Don't Starve
Multiplayer ruined its entire point
It was fun for the first 6 hours, then uninstall
It also meant that single player would be completely ignored when it came out.
>Game is about isolation in the wilderness
>Even has a sanity mechanic because your character has no human interaction
>They get rid of that entire idea despite claiming they were never going to do multiplayer
>all to get a few extra bucks
It was more that no one was playing it because it's a boring fucking game alone, and doesn't compare to any other survival game.
They're still releasing single player content anyway. Not like they abandoned it.
I played it, kind of enjoyed it, but the lack of an actual power scale, as you progress, kind of made the game stagnate too quickly. Besides everything requiring ungodly amounts of traveling and grind made the game feel a lot more like I was just collecting resources than trying to survive.
Once they started allowing too many mechanics, in order to inject a little excitement to the game, it became more daunting and annoying to keep track of everything, than an actually interesting addition, that was on top of all grinding which felt like it was getting worse, the longer you played the game.
I tried getting back into it, but the lack of meaningful progression just made everything feel pointless. Maybe I don't know how to enjoy games anymore, or maybe the game wasn't target at my age group. Still, Don't starve is certainly on top of my lists of games I wish I could actually enjoy. The art-style is flawless and it's compelling to me in a way few other games are, too bad the game gets tiresome so fast.
Awesome SP game, even better as a MP game.
Don't listen to the salty faggots with no friends.
With that said, don't listen to me either, pirate it, decide for yourself if it's your sort of thing.
10/10 It's alright.
kinda difficult to get down, if you been playing videogames for long. normally, you want to collect everything and do everything on a run, but really you get what you get at the beginning and it's best just to work with. because they ratchet threats up to ridiculous frequency, all your runs will have an expiration date(base setup), so you can't just have a super-nice setups.
they separated MP from the main game
the thing is that theyre pretty much done working on the single player version
new content is going all into DST
I played it for 100+ hours. It's pretty addictive. Never got into the MP mode, seems to go against the point of the game to me. When I first heard of it I said people would just play Willow and burn down other people's shit, and that's exactly what happened.
Going to grab Shipwrecked this sale and give it a go. Haven't played the game in a long time.
Prepare your anus.
How crazy is it
ever tried adventure mode? it seems like it's basically the point of the whole game "story" wise
>tfw doing it for days then die in the final world
Does this game work well on console?
>Game is about isolation in the wilderness
No it's not, it never was.
>They get rid of that entire idea despite claiming they were never going to do multiplayer
That's because they said it would be too hard to do with the current engine, not because it would ruin the game.
Pretty fun. Still can't survive more than 20 days.
Oh excuse me then.
So they had to sacrifice themselves and remake the engine and obviously sacrifice themselves again to charge back again.
Fuck you and fuck them.
You do know that you got DST for free if you had the single player game when it came out right?
>He cant survive Winter
Not that user, but Deerclops is the most OP NPC in any video game to date. Put up camp near beefalo to protect me and he kills all of them.
Find the glommer statue for the pan flute
Put him to sleep
Put gunpowder on him and blow him up
Winter is pretty easy if you set up base near some rabbit holes and put traps on them. You don't even need to bait 'em. Plants some trees nearby, burn a few down and build some drying racks to make jerky. Got your food, health, make a hat for sanity, thermal stone for portable heat. Easy peasy.
Now, Shipwrecked, on the other hand...
shit gets rough.
>Whole community begged for multiplayer since release
>Random fucks who never even played the game calls Klei greedy for putting out Multiplayer
>Same retarded fucks bitch when other devs don't give them what they want.
Who the fuck cares if there is multiplayer? You can still just play the game alone you twats.
Wolfgang is the best because he's the only one actually has to worry about hunger after you get decent at the game.
You gotta learn how to fight user. Git gud, you can beat everything in this game with your bare hands and naked if you try hard enough.
If you're really having trouble, try luring him into tree guards. He has an AoE attack so things like beefalo are a bad idea. Two large tree guards can take him down for you. You can cut down some trees, spawn tree guards, and then plant pine cones to pacify them, then lure the Deerclopes to them and they'll fight if the Deerclopes hits them.
>How crazy is it
You have to be on the move constantly, food is ridiculously scarce, the first time you try to cut down a tree you'll shit bricks, monkeys will steal all your shit, you will sometime go an entire week before you find gold to make a science machine etc...and then monsoon season will roll in.
I personally think it's a far better game than the original DS SP, but holy fuck does it crank it up a notch.
