Anyone else felt kinda disappointed after playing the demo for those two...

Anyone else felt kinda disappointed after playing the demo for those two? I mean I'll probably grab gravity rush when it's like 20 bucks and pirate Nier since it's on PC and such but I hoped they'd be more fun.

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Literally the reason why devs shouldn't even bother with demos.

Let retards like OP fund something great with their retard dollars and feel disappointed afterwards.

Uhm, did you mean to reply to a different thread?

I still have yet to play the Gravity Rush 2 demo but the one for Automata just further cemented my purchase. Why were you disappointed?

Not him but it just feels shallow and the implied story wasn't interesting at all. Felt like a budget MGR.

GR2 felt like a bloated sequel on the other hand. I HATE how they mumble in the comic cutscenes now and the music felt pretentious if that makes sense.

It plays like fucking shit, the boss fights were hot garbage and the constantly switching camera angels are annoying as shit. There will obviously be some people who enjoy those kind of games and spend hundreds of hours to master the combat system but I know that I'd just go through the game, mash my way through and feel like I wasted money if I would buy it. It's also really ugly and the whole brown / grey color scheme makes me want to kill myself more than anything. Maybe the PC one will look better, but I doubt it will look more appealing.

No way dude, I'm ultra hype for both now.

Holy shit Nier:Automata controls so well, I love it. Like how you can control where you move to during your dodge/dash. Or how you can set either weapon or your fists as either your light or heavy weapon, giving them different movesets.

I'm beyond excited to visit GR's world again, and the game looks great. I haven't touched the first game in years, so it felt like coming back to an old friend.

Both = day 1 purchases

Nope, both just made me more excited

Now valkyrias demo, that turned me off to the game

>the music felt pretentious if that makes sense
It really doesn't and you sound retarded if I'm being honest with you.

>Anyone else felt kinda disappointed

I don't even feel disappointed in general. Be sad somewhere else fag

>. I HATE how they mumble in the comic cutscenes

Did you not play the first game? They mumble fake french there too

This x 20000%.

Did you play the first game? it needed some meat on its bone

>it's another "I'm not a fan of this series and never played the prequels, but I see fans of these games hype them up in threads so I wanna play the newest entry in the series too, even though I had no interest previously"

you guys always set yourself up for disappointment and then proclaim the game is shit because it didn't cater to you

both demos were great

do i play hard or normal? Never played a nier or platinum game

Nier I'll love.

I want to like Gravity Rush but I disliked the first game and thought the demo was kind of meh for 2. Isn't the game kind of repetitive?

So you're a casual piece of shit. Good thing it's not catering to cancer like you.

The NieR demo was shitty because I DID play the original game in full as well as the Drakengard games. It's just a generic low-quality Platinum action game, not a NieR game or even a better Platinum one.

OP here. I bought GR Remastered and got the platinum trophy in it. I don't know why you assume I never played the prequel to GR2 and couldn't possible feel let down by the demo. You're right with nier though, I didn't play the first one.

The first? Not really, unless you marathon parts.

If you liked the original enough to platinum it, how could the demo for 2 let you down that much?

>Good thing it's not catering to cancer like you
Except it is.

It just sounds like you want to use any excuse to sound like the whiny bitch you are. Go play the video games you like perhaps instead of talking shit about games you dont like?

Automata would put off even fans because it suffers from Platinumitis.

I don;t care what anybody says I know Armstrong was their idea. He's goofy even by MGS standards.

Gravity Rush 1 was good but it wasn't that good. Not much to be disappointed by for me.

It not too late to switch to Xbone. Come to the dark side.

GR2 demo honestly felt like too much of the same from the first game. Like I felt like I was doing the exact same stuff from 1 just with a slightly updated coat of paint.

I do understand it's a demo though and a pretty outdated one at that. I'm just hoping the full game introduces enough new features to make it really feel different.

Because it feels like the first game with serious performance issues. The reason I was looking forward to GR2 was because it wasn't held back by the vita like the first one.

Where am I talking shit about anything? I asked if anyone else was disappointed like I was.

>1 game
>Also on PC
Why does the xbone even exist

i can see this, it really isn't like the first Nier at all, besides the music really

i'm not saying i like one or the other better, but i feel like Nier 1's story and characters were incredible, but 2 will have more fun and exciting combat

It definitely feels more like a MGR 2, but i fucking loved MGR so i'm ok with a Nier spinoff that plays like that

Is it only me or does Nier look really dull and washed-out? I get it if they're going for this style, but I'm worried my TV's picture isn't right. I recently calibrated it and then checked Nier's screen settings and turned down the brightness to what the game suggested. Yeah it's a bit darker overall and probably closer to how it's supposed to look but it's still so damn washed-out.

You just sound like a sook. Pack it up crybaby and go sulk elsewhere. The majority think the Nier and GR2 demo was fantastic.

