reminder that these were the only good digimon games.
Reminder that these were the only good digimon games
>Re: Digitize and Cyber Sleuth
Yeah no. They're not even the best.
They're the third best games. Hopefully fourth best once the translation for Lost Evolution is done...
>Re:Digitize and Cyber Sleuth
sure if you're fucking gay
>No Cyber Sluts
>No N0
>No re:Digi
>No DW1
>No DW3
fuck you
Shemales aren't gay
>He doesn't like Cyber Sleuth
Back the fuck off?
I hear that their jap only DS sequel is better. I agree that they are much better than cyber slueth though. At least that had a competent fucking translation
they're good user but they're not the best
digimon world is the best
these two are second
world championship is third
rumble arena and digital card battle are next
then digimon world 2
everything beneath that is decent but not note
Who's your favourite Digimon?
cyber sleuth is the best by far
Have you played dawn/dusk? If so why do you prefer cyber slueth?
>t. germanfag
World DS is good too.
I heard there's a fan translation of Xros Wars Red/Blue coming, and they don't seem to disappoint
There's a reason people call the game Cyber Sluts.
ami is cute
Not after cyber sleuth nintendo fag also you will never get your 3ds game in english
Isn't it getting fan translated?