Is this series really as amazing as everyone on Sup Forums makes it out to be?

Is this series really as amazing as everyone on Sup Forums makes it out to be?

I'm a fan of the series.

Gameplay wise it's very basic.

Characters and story are cute and enjoyable, but maybe you'll find them annoying and dull.

Try and see for yourself if you can find ReBirth 1 cheap (gameplay wise it's the "worst" of the 4 modern Nep games)
Compa best waifu

Every thread about it turns into a waifufag circlejerk with minimal gameplay discussion. That alone should tell you all you need to know

It's shit.

And yes, I realize that's the usual response from Sup Forums for everything, but it is actually quite terrible. This is one case where animefags/yurifags/waifufags hold up their game to some standards just for their own fetishes, not because the game has any sort of quality in it.

Perhaps you'll find aspects of the game which you will like, but that's certainly not due to any game design aspect.

I tried the first one on Steam and everything about the game was pure trash. Only even try to get into it if you want ot listen to kawaii uguu little girls blurting "DUDE SO RANDOM I AM SO WITTY xD" dialogue all the time. If that's not your thing then play something else.

Look at this nep

I "like" Re:Birth1 because I'm a grindfag, and Compa is a cute.
Everything else is dull unless you're super into moe shit

but you can level up so fast killing whales.


Does Re;Birth 2 and 3 improve in this regard? Do I have to play them in order? (Same for the 4th game)

Megadimension is best

That's my point.
I think I'm only halfway through the game, and all my characters are 99. Got bored right after and dropped it.

I would think. Only played Re;birth1, but I do know you play as a different character in Re;Birth2

I played it a few months back and it got boring quickly I barely made it past the third dungeon boss before quitting.

I would totally grope Compa while making innuendos with Neptune though.

the 3 rebirths are almost essentially the same game aside from the story, as they're all remakes of the first 3 nep games. There are some minor differences though in rebirth3 with how the EXE system is handled

Megadimension V-II is better than the rebirths though.

I bought it sincerely under the veil of irony (I got normalfag friends on steam) and I regret it because it was garbage. I'll never trust cute anime girls again.

I would skip RB2. It was awful.

I put maybe 15 hours in Re:birth 1
it's ok
I like the fanservice, the battle system is okay (I'm slightly above neutral I guess), the whole console war thing was not as noticeable/good as I had hoped.

It's a fun series, but a few things.

The first game on PS3 has awful gameplay, but a great story. Only play if you have a high tolerance for shit.
Don't bother touching the other PS3 games, Re;Birth2 and Re;Birth3 are straight up ports, story-wise.

Re;Birth1 is okay, but it seriously gutted the first game's story. Skip.
Re;Birth2/Mk2 is fucking boring. Skip.
Re;Birth3/Victory and VII are the best games in the franchise.

None of the spin-offs are worth your time. None of them.

There's an anime, it's also shit.

Also Blanc is best girl.

Pretty much the same impression of RB1 I had. I think RB3 improved the console war thing and dialogue quite a bit.

The gameplay is nothing new. Only reason why it has a good fanbase is the characters and [lewds and I love it

They really dont change much these games are the definition of reused assets.

Are you honestly playing a game series for the porn fanart?

What about the story? If I jump directly into RB 3 or the 4th one do I miss anything?

>everyone on Sup Forums likes neptune

Except most people here shit on everything japanese.


the fanart? no
I'm talking about ingame



But that's wrong, she's very special

RB1 and HDN literally have no connection to the rest of the series.

RB3/Victory only make passing references to RB2/Mk2. You can start there.

VII has a few plot points related to RB3/Victory, so it'd be advisable to play RB3/Victory before touching this one.

I hate her voice.

Which one? They're both cute, but maybe the original one is too high pitched for some people

Try not being a dubfag.

No, it's just mindless indulgence, in a good way. The games are fun, simplistic, and pretty easy.

Because the gameplay is basic RPG. You enter a fight, take turns dishing out attacks/combos, kill the enemy, repeat. It's not something spectacular that you'll want to write a novel about or anything.

big nep a big best

The greatest fucking video game franchise to grace this planet. Skip all the Rebirth games since they suck dick. Jump straight to Megadimension Neptunia VII.

She sounds like a brain damaged autist either way

I can't tell if that poster is a reference to No-Man's Wharf or Anor Londo

Yeah, the gameplay is simple classic jRPG instead of QTE-filled "action" combat like other games (Final Fantasy) have become.

Gameplay really sucks. It's made to pander to the worst demographic that we unfortunately have to share a hobby with. Skip it and the world will be better off

Original Japanese one.

>There are people on this thread RIGHT NOW
thatplay with the dub

One of the worst dubs for an entire series.

So RB3 ---> VII
Will do that, thank you user

that I just found

You probably hate how she speaks, and that's probably not the right game for you since her whole character is about being cute

Yeah, it's harder to get used to it, but you can do it for such an amazing girl, right?

>the greatest franchise
>skip everything but the newest title

>eww squeaky moeshit voice

Normies get out.

Why the fuck aren't the DLC's for Megadimension on sale? Fuck you Iffy, you're doing a bad job

The newest game is legitimately fucking great. Fuck the others, Rebirth trilogy gave the series a bad reputation.

also it's insulting that re;birth didn't get a place in the finalists for Villain Most in Need of a Hug

meanwhile some fucking FPS games where the villains is an African blood diamond cartel gets nominated? i guess the cuckshed audience couldn't resist nominating the big black cock--TWICE.


