>quest with the swamp crones >meet some spirit trapped in a tree >get bad vibes immediately, it's obviously evil >tell the spirit I don't believe it and it chimps out and I kill it >later find out that if you kill it the crones eat the children >find out that if you let it free the children get saved but it goes on a rampage and burns down a village and the baron hangs himself
I just want to be the hero and save everyone REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Juan Barnes
there's a book in the game that you can read that explains who the spirit is and why it is in the tree. you made the right choice.
Cameron Howard
I know that it was the mother crone spirit
but I was still mad that the orphans got eaten
Brody Fisher
>believing literature that could just be propaganda written by Crones >the spirit keeps its word and saves the children, and it burns the villages to the ground and slaughter people and drives the survivors out of the crones territory so they can't fucking worship them and continue to contribute to their power as much Spirit did nothing wrong.
Camden Peterson
Yup, it was just a village full of loonies. Didn't even feel sorry.
Eli Hall
Free spirit: >orphan gets saved >degenerate village that sends their children to the crone's gets burned down >crone's get BTFO
Kill spirit >degenate baron and degenate wife who made a deal with the literal devil live >degenerate village who make deals with the literal devil live >Innocent orphans die
It's a tough one
Best option would be
>free the orphans >everyone who made a deal with the crone's gets fucking hanged including baron's wife >Village gets fucked >spirit gets killed
Elijah Rogers
all the villagers were crones' lackeys
Sebastian Carter
>trusting that tree spirit
Are you serious? Just listen to the way it talks and the way it chimps out at you and tries to kill you when you say you don't believe it
also notice
>it lies and says it's a druid when it wasn't >when you get its remains the bones were non-human >the fact that the soil around the tree where it was imprisoned was rotting and disgusting >the fact that it goes on a literal blood rampage when you free it
that spirit was obviously evil and you're essentially letting the ultimate crone go free by not killing it
Christian Watson
only reason I didn't free the spirit was the baron. He didn't deserve that fate
Jaxon Kelly
>He didn't deserve that fate
His wife did though
>go to crones >hey can you give me a miscarriage
how fucked in the head can you get?
Joshua Lewis
The problem is not being able to do anything about it. Forcing you into bad decisions is basically the same as Spec Ops. You are literally the villain xDDD 2deep4u
Henry Young
you might be a fan of the moral conundrums of classics such as Army of Two, the 40th Day
Jayden Williams
I killed the spirit, it was what I was getting paid to do. Orphans get eaten, fuck it, not my fault. The Crones did that. Geralt had no reason to trust that the spirit wasn't bullshitting him about the children's fate anyway.
I prefer Geralt the professional over Geralt the paladin. I always haggle as hard as I can and never turn down coin.
Grayson Baker
>not siding with the beauties
Lincoln Gomez
theres a book about it too talking about how the tree fucked lots of shit up and the crones were it's daughters and trapped it there
Josiah Baker
the crones obviously didn't do it for the betterment of the people but to have all the power to themselves. i don't doubt that the spirit was causing death and famine.
Mason Gutierrez
the difference is that Spec ops forces you to make no decisions and then lectures you on what a terrible person you are. The witcher lets you choose between two sort of good, sort of bad options with a 3rd option to play gwent
Lincoln Roberts
Bentley Gomez
except no one blames you unlike spec ops
Logan Thompson
If you're good at something, never do it for free.
Can't say the other witchers would be very happy if Geralt travelled the world slaying monsters then refusing payment. It devalues their work, sort of like when internet artists do commisions for ten bux.
James Gonzalez
If only we could play Gwent with the spirit
Luke Rodriguez
>butthurt that you can't be a superhero saving the world with the best ending where everyone lives ala Disney movie like in every Bioware game
made me think
Eli Turner
Not him but witchers are useless douchebags anyway
The entire viper school is literally a bunch of dickass bandit thieves and the griffon school are plebs who can't kill a ghoul
Jonathan Morris
>just finished Blood and Wine
I feel empty now.
Parker Smith
Jonathan Gray
thought the cats were the dickass thieves
vipers seem to just be down on their luck witchers
Julian Collins
my ass always gets Fucked at gwent how do I GET GOOD
Oliver Wilson
I just finished Hearts of stone What the fuck was Gaunter O'dimm. He said I didn't want to know and I want to know
Nathan Ross
Spies and decoys, my friend. Spies and decoys.
Camden Stewart
the devil
Justin Butler
It's very hard to win the first round
Better to just bait out all their cards first round then use spies and medics the next two rounds to win
David Thomas
get gud cards
Gwent is pay2win. Also use spies and use your decoys and medics to steal enemy spies. Card advantage is huge.
Hudson Walker
Polish (?) folklore. He's a devil (dunno if he's THE devil or just a really powerful demon)
Brayden Fisher
Also beware the Scorch, it can fuck you up especially if you use a lot of Tight Bond cards. Try to bait it out first.
