OK one short question. Is Nep fun?
Good, mediocre, bad, doesn't matter. Did you have fun?
OK one short question. Is Nep fun?
Good, mediocre, bad, doesn't matter. Did you have fun?
This is forbidden love.
Just like most games where the only thing people talk about is the girls, the gameplay is bad
Is dominant younger partner a huge turn on for some people?
>blonde hair green eyes
I'm gonna cum
>reddit meme filename
It's not so much "dominant younger partner" as much as it is subversion of dynamics.
no, user. age difference yuri is awful and everybody hates it.
>Is Nep fun?
It is grindy, combat is disappointing and repetitive, and the plot and characters take a back seat to jokes and looking silly. If you just want anime girls and spending a lot of time on the game, then it should be fine. If you are looking for anything else, then you'll be disappointed.
It's worth playing one of them. Then if you really enjoyed the characters and story, just watch a playthrough of the other games. The game barely changes between sequels and even reuses models, levels, and other assets between them.
I saw these very two pics all the time.
Is there even a full manga focused on this fetish?
>reddit meme filename
I just like the concept of role reversal, and it's happening in this picture, sort of.
I'm assuming that this thread is talking about Hyperspace Neptunia? Is it solid or is it actually just weeb shit
>tfw there are no manga about this
Recommend me a good romcom manga.
See for my opinions on the games.
Well, fuck. Disappointing. I just want a RPG with good plot and good combat, but I guess I'll just have to keep looking.
BTW why would you people hate gay porn when you like lesbian ones?
LGBT are equal you know.
Do you have the one where the boy grows taller than the girl?
No they are not. Seeing 2 dudes fucking is gay and lest not even talk about watching traps having sex that is even more gay.
It's fun. Combat is more or less the same throughout the Rebirth series, as well as Megadimension. Story isn't anything that'll make you shed tears, but a lot of enjoyable parts. Music is top notch.
Buy it if you like cute girls doing cute things.
It's utter weebshit. The 'humor' consists of anime cutboard characters making the O_O' face every three frames, the whole engine is fucking laughable, the """"""""gameplay"""""""" is grindan shit in boxes.
Weeb-cult-very-positive-on-steam-games are the fucking worst.
It's a dungeon grinding, turn based RPG with a VN about cute 1000 year old loli's attached to it. You can also customize their appearance in battle with costumes independent of their armor stats. It's very light hearted, constantly breaking the fourth wall and doesn't take itself very seriously.
For my part, I enjoy it. It's a bit of mindless fun.
>Yuri fags
You people are literally worse than Fujoshits
>expecting shields to work ever
It had Compa, so it was good.
Wasn't into /c/ girls before meeting her, even if I both watched anime and played anime games before
>32 years old
That's way too fucking old how can that blonde still like her.
Women care less about age/attractiveness vs. what you can bring to them in a relationship. This also extends to lesbians, which is why you have so many stereotypically fat and mannish lesbians vs.body conscious gay men.
The rehashed dungeons kinda suck, but overall it isn't a terrible game.
Sadly it's all shonen shit nowadays.
Does Blanc vs Zombies use the same engine as NepU?
>W-wait! You misunderstood! I was just being an onee and you were so littl-mmph! Mmmm! Mmm...oh god, this is so wrong, we need to sto-mmmf...
Sadly no, not really despite how much I wanted to. The gameplay was just too terrible.
Age gap yuri fill my heart with happiness in these trying times.
Mismatch girls
I see closet pedophiles occasionally trying to defend it.
i need more of this genre
the whole "younger girl grows up and still loves the now older woman who used to babysit her as a teen" thing
It's okay.
It has cute girls and it's simple enough.
Think Grandia but actually playable.
It's so softcore, yet, it's giving me a boner just thinking about it. How?
I mean it's literally the same plot
user thats lewd!
And all three age gap have been posted, the same from every thread
Whats the name of it. That looks pretty good
such purity is a rarity in this day and age
(not the same genre but still cute)
Why is there no Claire x Sherry?
