American level

>American level
>burger music starts playing

Other urls found in this thread:

B-b-but what if I don't like the game I buy with my Christmas money???!!!

>shitposting thread
>incoming 400 replies about nothing

>appling the text box tool to an empty background in MS paint to create the illusion of a screenshot of words that nobody said that embodies a strawman that doesn't exist

>canadian level
>chinese music starts playing

you'll thank us one day

you've never used clover in your life, have you?


Why do trumpistanis love to be assfucked by corporations?

Alex is cuter than Clover.

why do canadians like to be assfucked by the chinese and by their own prime minister?

>listening to all of these at once

>India level

Fuck you and that show had something for everyone, I'm a clover and Sam fag but the shows top tier all round

>it's another "non-American country tries to pretend they're doing something important by standing up for 'consumer rights' for fucking video games that they should have just pirated or learned more about before buying anyways," episode.

Conker's Bad Fur Day has an India level

no, user! you're not ready for the full american way!

When it comes to media formats I agree with this statement completely.

However if you purchase a device or something that does not work and other of the same products do then that is something completely different.

If I pay a woman for a blowjob, and then she flips a penis out after I've climaxed I should get my money back for false advertising and/or be allowed to murder it.

Why are americans such corporative bitches?

>european level
>bad dental music

>There are parts of the world that consider people scammed to be the wrong party.
>Parts of the world that reward scamming
>EU cucks are the kind of niggers that get what is advertised but can refund it because "I dind't like it"
Not even "This isn't what I paid for" literally "I ordered something I didn't bother to research but I deserve my money back"
Fuck off, EU is collapsing, stay mad.

They're just so used to it that they don't know any other way. Trump is fighting an uphill battle trying to save them.

I got a question. Steam already has a refund system in the United States. What refund system would they have to have in Australia to be compliant with federal law?

Note: I'm not taking sides in this. It's an honest question.