How? Is it all the chests? And how is GW2 still alive, thought everybody hated that?!
>"Overwatch brought in a staggering $585.6 million with Counter-Strike GO coming in at second with $257.2 million and Guild Wars 2 raking in $91 million. Overwatch is relatively new but given the popularity of CS:GO and the former releasing in May (the report accounts for revenue from January to November 2016), it’s still a big deal."
OP stop being retarded overwatch is only one year old, of course it's gonna make money the first 2-2,5 years. We all know Overwatch cannot keep that momentum and if you don't, then you either don't play the game or are just an idiot.
Lucas Gray
Jeremiah Garcia
Turns out Sup Forums isn't everyone
Adrian Perez
yup pretty much gambling thats why this shit comes to so many games mainly to milk retards. You would be better of to buy lottery tickets where you can at least real cash and some shitty textures..
Lincoln Morris
>Innovative shooter BTFO's tired old realistic military shooter
Also water is wet.
Hunter Carter
>playing blizzard games >2016
everyone likes dog shit. humanity was a mistake.
Isaiah Myers
>Guild Wars 2 is STILL making 91 million, after 4 years of being underwhelming
You pay once for the game, the rest is pretty much play to get box in a chance to receive good shit
Blizzard did something that jewish grabbing devs won't do these days, actually give a full game, and give it free updates
It's still blizzard, but this is something that they've done right for once, and that's why the game is actually fun unless you're a neet with no dosh to spare
Adrian Flores
>pay for game >pay for ??? after buying game you're a good goy
Jason Morris
Because memes and target demographics.
Anything that has
>An edgy art style for the cosplay audience (females) >Waifus >Memes >Online play >GameStop advertisements >Twitch/YouTubers >More memes
Anything like that sells very well, even if inherently shit. Essentially, the target demographics are pansexual "geek" girls with dyed hair when it comes to pushing AAA games that aren't military-based.
Jordan Cooper
>b-but it's on sale and tracer gay agenda means it's failing guise Tortanic cucks BTFO
Caleb Davis
What exactly are people doing in that game even? WvW was a directionless unsupported mess when I last played, and a quick look at the forums shows that's still the case. PvE is brain dead and hasn't received any updates since that shitty (and sparse) expansion came out well over a year ago. And to my knowledge, the PvP was never that big and is still pretty such the exact same rotation that was in during release over four years ago.
Cameron Jackson
@361575708 Dumb.
William Barnes
Jose Watson
i assume they're counting copies sold in the total for the overwatch revenue which would make it pretty clear why it's number is so high.
Bentley Miller
>2 characters >2 maps >zero modes >here have 500 more skins
GOOD GOY. dat league of legends model
Blake Taylor
>and that's why the game is actually fun unless you're a neet with no dosh to spare was fun, at least for me the simplistic nature of the game meant i never really felt rewarded or like there was something to be learned in the game which made it so i got bored of the game pretty quick.
Nathaniel Collins
isnt gw2 pvp is buy expansion or lose?
Jacob Turner
It was one of the bigger releases of the year and the first new IP from blizzard in a decade or so, so that's no surprise. CS:GO despite being 6 years old is still churning out skins for autists to jew each other with. Guild Wars 2 pulling in 90M is fucking beyond me. The only thing they have going is Cosmetics. Are Rainbow Tranny wings pulling in this much?
Camden Ross
>conveniently leaving out Tree of Savior from the top sellers
Kayden Evans
Yes. Too bad the pvp is underwhelming compared to GW1
Julian Green
ERP and RP is massive.
Ethan Thompson
really? When I played GW2 I thought PvP was one of its strongest elements. There was a surprising amount of room for outskilling opponents, and build diversity was high. I actually miss it a lot, but it just wasn't worth staying for the other bullshit wrong with the game.
Evan Sanders
>waaaaaaaaah stop liking what I don't liiiiiiike!!!
what a fuckin babby lmao
Nicholas Turner
IDGAF. Something will fail that hard again and I'll get my goods. Till then I'm just going to hurl shit at every passing release. More fun than playing games anyway. At least the trump election gave everyone some solid salt to pass the time.
Nolan Brown
>waaaaaaaaaagh Stop not liking what I like
Logan Perry
>cringy manchild hero adventures were worth half billion
i never understand how marvel and blizzard make so much dosh with some lego level childrens storylines. they got so shit products and yet everyone buys those. Same goes for EA, it´s complete turds from one year to another and yet they keep having sales.