Nolan Sanders
Joshua Collins
monster deck or temeria deck all day everyday
Logan Price
It is a moral dilemma more than anything. A lesser of two evils though Geralt would probably prefer to not choose at all if he could. Letting the children get eaten by ancient witches is a shitty thing to do, but to unleash an even greater evil onto the world is far worse.
Ayden Gomez
I let the killer witcher go.
Julian Ward
but the northern realms is objevtively the best deck
>draw an extra card when you win a round
you LITERALLY can't beat this advantage and it blows out the meme ones like go first or win on tie out of the water
Thomas Ramirez
what if the tree was a nigger
Luke Collins
nah fuck that, all cats must die
Wyatt Miller
Jaxson Collins
>not letting your witcherbro get his revenge
sMh 2bh fám
Jackson Johnson
Is this quest the greatest video game moral dilemma of all time?
Joshua Lee
northern deck is the temeria deck user, read it again
Julian Murphy
What about Ciri?
Actually why DOES Ciri have a cat school medallion? Is it explained in the books?
Jace Reyes
Monster is just as good because it autowins 0 cards ties, reduces the amount of cards you need to play to win in non-0-cards ties, and allows you to summon your entire deck with a single card.
Dominic Gutierrez
Win on a tie can be pretty helpful
Lincoln Rodriguez
Not that one.
Nathan Brooks
fuck year Northern Realms.
>You won a round >Here's a one card advantage to virtually guarantee you win the next round
The number of times that extra card is my third Blue Stripe Commando.
The 'remove weather conditions' leader is best, nothing worse than getting fucked over by a last second Torrential Rain and being unable to do anything about it.
Dylan Reed
She got it from that bounty hunter I think. Bonhart or something I can't quite remember.
Jason Evans
It's not a moral dilemma if you're not presented with either of the components of said dilemma. This is yet another reason why tw3 was shit compared to its predecessors (not to mention that this was basically the only decision in the whole game that required making a choice that was different than "green explosion" vs "red explosion").
Joshua Robinson
Got it by killing a guy who supposedly killed a few witchers.
Grayson Morris
I still can't quantify which is morally the superior choice
I'd say killing the ancient evil is morally superior in the grand scheme of things but I'd really like to see the village burnt down because they are good goyim for the crones
Brandon Parker
The spirit is objectively more evil than the Crones and you kill two of the crones anyway.
William Hughes
Oh, you fucked up anyway. That dude was a piece of shit.
Andrew Torres
The problem with Monster is when you get five of the same monster in your hand and playing one automatically plays them all. If you get a lucky draw and manage to muster six kinds of beast throughout the game, great. I tend to keep a Scorch to fuck over Monster decks though since most of their units will have the same strength.
Cameron Wilson
>blames you I swear the reason so many people dislike Spec Ops: the Line is because there are a bunch of retards who take everything personally. They think the game is directly and legitimately berating -them- and then proceed to actually take offense to it. The game isn't about you--it's about Walker and how he really should have been stopped by his unit before things got to where they did.
Parker Barnes
Town deserve it.
Dominic Murphy
I see the paid shit ops: the garbage shills haven't left Sup Forums yet.
Austin Miller
>everything needs to have a perfect happy ending with sunshine and rainbows
Spot the American.
Matthew Butler
in 1.01 you could free the spirit before meeting the crones, saving downwarren and the children.
Ethan Young
Yeah you are. The tree spirit tells you it can save the children. If you decide to kill it then it obviously can't.
John Williams
It actually didn't. Objectively the killing of the crones was retarded (just like anything related to ciri and yenefer, not least of all their ENTIRE FUCKING CHARACTERS, though).
Jack Gonzalez
RIP Baron Q,Q
Tyler Bailey
why is killing the crones retarded
they're literal devils
Isaiah Scott
And the other side is never talked about so by definition it's not a dilemma. Checkmate retard.
Gavin Wood
we needed a "kill them all jhonny" option, wasn't there because muh lesser of 2 evils, by the way to you get to kill the crones later in the game?
Ryan Sullivan
I think you got the wrong conversation.
Luis Anderson
Why didn't you just murder all of them which is your job anyway as a witcher which is to get rid of weird shit.
Joseph Mitchell
Nice meme, bro. I rented it from a video rental store and I recommend renting it and beating it in a couple of sittings over actually buying it, but feel free to call me a shill. Maybe you would like to accuse me of shilling physical media rental stores instead?
Joshua Diaz
Some ancient evils should be too tough for Geralt to kill. I get that he's a post-human veteran monster slayer but he isn't a god.
Landon Jenkins
I went back and did the (B&W spoilers) fairytale land again and was nice to Syanna so I would get the good ending but the ending where both sisters die still seems like a better ending, story wise
Brayden Barnes
They objectively protected velen from outside forces and ensured the health of the people and the crops, all in exchange for extremely meager offerings. It's like with the sylvan: killing him or betraying him to the townsfolk is retarded, but telling him to knock it off with the curse makes perfect sense. That's because likewise, he objectively aids the townsfolk through hard times in exchange for a bunch of free shit. However the crones had a significantly more powerful role over velen. While they had power over it, no invading army could possibly ever come through, no calamity or interdimensional elf invasion would have ever damaged the place.
