Best Doom demon?
Best Doom demon?
Other urls found in this thread:
>hyped up as the D44M poster boy
>game comes out
>Revenant is weak as shit and poses no threat
Hell Knights were much better, but they were pretty much lifted from Doom 3.
Still the best.
Although a little underwhelming in the new DOOM. At least they have a cute little bite if you're too close.
>that sexiness
>that animation when you finish him
mancubus is bestcubus
they were bretty gud in multiplayer though. at least when it launched it was the best demon form.
I didn't like new design of Pinky (it's "pinky", right?)
That's like the most damaging attack in the game.
The first Doom I played was Doom 3, that's something bad?
i'm partial to the mancubus
d44m multiplayer is literally fun
are newfag trash
Summoners are pretty nice, yes. I have a weak spot for hammerhead demons.
With Denuvo gone is there any chance fans can mod in classic skins for the enemies?
New designs do nothing for me I gotta say.
i was just about to play this
has anyone played it?
I like it
They made pinkey way stronger by giving it armor wich means that you have to get out of its way instead if standing infront of it and just DPS'ing it
Tbh, I prefer Doom 3's pinky demon. I really like it eyeless.
>Oh its a Cacodemon
>Its just slowly floating towards me I shoot at it but move towards it
>go from 150 to 0 in one bite
Nah, too dog-like.
I like 64's pinky myself.
Doom 3 every day.
this is one of my favorite demon designs in the entire series
Cyberdemon does look pretty based. And I like the design for the Barons in D44M.
I've found the imps of nuDoom to be very aesthetic
being able to bully them a million different ways compared to the other demons is also nice
They're also one of the most dangerous enemies in the game too. I died to a stray charged fireball or a sneaky imp clawing my ass at the speed of a fist of the north star more times than to anything else.
i wish the other demons had as many animations and actions
Something about the Imp redesign arouses me for some reason. I remember this one part where Doom Slayer was trying to move an Imp's body that was trapped in the elevator and the way it moved and the way it looked made me rock hard.
The classic Mancubus is my favorite. I just enjoy fighting them and their death animation is super satisfying.
I had a feeling this thread would go down this road eventually. congrats on being "that guy", user.
could you find a video of this? i just can't imagine how it could've looked to give you a hard on
I like how they chuck their fireballs and climb around on walls. One of the few good things from that game.
Someone had to.
Denuvo was patched out.
*Slam dunks with green flames*
yeah that's what he was saying:
since it's gone now, can the game be more easily modded
its the Lanky Kong of the doom franchise
Man i really wish they brought the old designs back somehow, maybe as DLC? I just really want to see them being translated to 3D without being adapted
>not wanting to fuck imps since doom 2
Kek, look at this pleb
It's hard to explain here, too. I don't know why, I just do. It's at 2:47.
As long as you play through Doom 1 and 2 you're fine.
I feel like they had to focus on the Imps the most since they were the main cannon fodder. So, they wanted to make sure there deaths were in variety as opposed to the others that appear later on. And the funny thing is that these guys are the worst out of all the demons since they pack a punch on Nightmare.
*their deaths
Kill me, fampai.
20 years later I still shit bricks at the mere sight of a cyber demon
Also, fuck dem arch viles
>tfw we get a redesigned and still OP Arch Vile in the D44M sequel.
pulling down the bottom half of a demon...
well, shapely legs i guess
Yeah, sorry, I'm retarded.
Yeah I liked when he was all fleshy and musclebound like some sort of big gorilla demon
Since my thread is about to 404.
In terms of design
God Tier:
Barons of hell
Lost Souls
Great Tier:
Spider Mastermind
This is cheating but... Gore Nests.
Good tier:
Posessed Soldiers
Hell Knights
Meh tier:
Hell guards
This belongs in Quake tier:
Cyber Mancubus
Hell Razers
DOOM's are best.
I know it's weird, but I guess it wasn't just the legs themselves but the animation. It just was so fluid and maybe that's why I liked it so much.
