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So Diadem revamp looks fucking bad. Didn't help that they gave us basically nothing to go on. Also doesn't help that the ilevel reward is fucking DoA.
What do you nerds think
at least post the videos and other stuff op
This isn't /vg/ m80
>Another class that will make my big burly male character look like a fuckboy
Kind of understand why everyone plays girls in this game.
I like the idea, it's pretty much exactly what I had in mind for RDM. But that floating crystal thing in their other hand is stupid, just looks like an AST ripoff.
I think SAM TANK
I really have to take a shit but I'm holding it in until they release a fucking 3.5 trailer. Have they finished streaming yet, fucking christ my intestines.
Basically just sounds like, you get given a random objective i.e. kill X of Y monsters and that gives you a reward and then you get a new one. And each one progresses the overal duty which eventually spawns bigger/badder shit. Sounds fine to me, at least it's non-linear.
What's a good Tonberry FC?
Holy cocks go take a shit. Trailer isn't coming.
Emperor's New Crystal?
Would get rid of it and look like they're just in the classic fencing pose.
>But that floating crystal thing in their other hand is stupid, just looks like an AST ripoff.
I like it personally. Gives a sense of continuity in the magic of the setting that they hold their focus the same way as another breed of magic-user.
they slap the crystal onto the pommel of the rapier and flip it around to use it as a staff. That's just based
>imblying there is anything wrong with big burly mousquetaire.
>this piano
I'm feeling it. Merry Christmas guys.
No..I've come this far. I won't leave empty handed.
Blitzball is gonna get announced at EU fanfest, that's why they're putting in swimming/diving. Screencap this.
damn she good
any cute jap cosplays?
Will he ever apologize?
>Yoshi-P hints at a deliberate cause for the FFX Rewards for Fanfest
>Swimming is a major reveal at Nip Fanfest
Yeah, I can see it happening.
No seriously, the trailer isn't coming anytime soon. They're streaming a piano concert.
He already did.
lemme guess, you joined 300 member fc?
That part is pretty cool I'll admit, but it should just be part of the rapier itself imo, or they just grip it in their hand instead of floating it over their palm like an Astrolabe.
They'd be clinically retarded if they didn't add Blitzball at some point in the game now. They have no excuse not to. They'll cash in on it almost immediately.
Yeah, though probably a bad idea on my part to join a random FC that invited me
reee announce sam already reee
whats the lore behind it?
>inb4 allagan sports
The question is, will it be teams made of multiple players, or will one player control a whole team like in FFX, and the teams are made of NPCs (like your squadron)?
I'm betting on the second one, otherwise getting a match might be too hard.
Blitzball will be dead just like every other side activity such as the Gold Saucer.
Gold Saucer attraction.
I wouldn't put it past Koji.
So what's the probability of Spiderman being a tease for Blue Mage, using monster abilities?
is it EGM or OCE
Ala Mhigans love some bleetzball
How would they cash in on it? Sub fee is a sub fee, I don't think anyone is going to sub just to play blitzball. They sure didn't for Lords of Verminion
You could just do what I did and I did what you just could do.
Too bad blitzball was a terrible fucking minigame.
she gon do sophia im callin it
>it's X-2 Blitzball
don't even joke
Isn't that too vague? Plus Blue Mage is, while wanted, probably the least requested of the serious contenders.
I just don't see how it could be blue mage. "half of his costume is blue."
Dark Knight, literally Dark Knight. Scarlet Witch a synonym for Red Mage. I don't recall what it was for AST or MCH though
it will use ancient allagan constructs
calling giant robots
Nah neither of them
Honestly it's not that the FC is bad, it's just not my kind of scene
AST was just revealed like that. MCH was teased by James Bond shirt.
For MCH it was a 007 shirt and he talked about how he liked Bond's gadgets.
Supposedly this time he mentioned he liked the original spiderman movie trilogy which would be a dead giveaway for the Sam Raimi thing.
im currently at dead fc
but its my friends fc
i want to get out but i feel bad about him
>Return to Ivalice
If this doesn't drop FFT gear I will fucking lose it.
I'm in a 300 member FC that manages to be dead half the time. It's actually pretty amazing how dead it is.
what the fuck
excuse me what
Lords of Verminion was something literally nobody asked for at all and a feature that was their own crappy idea, so of course nobody would sub for it, since it not only requires you to play the game to get minions, but it takes 10 fucking years to play one match against the two other Role Playing retards playing it.
