He's leaving the channel Sup Forums

He's leaving the channel Sup Forums

Thoughts? Especially with Matt on leave because of his anxiety it'll mean Pat and Woolie carrying the channel

literally who?

good i hope that entire poser channel dies out already and quits pretending to like shit

At least he gets to celebrate his birthday without having to worry about work tomorrow

Easily in the top 3 of best friends. This fucking sucks.

Not video games. FUck off with your eceleb shit.

Kek at each thread getting deleted just to be replaced.

When is knockoff Julianne Moore gangbang?

Second best boy is gone.

Channel is dead when McManbaby comes back.

turns out omikron really did kill the channel

So what video game were you planning on discussing when you were making that post OP?

fucking finally, I stopped watching this faggots since he came in and Woolie became regular.

Woolie should have been just a guest time to time and Liam still being just as a joke.

I'm a believer in meme magic.

Woolie and Pat confirmed the best pick in the same week Kenny from The Walking Dead was confirmed the best pick.

That's it! SBFP is finished!

Did Liam really punch Matt's wife because she made fun of his girlfriend? Is that why he's leaving?

>Channel is now Chewie and Fuckface

Awesome, now we just need to get Matt to off himself

Why is playing video games for a loving so stressful?

My assumption is that Matt took his "leave" because he had some beef with Liam and wanted to be a bitch about it. Feeling the pressure, Liam acquiesced and left. Total speculation, but it makes more sense than the official stories.

Can you elaborate? I heard nothing of this.

Two bestests friends are left

That's just gossip nigga but "she" is very masculine.

>Sonic Unleashed was so bad it literally gave Liam a panic attack

What a pussy.

I wish they finished it.

>Let It Die video
>Hey guys, listen to Woolie be pissy and bitch incessantly for over an hour. Like + subscribe!
>Ugh.......'member Lilly Burgermo?........Ugh this not that UNGA UNGA

Abandon ship

I'm glad that contrarian faggot is gone. Maybe I can start listening to the podcast again.

This, how often they talk about the Devil May Cry series but don't have a single playthrough. Same for the SMT games.

>only Pat and Woolie remains
From the ashes, New two best friends play arises!

Liam solo channel now?

we really are in the best timeline

I didn't wish him failure, but Liam really was the worst of the group in videos. He was more focused on guiding the other person through the actual game mechanics and controls. It's not interesting to listen to.

>No Nier Automata

Fucking mods, not understanding that there should be at least one containment thread.

Anyway, I never disliked Liam but honestly, he never had a memorable moment. He's weeb levels are casual at most and we never needed a devil avocado just for the sake of having one

The video game of you crying really hard

The channel is going to die faster than these threads

>implying they'll keep doing a podcast
It'll be a complete circle jerk without Liam

Imagine if Matt and Liam had hard jobs like any other job beside being a Lets Player.


Woolie is going to quit in a few months if he has to put up with pat everyday

Channel is dying and Paige is going to get gangbanged.

She and Pat will start doing porn after struggling to get by with their streams.

Yeah, how can the channel survive without Liam and Simpsons Fart-gas Lucky Ted.

Their channel fucking sucks though, who cares? At least watch someone who puts some effort into his shit

Why do people go into threads for things they hate what drives you to go into something you hate just to cry like a little bitch? Generally curious.

Oh wow, what?
That's fucking metal If true

Contain yourself to reddit. This is not videogames

good, i want paige pat streams

Woolie is not a mecha fan.
He is not a fan of the mecha genre.

I will never stop now until the magic slams Woolie.

You are a fake, pseudo fan who only pretends to like various things to develop a personality that people will want to be friends with. You are not genuine. Stop pretending.

>Pat and Woolie carrying the channel

>linking to Reddit
Just end your life.

Seriously. I never watch LPs so I can't speak for them, but Liam is great on the podcast. It's going to be boring if it's just Woolie and Pat talking while Matt memes hard and talks about Netflix.