Platinum fans are the worst type of cancer by far. Makes me sick knowing that so many of these meme fucks will come to play this game without even playing the first one because MUH CUUHRAZY XDDD

Dude, if you want an echo chamber why don't you go and make your own thread instead of coming into mine and crying like a little bitch that I don't like a game that you like?

Was pretty colorful to me. Its not like you were in a green field or something though, a factory is still a factory. Go through the robot area in nier again, its all grey

>Platinum fans are the worst type of cancer by far.

Uh no, not at all. Even if you hate PG games, what will the fans do that will annoy you so much? Say "wow cool game" or post a combo webm?

The people shitposting "I WANT TO BE MILKED BY TOOBIE! SHE A CUTE! CUTE!!!" and spamming upskirt photos every thread will be much worse.

Nigger you are in a factory, there is footage on youtube of different areas

Why doesn't the demo show you what combos you can do?

Your thread is useless and not a single person has agreed with your disappointing. You are just a depressed sulking crybaby. It's better if you comit suicide as soon as possible

>I care more about threads on the worst board on Sup Forums than the actual game
Your type are the worst. Go get a friend you fucking loser.

The demo didn't even cover 1/4 of the mechanics in the game.

It was just a linear mission you nong.

Bait thread. Ignore and move on.

>when you reply to the wrong post

>Because it feels like the first game with serious performance issues
And also a shitload more objects and characters, which is what i didn't like about the first one, the feeling of controlling gravity fell flat when it mostly affected only people and a few boxes, in GR2 you shift gravity and almost everything around you is affected by it

That post was talking about the fans too you dick tip.

>not a new IP
So where did you get BTFO?

>Not a new IP

The demos were great. The games will be great.

That's fine if that's what you want, I don't want my game to perform worse because it looks better now. Why not find a middle ground, where you only add so much that the game still runs smooth?

No, what they'll do is whine about how this isn't CUUUHRAZY enough like muh epic meme MGR

It feels like a Nier dungeon made by competent developers who have added their own flair to complement the ideas behind Nier. The transitions from 2D to isometric to character action to schmup are great. Can't wait to see what else they do.

You people are essentially saying "THIS ISN'T NIER!!!" based off a stripped down combat focused section of the Junk Heap made by competent people with their own flair. As someone who played and loved Nier I really don't fucking get this. And if you're going to suggest it feels wrong thematically, tonally or character wise, why? Why do you even feel you're capable of suggesting that? You have next to no fucking context for what is happening whatsoever you fucking presumptive mongoloids.

How different was Drakengard from Nier in these respects? How different was Drakengard 3 from either, in these respects?

>not cuhrazy enough
How does fighting a giant motherfucking bucket wheel excavator robot with a motherfucking macross mech not make it cuhrayzy?
You fucking depressed or something, mate?

>Because it feels like the first game with serious performance issues
The devs stated on twitter this is an old build (it literally still has the timer from the E3 demo which kicks you out if you pause too long) and they have made improvements since.

It's your choice if you believe them.

>demo restarts


I don't know. Ask this guy

Kat is cute. CUTE!

Agreed. Nier plays well but that's all there is to it. Enemies and environment design are bland as fuck. The music is not even that good and that tribal chanting shit gets annoying after the first 5 min. of it.

GR2 is alright but definitely not a full price purchase.

Most people are raving over these demos because of the female playable characters really which is pathetic.

Regarding the Nier demo, I agree that it controls very nicely, and the movesets and the way you can customize them is also fun and very promising considering the final game will probably have loads of weapons.

But I had two issues with it. The movesets feel very limited compared to something like DMC. They feel too mashy and kinda limited. They look cool, but I would like something more in the lines of DMC where you have a bunch of moves to choose from and you combo them, instead of having to dial combos and occasionally dodge. But I guess this is what Platinum has been doing since Bayonetta with pretty much all their games.

The other issue is the enemies you fight. They are too weak and the boss was much too simplistic for me. I played on normal mode and then hard mode, but I can't say that I ever felt challenged by them.

Because the creators have a vision and for them, game feeling>FPS, not every game needs to be fast paced arcade action

Gravity rush 2 was a bit clunky but Nier was awesome, I'm DEFINITELY getting Nier
Fem Raiden is pretty cool

I feel like they're going to make you fight it so many times you'll be sick of the thing. Not to mention every enemy spams those plasma balls.

It's the curse of the budget game.

>Most people are raving over these demos because of the female playable characters really which is pathetic.
Or people like them? In the case of GR, a lot people hyped for the sequel have played the first.

>IP count didn't go up

This is sad, OP

I just got a ps4. What are some good waifu games that I can't get on PC

I currently only have persona 5 and bloodborne. Is GR remastered any good?

As I said, if that's what you want then that's okay. If a first party game runs like this then I'm definetly not going to pay full price for it.

>Where are the different enviroments, weapons, moves?
I don't think you understand the concept of demo

OP here. It did. Why don't you just leave?

lol that pop-in

Okay, and Nier people will complain there isn't a shitty visual novel in the middle of the game.