>He doesn't know about Spring
>He's yet to experience days upon days of it literally raining angry frogs 24/7
>He doesn't know about Summer
>He's yet to experience entire maps spontaneously combusting and wild fires spreading everywhere
Push on user, the worst is yet to come!
As for surviving winter, make an ice chest, build your base near huge clusters of frog ponds and near a rabbit field and farm the fuck out of them for frogs legs (10x faster than catching rabbits, but Frogs will vanish in the winter, rabbits wont), turn the frog legs into jerky with drying racks, find nearby ice clusters to mine during winter, then cook one jerky and 3 ice cubes to make meatballs in your crockpot and you'll easily be set. You should also be able to get through winter with two thermal stones, so make one at the start, one towards the end. Then as long as you've got wood all you need to do is go out, find ice and bring it home.
Oh and build a small decoy base in case Deerclops comes, when you hear him coming, run to your little decoy base, he'll spawn, aggro, get his knickers in a twist etc then you can just run off to your original base and he'll despawn after a few days, worry about killing him next year.
>>all to get a few extra bucks
they gave dst to everyone who owned the original, you retard
A friend gifted it to me a few years ago. I only play it a few times per year, usually during autumn. I'm not sure why, something about the way that the game feels, it's sort of become a tradition for me.
Steam says I have 32 hours in it, I've never really gotten that far when I do play it, but I think it's a pretty charming game that's fun to jump back into every once in a while.
Didn't they add microtransactions for cosmetics?
Is there a worse hell than this shit
Fuck fire
Fuck the Dragonfly
Fuck heat management
Fuck the uncomfy feeling
Winter is so much better
Autumn is the best season
Spring can eat a giant dick
>he didn't build the flingomatic
you deserve your camp to be burned
>ywn marry wendy
is shipwrecked separate from the base game and ROG? Not possible to play all combine both the xpacs is it?
Also, does DST include both xpacs, or just mechanics from the base game?
dst is only main game + reign of giants right now. It also has more content than the base game
This game really needs a story campaign of some kind. Survival alone really isn't enough to keep a game interesting for very long, imo
DS already had a story mode.
The patrician choice is Wigfrid
>annoying as shit
>unbearable voice
>not even that cute
yeah nah
>is shipwrecked separate from the base game and ROG? Not possible to play all combine both the xpacs is it?
Here's how it works.
1) You install RoG and Shipwrecked.
2) When creating a world, you can select the RoG sign or the SW sign.
3) If you pick the RoG sign, you can choose to make it SW compatible (another sign will pop up, and you can craft a structure in the forest that links a SW world to your RoG world, like how caves attach to your file).
4) If you pick the SW sign, you will spawn on the archipelago and you will be able to find a magic boat that allows you to link a DS or RoG world to your current SW world.
stupid Wendy poster
I've played through adventure mode. It's a fine challenge and all, but I never felt much like I was on an epic adventure. There was little in the way of lore, other characters, or sense of character progression.
Also this.
If you buy DST, join a group or get a mod, because shit has way too much health for a single player.
Or buy DS and RoG and SW and enjoy it lag free.
The game is honestly too easy after a while. There needs to be some more late game mobs/items and some items need to be nerfed. Two of the best items in the game can be found in the first winter while every other boss item pales in comparion. Wearing armour gives you a ridiculous amount of negation (makes Deerclops do literally 6 damage) and some crockpot recepie are too good. There also needs to be some sort of scaling for the bosses, after the first year you are basically set for survival for the rest of the game.
Wigfrid is CUTE
>tfw finally crafted it
What is this shit advice? Want to survive winter, build a fucking crock pot and make endless meatballs using monster meat + 3x ice. As for the deerclops, you make yourself a little forest and when he comes for you, run to it and burn it down with deerclops in it.
Frog rains are nothing, Abigail makes short work of them.
Summer is shit if you forgot to make an ice machine, but by then you should have a self-sustaining base already.
I think the game is only TOO easy when you play the robot. He's OP as fuck.
Caves and Ruins are hard.
No, you can trade cosmetics with other players and the only way to get them is by surviving an x amount of days.
I was just wondering if SW had the temperature mechanics and extra seasons like ROG, but I checked the wiki and it does, just renamed differently.
Gonna be sweet when shipwrecked gets ported to DST.
Yeah the caves and ruins are pretty awesome. What loot can you get from down there again?
yeah but wendy is superior
>I was just wondering if SW had the temperature mechanics and extra seasons like ROG, but I checked the wiki and it does, just renamed differently.
Yes, except you can't really freeze on Shipwrecked. Only get wet or overheat.
>Gonna be sweet when shipwrecked gets ported to DST.