>None of the spin-offs are worth your time. None of them.
if only i had listened

How can you say you like the entire series if you like 1 game out of 7?(only mainline ones)

Nep is vidya, Sup Forums is an anime imageboard, allow me to show you a wonderful place for normies such as you

my first game was VII and i regret nothing

You realize that it's possible to enjoy anime and Japanese games without liking literally every single detail contained within them, right?

Rarely do I react to seiyuu for poor performances. This case, however, is an exception.

Not enough people played those games, senpai

>you will never hug Rei.

If you only play like one of the Re;Births it's okay, it was even recommended because it fixed HDN's gameplay issues
And if you really like the cast you'll ignore the awful rehashing in the other two
Maybe not the postgame grinding though, I could only put up with that in R;B2

That series is not amazing by any means. It's mediocre as fuck across the board.

There's only 4 mainline games. VII means V2: Victory 2. The sequel to Victory the 3rd game.

HDN (Rebirth 1)
Mk.2 (Rebirth 2)
Victory (Rebirth 3)
Victory II

>Re;Birth 1
Can be safely skipped. A good introduction to the main characters. Story and gameplay are awful. Music is okay.
>Re;Birth 2
Cute CPU imoutos, semi-improved level designs compared to RB1, same boring gameplay. Story is passable. Music is decent.
>Re;Birth 3
Best of the three Rebirths, but that isnt really that hard to accomplish. In terms of story it is the best one. Iris Heart is enjoyable. Best music of the three Rebirths.
Best Neptunia game thus far. A lot of good OST's.

And as another user said, there is an anime. It's basically RB3 plot with a few twists. It's nothing spectacular, but at least you can see all the Nep girls in full animation.

>getting this triggered just because waifu's voice got insulted
People like you are the reason why everyone hates weebs

MDVII is £15.99 on PStore, should I Sup Forums? I've only played RB1 but I thought it was decent.

Yeah, remake are games, so that makes a total of 7 mainline games, even if 3 are remakes

Wrong user, but normies don't belong here

you'll love it then

Hating anime doesn't make you a normie

I seen it for half that price on PSN before.

Yes, if you like RB 1, you will surely love VII, it's mostly improved except in difficulty

dub or sub


Sub, nothing against English, but Neptunia dub is just bad

The dub is fucking horrible. Everyone sound like a valley girl.

The gameplay is absolute boring trash. The only thing remotely worthwhile is the characters and conversations...

...which were shit on in favor of dank memes and rewrites.

Sub mainly because the dub is 90% memes.

Please don't send people who say normie to Sup Forums. We don't want them either.

That's what you are in for if you pick subs
Compa a cute, don't hate me for this

Compa and Vert dub voices are good. Everyone else is shit, but going by the nature of the game, I wouldn't be surprised if the sub was shit too.

shut up anime nerd

>Neptune: Ahh, Noire's in trouble!

>Neptune: According to the top trending NChan threads, looks like Lonely Heart is in a pickle. Seeing as she has absolutely no friends, looks like it's up to me being the benevolent Goddess that I am to go and help her. Right after I finish up this dungeon and save my game.

Thanks, doc.

Original version in Japanese, of course. It's available for the first two on Steam.

The English translation is very cringy and badly done.

Original game

As it should be.

Re;Birth 1's wasn't too bad
Neptune in 2 was a trainwreck though

Nep on Steam was a mistake.

The original PS3 game is the only one to ever bother playing dubbed. Best directed and written, and was actually the full game.

The original JP audio though is full of A list seiyuu and you're doing yourself a disservice in ay of the other games.

Why is that?

It has super attractive and cute characters and game models..... but the game play is very repetitive and boring and everything besides the character models and animations is very cheap. Personally I don't find the story/dialogue very funny .

I wish they would use these awesome "cute girls in skirt" designing skills and make a real RPG.

And I can't overstate that they are very nice character models/designs and it's enjoyable to move them around and play with the camera angle to check em out. They're just boring games.

the fanbase that it brings with the mustard race crowd

How does that affect the game in a bad way?
It allows more people to play and appreciate the game, and brings more money to the devs.

I know it doesn't affect the game but the fanbase it adds makes it a pain to try and talk about it

Don't mind me, just posting perfection.

I want Rei and Pluto to come back

You people conditioned them to be like this. They're your problem

but that's wrong
Ploot is back as an NPC, Rei is referenced on 4GO's site, so she MIGHT show up

>implying the Nep fanbase wasn't always awful

It's just a pathetic fanservice game and nothing else, thats the only reason Sup Forums cares for it

1 - Mediocre
2 - Bad
3 - Mediocre
VII - Good

Play 1, if you like the characters but cannot handle another grind, watch the anime and then play VII. You could also just start on 3, which'll let you skip the anime. VII is a legitimately good game, grinding is practically non-existent, new characters are good, music is good, gameplay is good, story is decent.

As for 2, it's main problem is the mess of getting the endings. There's so many hoops that you have to go through to get them all in 1 playthrough that it can kill your interest fast. You also have to get the worst ending first.

If you're look for a good story, avoid. If you prefer character development/interaction, check the series out. If you like the previous but don't like grinding, play 3+VII or 1+Anime+VII.

Forgot to add, you could also just watch the anime and then watch VII, but playing an earlier game first can usually help you decide whether or not you want to play all of them.


More like sexy

>conquest ending
>worst ending
It was honestly the best ending, if anything because it stood out and was actually memorable unlike the rest of them.