Blitzball on the other hand, now that's something people on this board will not shut the fuck up about for some reason. Not much you need to do to play it, other than have arms and legs and be alive. It'll inspire people to create their own teams and shit. it'll be the casuals paradise. End-game raiding except for casuals, if you catch my stank.
So MCH was kind of debateable, plus what we got was "MCH" and I think most people were hoping for "Gunner" so I don't think expectations were exactly met.
But if he mentioned specifically the spiderman stuff directed by Raimi then that's a better clue than "half his outfit is blue"
Possible meanings of the spiderman shirt:
Sam Raimi = Samurai > half his outfit is blue so blue mage > he uses web so puppetmaster > don't even consider the rest
the fuck happened on stream
what fc?
I remember the huge disappointment i felt when i started XII for the first time just to discover it takes place in the same world as FFTA, i do not want to visit this place again
Ah man that sucks, is it just the two of you?
Also would he follow and join a new FC with you? Or he is determined to stick with it.
People think Blue Mage because Spiderman is a character who got his powers from being bitten by a Spider, and Blue Mage is a class which gets their skills from being attacked by monsters.
>non dyeable event gear: Golden Saucer
>dyeable event gear: PVP
I literally died inside.
It's either LoV/Chocobo racing grind or Feast grind. God damn it
Pretty much.
Dancercuck are in extreme denial right now.
determined to stick with it he even told me one of his friends will join us soon™
Holy shit. I might actually resubscribe. I was a RDM main in XI for years. Any news on BST, SAM, RUN, PUP, or BLU? I'm in and buying heavensward asap if ANY of those were announced too
Only RDM. Anything else will be announced in February.
you spelled Febuary wrong, faggot.
don't bet on it
it's still possible, more likely than Dancer right now
don't bet on it
also more likely than Dancer right now
The new 24 is called Return to Ivalice.
>if it drops FFT sets they will just be male versions like TO sets in Neverraep
you were close
SAM will probably be announced in February. BLU was teased once somewhere but we probably won't be getting it.
>Became famous in mainstream media and helped usher in the superhero genre thanks to the trilogy.
>Iconic trilogy directed by Sam Raimi.
>Sam Raimi.
> Geomancer confirmed
Spiderman was famous way before the movies.
I wasn't even talking about the fucking outfit. He is a man who uses monster abilities. The fucking spider part. Using spider abilities. How can you be accusing people of grasping at straws with this "outfit is half blue" flag while being so dense yourself
>Isn't that too vague?
The vagueness of the shirt is likely intentional. People were starting to treat the shirts as confirmations rather than hints/teasers.
Think about Spiderman's nicknames, and some of his major storylines/movies.
Oh ouch, hopefully that friend actually does join soon because that sounds like a painful situation to be in
Spider is not a monster.
Thank God it wasn't dancer
New 24-man for Stormblood is Return to Ivalice.
Yasumi Matsuno (FFT, FFXII) himself is writing it.
Keita Amemiya (creator/character designer of GARO, creature design for SMT4) is doing boss designs.
Also GARO collab because of this.
Play Sophia.
All I know about Spiderman is that he is now a nigger.
I hope to god there won't be an Orphan job announced.
There are a LOT of people who would disagree with you heavily. Spiders are pretty clearly monsters. Lots of legs, mandibles, hunters who will poison you with a bite. That's pretty monster-ish muchacho
Goes hand in hand with this expac then.
we have potd LS though
mostly talking to people through that
wanna join?
You might not have been but that's what I've seen everyone else saying. Also, yeah, a spider isn't a monster, and it's just one animal anyway.
Goblin Slayer confirmed.
Tight. SAM was my secondary along with BST. I loved how SAM/DRG and DRG/SAM were equally fun and totally unexpected to run into.
I'll still keep dreaming. Someone's gotta hope, right?
But user.
go the fuck back to Sup Forums with your shit threads
I could not understand a single thing their guild said.
t. autistic incapable of reading context and using a bit of imagination
still dont understand why a pirate class became weeb job
Main spiderman is still white. there are like 19 different spiderpeople now.
>I wont leave empty handed
You know what you need to do, then
Its ridculous just how many offshoots of spiderman there are, even bat family isnt this bad