Yeah it's hard as balls on UV and I save all the time because I'm a pussy. Neat aesthetic tho.
that would be really cool
i'd love to just play an old up doom level, with old doom enemies, all just remade very competently in modern 3D and not redesigned
would be neat
shit taste
>Fight this guy
>Beat him easily
>Well, that was disappoi-
I was really dissapointed when the final boss didn`t have another round.
Would you fuck an imp if one came onto you?
Just got D44M for 15 hitlerbux, is that a fair price for it?
hmmmm, sure, if it has something vagina-like, and no penis
Maybe the classic one, the new ones look like spindly angry ayy lmaos
The final boss was the weakest, it was neat how he (she?) got progressively more wounded and immobilized as the fight went on.
I really don't understand why he Cyberdemon catches so much shit.
Yes. And I wouldn't care which design.
I think so, I personally loved it. Tons of fun.
>that fucking lunging tracking fireball attack
To me, D44M's cyberdemon could've worked as a different demon type.
The Cyberdemon should be an utter monstrosity of machinery and a hellish figure. They get the hellish part down, but the "cyber" part lacks. If they added a little more gore to it (Like revealing the guts like the original) and added a little more machinery, I would enjoy it.
It doesn't look quite cyber enough to my taste, would need a bit more of crude metal parts, tubing, something else than just that arm cannon.
>charging fire ball
>okay well as long as I keep moving, I should be able to dodge it
>the fire ball moves ahead of where I'm about to go
I like these variety of responses. Honestly I'd dom or sub a nu doom imp. Idk why but the mix of muscle with an almost lithe body is pretty good. I wonder if a demon would cuddle with metal turned on low afterwards, or maybe a song like Touch of Evil by Judas Priest.
would you
It looks like something out of Gears of War.
The Hell Razer execution where you push them down and then kick them in the face with their own foot makes me laugh my ass off every time. What the fuck were they thinking?
i love that one
What were hell razers anyway?
If they are demons, they are the most human looking demons.
Maybe. Better than a Pain Elemental, they'd just push out dumb fire babbies after, fuck that.
I'd fist it with a berserk pack
Yeah. Hellrazers, Possesed Security and him all look pretty Gears like. Locust design in Gears was always pretty dope though, it's just the human soldiers that make Gears look dumb.
DOOM knight is pretty sexy
That's why I mentioned that one video. The shapely legs got me off. ()
dat ass
I guess, but it's still >not muh Doom.
I feel it, they are pretty cute
yeah those are some pretty great legs admittedly. imagine rubbing those while he/she is on all fours getting fucked because a demon needs to know it's place.
They had one of the cooler backstories. According to the flavour text Hell Razers are actually parasites that cremate their hosts from the inside and morph their arm into a hell energy cannon made out of cartilage, which means they were actually human.
I really like fighting them. The game could use a couple more lower-mid tier threats that involved dodging telegraphed AoE attacks.
Yes but only if he has a cute dick.
>buy Doom in sale
>start download
Wait... what???
agreed, would probably suck his cute little dick first before either riding it or fucking him silly on his back.
Reminds me of the Revenant backstory where they were just normal humans that were constantly exposed to Argent Energy, so their skin starts peeling off and they need the jetpack to live. Once the large wave goes off, they turn full demon.
Mostly Snapmap and mega textures.
Snapmap's not bad, but I would have preferred mod tools.
the power of megatextures
I like the summoner I just wish it had boobs.
It's ok to have weird scary/arousing things with demons, possessed females too.
What are you, gay?
I think it's "female" either way
ThisThat summoner is clearly packing a foot long horse cock.
Also I just noticed that it has a transparent skull, that's pretty cool
I haven't played D44M yet, is this the new archvile?
>This nigga will never come back.
Shouldn't have tied him to Doom 3's asshole human antagonist.
pretty much
She is except when you get the Rocket Launcher add-on that locks on. Two of those bursts and she's practically dead.
>tfw thanks to this thread I'm starting to get arousal from looking at DOOM demons
Top 3 demons to fuck?