so
let's talk about the brazilian education system while we're at it
I'm here through an exchange program but I'm pretty sure I can just keep extending my stay if I'm working. Haven't really looked it up yet, but coming back after the first time is pretty easy if I have to do it
Look up "Experimento Intercâmbio" if you want your hand held through the process; you'll get a place to stay, work experience and even a job certificate so you can get to work when you arrive
>being a console babby in Brazil
lol I'm not fucking stupid can't say the same thing for the rest of the people though
However, most people import their shit over here, you know it's bad when saving up for a trip to Miami, buying the shit you need, staying over for a weekend and coming back is less expensive than buying one vanilla
>let's talk about the brazilian education system while we're at it
Yes, let's talk about it because apparently you failed basic reading comprehension
Man I went down there for vacation this summer
Amazing the things you can do with 4 thousand dollars
You can party like fucking hell and still have plenty enough to go back.
It's better to stay here than living as a fucking leaf. At least I can read my loliporn in peace.
not a whole lot of crackpot weed addicts and liberals unless you go to fucking facebook or whatever.
Undervalued trash currency. Also, people in actual civilized countries get paid much more than the average BR macaco.
Min wage here is around 270 dollars.
>It's better to live in a corrupt hellhole where politicians use my money to fund their penthouses and buy their toothbrushes since I can read my loli shit without being afraid of getting v&d
Monkeys have a very distorted sense of self-worth
Why do BRs love Chaves so much?
Also what do you think about Mexicans?
lel that's how much I got in a week working at Sears kekerino
Shit, you can get that in a day here working for uber/lyft in the U.S
Who was in the wrong here?
Its an enlilsh board. You SHOULD speak english.
Yes it's better to live in a corrupt hellhole than it is getting your asshole expanded in the jail
assuming you're reading 2d, it should be fine on the U.S
canada will drop that soon too i think
>I'd rather live in poverty than give up on this one specific fetish
I don't think I have a suitable reaction image for you user
No, retarded. They often show interest in our society and a lot of them love brazilian music.
Being able to afford things and not having to worry about my village getting flooded or raided by drug cartels is great.
>japanese pagode
Now I've seen everything.
The only thing i know that Japanese like about Brazilians is Samba and that's it.
I've never seen a Japanese showing interest in your "society"
Kill yourself.
>Because it has a power button, a controller and an HDMI out
My computer also has all those things and better emulation.
t.non ninten cuck
Holy shit, that accent is killing me.
I have a question for my fellow Huelanders.
Onde acho NieR (PS3) nesse caralho de país?
>tfw there might be BRbos that stock on Monica comic books, pictures of Faustão and draw fanart of Raquel Sheherazade
holy shit
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