Dominic Harris
>caring about either choice because you somehow mustered taste shit enough to care about any of the games side characters.
Stay pedestrian my underage friend.
John Barnes
That's a different point but also extremely important. Character powerlevels, both game-wise and especially lorewise, were out of whack throughout the game.
Lucas Thomas
Christopher Reyes
Eh, probably would be better for Velen if Nilfgaard conquered it. Sure it would suck for a few years but then it would have a chance to develop.
Colton King
it's ciri's final form
Owen Wood
>consequences What about the game changes though? Will children being eaten or not change the rest of the game? Just being presented with a choice doesn't mean there are actual, meaningful consequences.
Dominic Cook
Yeah he seemed more unsure about killing vampires than immortal witches and a possible old god.
Eli Kelly
god damn it Sup Forums I fucking hate Ciri in this game so damn much her shitty voice actor killed it for me. I finally got round to playing Witcher 3 after marathoning the first 2 games and reading all the books and I was really fucking enjoying it too.
then I got to the battle of kaern mohran and it's turned to a piece of shit where i'm fighting WoW villains
I barely made it through the dandelion sections too, the voice acting is just so god damn awful and cheesy
Ayden Hill
>Wanting everything to be sunshine and rainbows >Not thinking it's nice that no matter what your choice is, it has a bad consequence either way in a game is pretty damn neat.
Jason Murphy
Regardless of analysis of the political landscape, geralt had no reason to be in favor of shitting on everyone and then killing the crones.
Speaking of nilfgaard, though >vooris has a shitty voice and sounds like an insufferable faggot >actually turns out to be a really cool guy would be best friends with 10/10 > >never get to actually know anything about him Fucking WHY? That also applies to pretty much all non-background nilfgaardians. I know more about the fucking rocktroll private first class than them. That is NOT OK!
Tyler Perez
Of course not, such a game doesn't exist where that would be true.
Lucas Evans
Well yeah not every detail is laid out in front of you. You can't know for certain what's gonna happen, but defying the crones wishes would obviously have some kind of backlash. What I meant about dilemma, is the question of wether or not it is a good idea to release the tree spirit to save the children. Obviously condemning the children to be eaten by the crones is horrible but it has even worse consequences if you release the tree spirit.
Jacob Carter
read the books nigger
Jack Morales
Nigger Geralt killed Letholo you think the crones are too strong for him?
Luis Phillips
TW1 and TW2 both did it though.
This. It had an impact for all of 5 minutes of gameplay and that was it, then you can literally pretend it never happened.
Easton Williams
trying way to hard
Nathaniel Cruz
Geralt could kill the crones. He just didn't have a reason to.
Jayden Sullivan
>Based German officer and gentleman >shitty voice
Christian Roberts
>an amateur armorsmith gets paid more to repair your sword than you do to slay bigass monsters
why be a witchercuck again? they dont even make good money
Lucas Edwards
No one chooses to be a Witcher
Except Ciri, I guess
Lincoln Cruz
What about the young one at the start of TW1?
Samuel Mitchell
>but defying the crones wishes would obviously have some kind of backlash. That's exactly the thing, though: 1- You didn't defy them, they merely told you to get rid of the spirit and so you did. Even they agreed with this. 2- They didn't apply any consequence to you or the spirit or the town or anything. Just to the wife, because she failed to look after the kids. More importantly, and this contrasts very starkly with previous entries in the series, you were never given the option to free the spirit without freeing the children.
As for details, it's not about perfect knowledge, it's about having enough clues to even begin to consider one or the other option. Just enough that you may not know what could happen (good or bad) from your actions, but after it happens, you feel like in hindsight, you should've expected it. Instead you're literally tossing a coin here, if you suspect it's not as straightforward as you're told, and otherwise you always accept because that frees the children and that's literally all you have to go on. That's not a dilemma.
Compare with another quest in TW3: the fyke isles. It's also garbage writing and garbage choices but for a different reason. Here you speak to the ghost and examine clues and get all the information you need to know the exact situation at a high level (you of course aren't certain of the details) (this certainty you're given is the huge mistake in the writing here, when you speak to her, when she contradicts herself, geralt should NOT be pointing it out and when it's pointed out, she should NOT freak out and confirm she's lying, that's complete bullshit). This is an actual dilemma (ignoring the failings of the writing, again) because you are given all the sides in the form of conflicting stories and clues. You can mostly grasp what could possibly happen if you make the wrong choice.
Ryder Long
Crones aren't that strong, they just have some tricky magic like polymorphism and nature control.
If they'd stuck around for a straight fight they'd be fucked, they obviously knew not to.