100% Orange Juice

New DLC and update, and Christmas event ongoing.

Come roll some dice and grind some candy!

Other urls found in this thread:


DLC notes and patch notes

Nath and the trickster duo Tomato & Mimyuu land in 100% Orange Juice in Version 1.16.2!
Nath (-1/-1/+1, 5 HP)
(Special) Gain 1 stock of Active Extension for each battle card played (max 3). Lose stocks on KO. Stock Effect: gain +1 ATK, +1 DEF, and -1 EVD.
Hyper: Another Ultimate Weapon (Battle):
Level 4, Cost: All held stars.
Gain +1 ATK and DEF for every 20 stars spent on this card.

Mimyuu (-1/0/+1, 3 HP)
(Special) Recovery Value: 1. Revive as Tomato. Lose 1/4 stars and give 1 Win when KO'd in battle.
Hyper: Evil Spy Work ― Preparation (Event)
Level 2, Cost: 20
Place 4 "Evil Spy Work - Execution" cards at random positions in the Center Deck.

Evil Spy Work ― Execution (Gift)
This card cannot be played. When holding this card, take 3 damage at the end of your turn, and remove this card from the game.

Tomato (+1/0/0, 3 HP)
Recovery Value: 3. Revive as Mimyuu. Lose 1/4 stars when KO'd in battle. Draw Evil Spy Work - Execution cards as Waruda Machine, Blast Off!

Hyper: Waruda Machine, Blast Off! (Battle)
Level 3, Cost: 10.
During this battle, gain Attack and Defense but lose Evasion equal to the number of cards in your opponent's hand.

Version 1.6.2 changes:

-Added 6 new Achievements related to the new DLC.
-Added option to the Shop to purchase Christmas event Candy Canes for 300 Stars / Candy Cane.
-Lonely Chariot damage is now applied after possible card discards (instead of before).

-Santa’s Job now gives stars equal to Card Lvl x Your Lvl (down from Card Lvl x 5).
- Chicken, Robo Ball and Seagull now lose ¼ stars when KO’d in battle.

- Fixed Starbreaker's hyper drawing the wrong number of bombs at the start on fields with snow panels.
- Fixed not being able to select Christmas outfits on DLC characters when that is the only outfit you own.
- Fixed game attribution on the unit card for Aru (Scramble) to Xmas Shooting – Scramble!!.
- Updated credit links in Game Info.

OJ has two dead threads!

Fernet is best girl

Tomato and Mimyuu are better.

I don't even really get the appeal in Nath.

play cheap battle cards and Nath becomes easy 2 attack 2 defense. her hyper is potentially ridiculous too

all 3* look like really fun characters to play




So Nath is just a shit tier Star Breaker

>he doesn't know

Nath is depression-inducing

everyone is a shit tier star breaker
even star breaker

If you're going to buy the DLC, buy it from the all stars bundle, you'll save 17 cents

I might buy it for my friend.

Nah. Buy it from Fruitbat's store.

should i buy all the characters, or not bother?

why did they nerf aru

If you like the game and characters then sure.

Although you probably won't play some of them often, *cough* Nanako, Kyoko *cough*

they make the game a lot more fun, and are inexpensive if you actually enjoy the game

>not playing our girl Nana

Because stacking deck with lvl4 cards was cancer.

It costs 1.69 in fruitbat's store. It's only 1.52 on steam through the bundle

Can any kind user give this sad poor guy with a cold this dlc so I can play with the characters for this christmas.

>not playing as Aru for christmas



Gonna buy the DLC for a few of you nerds. Just gimme your Steam and I'll get to it.

Gimme your Steam.

but, i'll only gift it to you if you draw a nice picture of your favorite OJ. and it can't just be a shitty stick man, put some effort in


Tis me

Is there an upper limit on Nath's hyper? That sounds insane

don't spoil them
make them do something fun for them like christmas doesn't mean you should enable beggers

>Nath's hyper


now all those crazy end game stars can actually be spent on something.