Everything is cancer.


You're basing the final game's optimization on a demo based off a build that's at least 6 months away from launch. Wait until we actually see the release build before criticizing how it runs.



WOOOW the demo didn`t tell me how to exit the game

>Or people like them?
80% of the posts in Nier or GR2 threads is waifufag shit. And the people who call Nier anything but "incredible GOTYAY Taro does it again!" are dismissed as shitposters (already seen in this thread). Yes I know it's hard to believe that some people find it mediocre from demo impressions.


>Anyone else felt kinda disappointed after playing the demo for those two?
>You're basing the final game's optimization

I'm actually pretty sure that I specifically asked about the demos.

It's L2.

Why are you so focused on stopping people from enjoying things?

Because its nier. Just use jumping heavy attacks and hope theres a phoenix spear

So it's not possible to waifu a game and actually like the game at the same time huh. 'Specially about games that haven't been released.

>why isn't it crazy like my other platinum games?
>why is this demo linear and not the full game?
>boo boo this isn't the game I hoped it was

>If a first party game runs like this then I'm definetly not going to pay full price for it.
Demos cost money now?

How dare you attempt to discuss Kat'''s game alongside such lewd garbage as 2B!

It's all a matter of opinion you retard.

Not in the comic scenes. It's incredibly annoying.

It got too much and I'm not talking about content.

That boss was fucking small time, I died to the small fuckers who spin their arms but the bagger was a little bitch. By Platinum and Nier standards that boss was shit tier.

That's not really what I meant. My issue with the demo isn't the lack of moves or enemies, but the ways theyre implemented. I also didn't mention environments.

The boss battle was also very lame. Again, it looked cool but it really boiled down to avoiding very slow attacks and watching cinematics. Is that really the kind of action you want from an action RPG?

How do you slide? I played gr1 on vita so im just used to touching the screen

Do you tiuch the pad in the bottom corners? I didnt think about that

Don't know where this shit is coming from. Platinum is known for a lot things but Bayonetta is the most pig disgusting "sexualized" character in existence (And the artist is not from Platinum and is freelance). So the waifufagging can't be from them.

Unless it's Mrgrgr fags flooding in from Bravely Default.

>Demos cost money now?
Actually they do in my country and my point still stands. If the game performs like this I'm not going to pay full price for it.

Hold L2.

>Actually they do in my country
>If the game performs like this I'm not going to pay full price for it
Good, but a demo is not an indicative of performance when optimization is the last thing to do when making a game.

>It got too much and I'm not talking about content.

>very slow attacks and watching cinematics. Is that really the kind of action you want from an action RPG?
Ironically both of these things were in fucking Nier. Especially the "watching your character do crazy special moves with his powers to finish off enemies" cinematics. Basically every single fucking boss battle in Nier features a cutscene of Nier using Weiss' power to do some bombastic giant final attack, sometimes SEVERAL TIMES IN ONE FIGHT.

So it's true to its predecessor just made by developers who are generally just as if not more competent at doing that kind of thing.

>literally a few people saying they were disappointed in the demos
>thread title is about being disappointed
>"W-why are you ruining it for the rest of us!"
Come the fuck on. You're seriously thinking some dissenting opinions are stopping people from enjoying things?

So it's not possible to dislike a game and call out the reason why most people are talking about it huh.

>get hype to play the gravity rush 2 demo after playing Nier demo
>the gravity rush demo is short as shit.
>dont even get to explore the entire area.
>gravity slide now causes destruction so now I cant just simply slide without ruining some poor persons day.
I'm upset

You're still assuming that the final build will run that shitty because the demo ran poorly.

It's meant to be very simple but satisfying -- the combat was never meant to take the reins from the rest, Taro and Saito emphasized that from the moment they announced P* was working on it.

I think you went into the Automata demo with skewed expectations. If you're looking for something with huge depth, then you'll just have to keep hoping for DMC5.

>So it's not possible to dislike a game and call out the reason why most people are talking about it huh.
It is when you're wrong. Most people want to know what the fuck's at the top of the tree or who Kat really is, what she did, etc. You'd know this if you'd go through the thread

You flattened people in the first one, user

MGR was exactly the same but that Sup Forums worshipped it because muh "BADASS music xD" I literally dropped it halfway because I was expecting a DMC-like depth for the battle system and I never got it

Automata seems the same but fuck it, I'll buy it since I don't have to wait a year or two for a PC port and the MC uses a thong and her ass is thicc

And you are still assuming I'm talking about the demo. Read it again.

alright i'll admit its pretty good b8 lol

What crawled up your ass OP? Skip school today since the winter vacation starts tomorrow?

GR2 demo was great, go eat a dick

>gravity slide now causes destruction so now I cant just simply slide without ruining some poor persons day.
it'''s always done that, nigger

Stop samefagging OP.