Steam Winter Sale Recommendations Part 2

Last one reached limit.
R8, also what get?

Other urls found in this thread:

Mountain Blade
Pirate the rest

Does La Mulana come with the original? The remake looks like shit.

Is Metro 2033 Redux worth it if I have the original hanging around from the THQ shutdown bundle?

considering the following:

3.99 melody's escape
13.59 kerbals space program
5.99 invisible inc.
10.49 final fantasy ix
9.99 lightning returns: final fantasy xiii
9.99 civilization: beyond earth
3.99 star wars rogue squadron 3d
2.39 outcast 1.1
5.99 abzu
32.38 danganropa 1+2
6.59 the evil within
12.49 disney princess and fairy pack
2.49 sakura santa
2.49 fahrenheit: indigo prophecy
4.99 turok
9.89 blazblue: chronophantasma extend
7.49 castlevania: lords of shadow
2.09 learn japanese to survive
4.99 shadowrun: hong kong
7.49 hyperdimension neptunia U
4.99 Ys VI
2.99 turbo dismount
4.99 ikaruga
24.99 europa universalis iv collection
39.99 opencanvas 6
2.49 mayjasmine episode01
1.99 yohjo simulator

Is this ok so far? Should I drop one of the Tomb Raider games?

how cancer am i anons?


Poorfag List of Good Games Under $5 You Might Not Have Played: Removed Fez Edition

Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale
Lethal League
Mark of the Ninja
Door Kickers
The Swapper
Tales of Maj'Eyal
Crypt of the Necrodancer
Super Hexagon
One Way Heroics
Satellite Reign
Dungeon of the Endless
Octodad: Dadliest Catch
E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy
A Story About My Uncle
Pathologic Classic HD
Monaco: What's Yours Is Mine
Half Minute Hero: The Second Coming (you get the first and second game as a bundle)
1001 Spikes
Heavy Bullets
Risk of Rain
Marlow Briggs and the Mask of Death
Puzzle Agent
Super House of Dead Ninjas
One Finger Death Punch
Pharaoh Rebirth+
GemCraft - Chasing Shadows

Suggestions for additions and removals (or if you just wanna call me a faggot) are always welcome. I'm avoiding larger AAA games, so no New Vegas or anything like that because the list would get too fucking big.

How does ds2 scholar of the first sin compare to the base? I didn't like 2 that much (as it didn't feel as fair as the other ds games).

>Doom Season Pass

Don't bother it's all just multiplayer shit and the multiplayer in Doom's just alright

Also don't get The Division, Rainbow Six Siege is aces though

Project Cars Yes/No?

r8 my haul

>bought a bunch of games
>all I feel like is playing CS
>haven't even installed half of them
>was most interested in Grim Dawn, but it turned out to be a piece of shit

Great sale, loving every part of it.

it has a load of fragrant branch of yore compared to the original, some hit and miss enemy placements and all the DLC (which is the only reason it's worth it).

How is Starbound?

you again


Styx: Master of Shadows


Do you want multiple games or just one game?

DS3 50% off

Do you think its gonna go lower before next summer ?

Doesn't matter, but I prefer one great game over two good games.

Willing so spend about $50.

Does anyone still play Borderlands 1/2?
I skipped out on them when they were still popular and I assume they're just not worth it if you have no one to play with

How the fuck are we supposed to know what you like or what you already own?

If you're an idiot who doesn't already own all the obvious games, buy Portal ($2), F.E.A.R. ($2.5), Bastion ($3)... there are lots of great games under $5.

I can vouch for FTL, Door Kickers, Risk of Rain, and Dungeon of the Endless.
Nidhogg and Heavy Bullets might not be worth the value, considering how one-dimensional they are.

Doom, Red Faction, and Divinity or Far cry 4.

Loads of people still play 2, not many play 1.
I don't think playing with randoms would be very fun, though. It should be played with friends or not at all.

Has anyone played this one? I first heart about it here. It's on sale for like 60% off.

Also, there was this game I saw threads for here but I forgot what it was. It was multiplayer...and there was something about clowns. It had something to do with deceiving others, I think

-Don't Starve Together (comes with a second copy that you can give to a friend to play with)
-New Vegas Ultimate Edition
-Shovel Knight
-The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

All around the $10 mark, see if any of those interest you

Take my shit games Sup Forums


Anniversary is the better of the 2 Tomb Raiders you have listed there.

It's just as good as the original

I want to buy fallout 4 so I can mod it, I'm familiar with the g.e.c.k. from the previous fallouts so I think it would be fun.

Convince me not to.

>looks like shit
time to get your eyes fixed

It plays like shit too

Garbage game

>I've finally made it in time with one of these posts
Thanks user

How's the Muv Luv steam port?

>tfw dozens of unused keys from humble bundles that one day I'll give away
>tfw one is gonna be Mighty Number 9 and I'll tell them it's the Megaman Legacy Collection

It's your money. It's not my job to keep you from spending it on games you already know are shit.

Manking divided : 29€
Dishonored 2 : 24€
Dark Arisen : 12€
Witcher 3 + DLC: 21€

Which one should I buy. I already played DD but not Dark arisen.

Contrarian Sup Forums is more than eager to shit on fo4. If you do like to mod then go for it.

m8 divinity has the best rpg mechanics in the genre but the story and the way it progresses completely makes the game unplayable.