Try reading, faggot-kun~
Yuri shall conquer the planet.
There's not enough age gap yuri femdom in this world
There's not enough age gap yuri Sm play in this world.
There's not enough age gap yuri vanilla in this world.
is there ever any of this shit with boys
looks like that dog wants you to spend more time with him lol
>no dick
Not a weeb or a huge jrpg person or a huge fan of the series
I bought the first game on steam and yes, it was fun. It was definitely a lower budget game, but they did what they could very well instead of trying to do things they couldn't do and end up doing them poorly. Its a funny game that had me laughing quite a bit sometimes, and the characters are legitimately memorable.
I heard the 2nd game is more of the same, which is the only reason I haven't bought it yet. Once I've had enough time pass however I do see myself buying it and completing it. They have a good formula and sense of humor.
I generally don't look at waifu type games or ones with a lot of fanservice, but nep seemed to be very self-aware and so it didn't seem so bad. The combat is legit.
My only complaint is the dlc charachthers. Some of them just don't belong in the game since they have no story at all and are just used in combat, while some make the early game too easy.
um girls cant get married lol
fucking reported, brb deleting temporal files
>Um, okay, thahhht's enough, this is not funhahhh oh god that tickled, g-get off my belly buttaaah oh wow, I never, wai, wait no! This is w-wrong! You're being bad, let go! G-get your hand away froaaahhmy god oh my god~
>tfw your fetish is age gap yuri but it's the rarest fetish
>You will die before seeing the one specific pairing you've always wanted get any doujins
I'm reading this atm and holy shit that page. The last two chapters have been a fucking trainwreck for Mimika.
I'm curious as to what pairing that is.
Why she so shock? She doesn't even wear panties.
Yuri is the most boring, vanilla shit you can imagine.
How anyone can get excited or even get a half chub without touching yourself is beyond my comprehension
It's literally just fucking hugging and kissing. There are 13 year olds who've seen more action
It's all gone so wrong
I don't even want them to fuck is just want the loli to still be her friend
>26 pages tagged age gap on dynasty
Come on, it's not that rare
delete this now please
Hugging and kissing is still more action that you'll ever see in your entire life
And I've already used all twenty-six. Multiple times.
Even a 13y/o could come up with a better comeback.
You have a strange fascination with 13 year olds.
A 13 year old is great at giving cum back
> MUH dick
A 13 year old has a chance to come on her back, unlike you.
you know sometimes I comeback to vanilla to take a break from the rest of the fetishes, It actually refreshes my interests in hentai
I've never had less fun playing a game.
Gutter trash. The only people who buy it buy it for the weebshit. Don't buy into it unless it's on sale for 5 dollars so you don't waste more than 5 dollars.
Good taste.
You are either a literal cuck or a virgin, Either way you're definitely a fucking retard.
It's shit. Not surprising since it's weebshit that panders to permavirgin weebs.
>There are 13 year olds who've seen more action
ok Muhammad
Why would you post such filth
>Think Grandia
The fuck are you even talking about. It's not even closely related to Grandia in either design or concept. FFS Grandia is ATB-esque with concurrent actions.
You mean think "arc-the-lad" but that'd still be wrong because even the PS2 game blows Neptunia out of the water.
Dominant younger panther
>this salty some people seen a vag before 21
>must be dem darn mudslimes
Ok, Billy.
nice implications you got there, famalari
you monster, how can you live with yourself you degenerate
Most artists just bandwagon a couple of most popular shows every season. Even semi-canon ships like pic related get very few pictures
I can't tell whether you want Taiga to be the dominant one or Illya. I typically see Illya play sub to Kuro in that one series.
I've seen some reviews of it, but never got around to playing the games, however I think the gameplay system they use is pretty interesting and something I'd like to try out in the future.
The only problem is I'm not sure how to start.
>I typically see Illya play sub to Kuro in that one series.
That Illya is pretty much a separate character. I don't which I'd want to some but I feel like Illya would be the instigator and Taiga would assume control partway through.