so...what's the Sup Forumserdict?
So...what's the Sup Forumserdict?
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Its great!
Play the space station 13 version
I hope Randy and Gearbox go bankrupt. I really do.
Solid average 7/10 game with 4 player co-op, often like $5 because everyone was hating on it
I was wondering if there would be anyone contrarian enough on Sup Forums to sing it's praises.
Felt extremely dated, it plays like a shovelware console fps of the PS2 era. Dull as dishwater.
It's shit. That is just about all you need to know.
>I get emails on a regular basis telling me how much of a great job we did
- Randy "never told a lie in his life" Pitchford
i hated this piece of shit title. all things combat were awful, even if UI was legit nice and it did decent job as walking simulator. Also dont play it for the story or strong character roles because it has none in that section.
+ you´re gonna die dark souls much coz it goes from easiest shit to stupid hard in no time until you feel frustrated with the difficulty spike and uninstall. it´s nowhere near a complete or satisfying game. I´d replay Dark Descent or P.T. over this any day of the year
>game devs used the money to fund borderlands
What do you think the verdict will be? The game sucks.
Bag of meh. Played worse.
It's fine if you're into co op but that's it. No reason to play it otherwise.
People thinking it's it brings AIDS need to go and get fucked.
Fucking awful. Ruined any chance isolation had.
Ask Randy. I once did and this happened.
Can't you just read them anyway once you log off your account? What's the point of this block?
twitter confirmed for literal safe space
anything reality related = wahh ur blocked
You can but hes not worth logging out for.
What's worse, Aliens CM or Duke Nukem Forever?
How's AvP2? Does it hold up?
imo Aliens CM makes Duke Nukem Forever GOTY
I think less of Gearbox because of this
Duke but that's moreso the fault of 3D Realms being useless
DNF has a charm to it. Colonial marines is a big bag of nothing. It's not RAGE levels of terrible or FC Primal type of pointless but it's close.
Christ is it close.
If you can get it cheap, and I mean really cheap, and you have a friend to co-op with, it's worth it just so you can have a good laugh and bond over a shit game.