Alexander Morris
They turn out shitloads of new pve content. It's probably one of the best supported games out.
Ryan James
Because it's easily digestable garbage and there's plenty of it. High quality shit will just leave you starved so why take that when you can binge on cheap, plentiful shit.
Kevin Perry
>cartoon capeshit with guns >innovative
concept for that stuff came in 1960´s it´s nothing new FFS
Christopher Rogers
There's fuck all in the Living world updates. The maps are tiny and you can grind them to max in a day or so.
Ian Morgan
>there are retards on Sup Forums who unironically care enough about weapon skins to pay for them lmao
Jaxson Phillips
>TF2 with new guns/gadgets (abilities) Wow real innovative thing you got there.
Ethan Fisher
I think a problem will be gaining new players. Anyone who heard of it, probably played in open beta. If they liked it, they bought it at launch or in one of the earlier sales.
If they didn't like it, they sure as fuck won't want to come back with how bad the community turned out and the meta
Liam Nguyen
I bought the $40 pack once during each seasonal event they've done so far
I play on PS4
Caleb James
Jeez, with all the money I see kiddo's dropping on Rainbow Six Siege, I'm surprised it hasn't surpassed GO yet.
Jayden Morales
They still come out at a reasonable pace though. Compare that to blizzards 16 month content droughts.
Lucas Harris
We should have 3 continents by now. The game has been out for 4 years. Unfortunately all of ANets management are retarded and new people can't replace them due to company structure.
Parker Walker
In some ways it's already sort of dying off. Their 'big reveal' the past couple of days really goes to show just how little anyone cares about the characters.
Angel Hall
Yeah some anecdotal shitposting here: I bought the game during the first season because the group that I play games with were all playing it. About 12 people. Now how many of them are playing? Two, and only one of them wants to be.
Nolan Bailey
Only downhill from here, only way they'll get me to play overwatch is if they add some warcraft characters like night elves or orcs, and i dont mean skins i mean actual characters like illidan or something
Elijah Watson
GW2 is a pretty good as far as theme park MMOs go. The PvP scene isn't bad either and is showing some signs of growth.
>thought everybody hated that?! Eh, it was mostly GW1 Grognards, who were absolutely assblasted that Anet didn't copy the first game, that railed against the game.
Jackson Scott
Source is a fucking meme that only bhop "pros" using deagles enjoy.
Jeremiah Collins
im still pretty god damn assblasted anet didn't copy gw1
im still playing gw1 and the small playerbase is pretty depressing
Ayden Long
Brody King
>Eh, it was mostly GW1 Grognards, who were absolutely assblasted that Anet didn't copy the first game, that railed against the game. People should. They went from fantastic to mediocre. Guildwars 2 single-handedly caused my knee jerk reaction to attack people for hyping games here,
Caleb Brooks
>And how is GW2 still alive, thought everybody hated that?! Stupid fanboys will blindly buy anything the Arenajews shit out.
Landon Martinez
>The PvP scene isn't bad either and is showing some signs of growth Arena shill detected The PvP in that game is pay2win and sucks. Class balancing is non-existent. The PvP crowd are salty SJW shitters.
Samuel Howard
Jesus Christ. I can sympathize with you guys, to a degree. You had favorite game, and the sequel had changes that were too drastic to your liking. Alright, i get that. But being this salty after four years? >The PvP in that game is pay2win and sucks That's the fucking epitome of not an argument.
Do you people not see the fucking writing on the wall? Let's recap.
GW1 wasn't even a true MMO, and was always a small niche game (That's of course not a flaw in and of itself, but does speak for the games appeal). By year four of its existence it was a ghost-town. By comparison GW2 had its fourth anniversary some time ago, but is popular and evidently bringing in the money.
Nathaniel Cruz
>By year four of its existence it was a ghost-town That's just patently untrue
Landon Rodriguez
anet went free2play so their cash shop is milking whales at the moment
TORtanic also become "profitable" once it went f2p and all the assburger star wars nerds began feeding money into the insatiable jaw of a cash shop BiowarEA implemented. They're getting milked harder than they did when they just paid a sub fee.
Ethan Butler
>But being this salty after four years? I will always be salty There'll never be a true Guild Wars 2
Colton Torres
i can only imagine how much of a gigantic faggot you have to be to still be playing guild wars 2
Landon Richardson
I buy maybe $20-$30 worth of lootboxes each month. Pretty sure there are tons of people doing same if not spending more