Just wait for 2 too see if it's good when it goes on sale. This is your final warning.


In comparison to the original it really does.

Yeah I only wanna know if it comes with the original or not tho.

Forgot to mention

DOOM 15€

Nah it doesn't

On the fence about Axiom Verge, is it any good?

why are you getting payday 2 dlc user?
also don't get doom season pass, it's for the multiplayer that nobody plays

how the fuck does it even compare, one is suppose to be a msx inspired game and another has clearly much higher quality spritework

no it doesn't fucking come with the original, you butt muncher, how the fuck would they sell something that has a bunch of licensed games names on it? you have the gate of time which is the recreation of the first zones though

Dishonored or Witcher
Dishonored's short with good replayability and Witcher will get you the most bang for your buck

Should I buy EDF 4.1? Will it fall below 35% or should I just take the plunge?

Ten dollars to spend. Ignore the number rank.

Just got a new monitor.

Recommend me some great looking games that support high framerates.

Deus Ex you fucking nigger. Get that shit, but I swear to fucking God if I hear you ever whine about "muh bad AI" I will slap you

Risk of Rain, FTL and La-Mulana

or get Shovel Knight


>one is suppose to be a msx inspired game
Yeah, and it works really well. I actually appreciate the style way more than the "much higher quality spritework" that just looks like every other pixelshit game.

My Pc can run Dark Souls II with 4gb ram and AMD Dual-Core (1.8 or 2.4 Mhz)? I'm not so sure about it

deus ex and eye are both great games, get them

How is shovel knight only -34%? Gosh this sale sucks

How does my cart look? Sadly I don't have enough space to install all of these... Almost done with Mass Effect 3 though, so that'll free up space.

Just pirate it. It's not worth buying for more than $3

There's so many games I'd buy if they had better -%'s

Shovel Knight never goes on sale for more than that, and it's likely not gonna change until Yacht Club's done putting out the extra campaigns they've been making

dont buy anything and get a harddrive fag


I usually like metroidvanias but I hated this one, the amount of backtracking was way too much for my taste
but seems like everyone else loves it so whatevs


Don't listen to this guy Shovel Knight is a great game and even if the sale is shit the game is really well done and still is getting content.

>looks like every other pixelshit game.

so you are fucking blind, got it

It's all worth it, pull the trigger user

Pirate Volgarr

It's very tedious

Gun Metal is shit. Don't even bother.

Jesus Christ I fucking hate that "art" style on the right

Why is this shit so common now?

Kek. Ok you win. I still prefer the original tho.

Are the X Wing games any good?

7.49 Skullgirls 2nd encore upgrade
8.99 Dead Rising 3
4.99 Turok (N64 Remaster)
3.74 Saints Row: Gat out of Hell
6.79 Mad Max
18.39 Resident Evil Deluxe Origins Bundle (RE:Remake + RE:0)

I really want to add Doom which is like 19 bucks, but I'm poor and $50 already seems to be around a good amount to spend this year on games. Maybe next year when the price drops to around $10?

Also want Shantae Pirate's Curse, but I'm not sure about spending $10 on a gameboy port right now. Especially when I already have 1/2 Genie Hero installed. I already beat Risky's Revenge.

Also want Dreamfall Chapters for 8.99, almost forgot about that game.

the must haves from that list are mark of the ninja, necro and maybe lisa
gunmetal is ok, and house dead ninjas can be fun but I didnt get that much out of it
I couldnt get into volgarr, or odallus/oniken, they felt like playing some budget snes/genesis games
as for satellite reing seeing how deep is that discount I have the feeling that it's going to be featured in a bundle pretty soon, but the game is alright

Civilization V Complete collection.
I'm in Canada it's regular price is 164$
Sale for 13 fucking bucks

if you gift me 100% OJ I'll give you a monaco key user

Grabbed these. DarkMaus is surprisingly good and PlanetCoaster is as comfy as I anticipated. I want to grab DOOM but I don't often replay single player FPS games. How long is the campaign in one shot?

Fuck yeah they are. TIE Fighter also. You'll need a joystick though.

do you have a joystick?
do you have a high tolerance for old school pc games?

if so yes

anything i should drop?

DD DA > massive powergap > Witcher 3 > Deus Ex

Have not played Dishonored 2. Dark Arisen is fantastic. Witcher 3 has some okay quests but for a story focused game it has crap story and also dogshit gameplay. Deus Ex has good level design but is pretty short and in terms of story and characters it's a lot weaker than HR.


I'd skip Gat out of Hell and Dead Rising 3, both of them are pretty mediocre.
Doom is definitely worth the $20, though

8h rushed, 10-12 when looking for secrets

D44M is like 8 hours

Is Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning any good?

DOOM took me 10 hours on my first run but it's definitely replayable with secrets

If you enjoyed the first, Dishonored 2 is just about everything one could want for a sequel. It's my GOTY.

>tfw waiting for someone to post that one game I hate, so I can tell them how shit it is in one big post

>removed fez

Based user

I got FFIX and Trails in the Sky today, which do I play tonight

Is GIGANTIC ARMY any good? Or should I just get Steel Strider

Anyone know which of the civ games is the best one?

Thanks homeboys.

Drop XCOM 2 until you finish XCOM:EU first and then again with Long War

Looking to pick up some other stuff maybe underrail