Never ever. A dev stated "There are no plans to bring SW to DST any time soon (if at all). There has been no work done toward bringing SW to DST. We just don't have the resources to work on that right now."
They took like a year and a half to port caves, and that meant a lot of potato suffering because potatos can't into 2 dedicated servers at the same time.
Unless they ported archipelagos that would be standalone servers compared to forest and caves.
However, there's a mod guy doing some sort of port, bringing the water stuff from SW to DST. It won't work exactly as single player though, stuff has to merge nicely with having a big main forest island.
Yea but user, Wendy is in a different league entirely, she's above trite comparisons to the lower tier characters.
I like it. Spent a lot of time in Don't Starve even if I usually get fucking raped quickly. I was playing the expansion I heard, the one that adds wet meter, what was it, something of the giants.
I heard shipwrecked was bad so I sticked with the giants, shit is even tougher now since you gotta watch that rain fucking you up badly
Also I really enjoy how each character is an instrument, it's quite charming. Klei is pretty good.
Yeah, progression is fucked in DS because you just need two bases next to renewable resources then it's gg. Hell, you can survive indefinitely off the land even in hard seasons once you get a couple recipies unlocked. The only reason to take risks is out of boredom and boredom is the #1 killer.
It's a far better game. A lot of the issues with DS design were solved because of the sailing mechanic.Things are actually scarce and you need a good base to not die. You really have to be wise with your exploration and base building time.
Which resources? Beefalos and rabbit holes?
As much as I like DS, I feel unmotivated to keep playing it, I get no sense of progression from getting my ass kicked, and I think maybe I should play something with a more definitive ending of my backlog
Same thing with Spelunky, I like the game but I don't like how you don't make that much progress, and in particular in that game you gotta get "ready" to prepare for all traps and shit.
Or just bait out his AoE attack in the middle of a forest. He'll spawn the treeguards himself and give you lots of wood in the process.
starving is literally the least of your concerns
Spider dens and pig huts are far superior. Feed the pigs monster meat then kill the resulting werewolves. You get silk, meat, and pig skins which gives you jerky, tents, football hats and hambats.
I don't even bother with rabbit holes, but if I feeling cornered I'll craft a boomerang and kill rabbits and birds for meat. Bonking moles with a hammer and moving their base close to your base is also free meat.
Desert is the ultimate ez mode if you really don't care about difficulty.
The game becomes too easy once you know what to do.
What the hell are these skins?
Game is shit.
It's either spawning in area with abundant resource or reset the game till you get the right area..
Does Shipwrecked have a "story" like the original did?
Does turning everything into meatballs still work?
Yeah you get skin drops in dst
Evil shadow versions of the Cast
Maxwell gets a good version as he's already messed with shadow magic
>20 bucks on the market
What the fuck? Its either that or RNG?
What, the most expensive one is 17 dosh
It's 18 + 2
Do you want to give your waifu the finest clothes or not?
I thought buying dumb shit on the market was over when I got Wendy's foil card.
If I enjoyed this and The Grey will I like The Long Dark or should I avoid early access like usual?
DST isnt in early access
Once you play for while it's getting boring as fuck.
In order to have any kind of challenge you need to gimp yourself in retarded way.
ANR is quite disappointment for now.
I don't know how to have fun with it.
I want to enjoy a survival game, but something bothers me with Don't Starve.
DST is probably goty 2016 at this point LOL
>mfw i join a server, burn the base, blame someone else, they kick him, roll 1 day back, burn base again, get 1 more guy kicked, roll 1 day back again and burn it down for a third time
So which one of the other survial rogue-ish games isn't shit?
Was never a fan of DS SP, just couldn't get into enjoying it.
I do play 8-hour DST sessions with a single friend (vanilla survival), and we have a lot of fun with that. Fuck those huge pop servers. If I want something like that I'd play Rust/Ark.
ruined by the weekly cap on skins
(amazing game)
The Forest and Rust are shit too and I wait until they go out of EA so I can refund them.
>work together as a group of 7
>tfw someone was assigned base keeper
>burned the base down when he went to get berries and ran to the closest wormhole to escape
>have to rollback sever and the guy gets kicked
>later steal resources from the main base and build to build my own seperate base
>winter hits and everyone dies but me
this 8
What? They made Shipwrecked, didn't they? It came out this year
Quick how do you survive in shipwrecked I can't make it past 30 days.
find a big island with lots of limpet rocks and trees, make sure to keep a portion of it empty so you can run around there during volcano season (what a shit mechanic)
It's alright if you like survival crafting game, a bit hard for newcomer and there's separate MP mode you can play with other players if you want to.
Capy was working on shipwrecked, and Klei help them a bit.