Imagine it; spending 700 stars on that hyper.

Stats cannot exceed an absolute value of 9.
Anything past that gets brought back into bounds.


Thanks user

Can any kind user give this sad poor guy with a terminal cancer on his deathbed this Fruitbat Factory Publisher Bundle so I can play with the characters for this christmas.

>terminal cancer

sent :)

How does she roll the dice without any arms?

Thanks. You're a cool guy.

She kicks it.

Nah. Imma do it my way.

A cute Saki drawing would be nice, but people should draw when they wanna draw.

Kicking them.

You roll for her of course

What makes 100% OJ so special? I don't quite get the reviews it gets on Steam.

It's got cute girls, bullying, and good music.
What more could you want?

fun game to play with friends
cute anime girls and boys

>dumb Saki fag supporting beggars
i should've known. fuck original content, just post the same Saki pics over and over


It's mario party but with cards and no minigames.

It's pretty fun.

I can't tell if you're actually complaining or just messing around.

Either way, you're silly.

Still have some cash left, by the way.

I'm also willing to buy the game or any other DLC for you. I'll of course give you priority if you want the Saki DLC.

>that hyper art
It looks like Kae has a new rival.

I'm going to personally deliver Saki to her beloved Allah.

I want to be one of Saki's 72 virgins

>It's mario party
no it's not you fucking autist
every board game is not mario party.

Fuck off Sjamsjam

here, I wouldn't mind the Krilla and Kae DLC or the Breaker pack. I already have the Saki DLC.

If nobody else wants anything, I'll give them to you.


Dess Before Dishonoru

need 3


Then do that.

so update dummy

ey thanks
btw 3 man big bang bell is fucking bullshit

cant see your lobby

full now, sorry

>it's monopoly with no no "get out of jail free" cards, no properties, no house/hotel building, no railroads, no utilities, no bartering, and no colored paper money. also, you can't be the car or the shoe.

>Poppo Rules!

>you don't about win but get fucked over in 100%

You're welcome, guys.

4-man Bells are where it's at.

can't see it

Not him, but how long do you plan on beign around?
Would be interested but I'm doing stuff right now so it could take a little while.

re-created again, no idea , im alone in the lobby so

>It's still not Sumika

Meh, should have saw it coming since they're having trouble releasing AoS2. Perhaps next time. Nath is good though, but the other is Literally Who even in QP shooting.

i'll be here
just give the OP a (You) when you get around to it

Aru (Scramble)’s pink and black costumes have been stolen back from Dark Santa.


So should I buy Human Tanks?


Type the exact name in search. The lobby list has a maximum number it can show.


I presume there was an issue with her drop costumes dropping.

you have to search noob

Kyousuke's cast off nerf is removed and best girl Nath is added. Best update yet.

Custom boards when?

Needs 1 more

>best girl
>not Sumika

lobby closed no one seems to join.

Where does one purchase candy?

i'd join if you reopen that lil dick

in the store dummy


One more sloot needed

>Scrambled Aru got nerfed when she can already have such a hard time
>Regular Aru will get absolutely exploited by Tomato
M-Merry Christmas?

>just had an update with new characters, maps, etc.
>get home from work
>see ANOTHER one not even a week later

absolute fucking madmen, FBF.

>-Added option to the Shop to purchase Christmas event Candy Canes for 300 Stars / Candy Cane.


Anyone figured out yet how to exchange stars for candycanes?

Saki Daki needs 1

Nath confirmed broken as hell

>Added option to the Shop to purchase Christmas event Candy Canes for 300 Stars / Candy Cane.

fuck everything else this is the most important thing. I've had 999999 stars for like two years now so I can finally put that shit to use.

She's been stripped of her arms and will, how could she not be?

Anyone uploading the new themes?


Hey if you're still in the giving mood I just got this game and would really enjoy some dlc...
