Why does everyone pretend to like this literally empty open world that ran at 15fps?

Why does everyone pretend to like this literally empty open world that ran at 15fps?

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Because it's an amazing game.

Same reason anyone pretends to like pretentious garbage - they think it makes them seem intelligent.

I played it on an emulator at a proper framerate

except it isn't
it's a barebones bossrush where you spend most of the time just running on a horse in an empty field

It's not empty.
There are 16 Colossi in it.
Some birds and lizards, too.

>Souls fans in a nutshell

Quite possibly the most overrated game of all time. At least Ocarina of Time had more stuff to do aside from dungeons.

It made for good downtime between bosses and really let you soak in the desolate atmosphere.

these bosses are miles apart with absolutely nothing to do in between, it's empty

>muh atmosphere
do you seriously enjoy holding the analog forward for 2 hours to watch a horse running over empty fields? sounds like the excuse that some pretentious indie studio would use to shill their half assed "deep" game

Tell me how this game would have been improved by filling the game world with masses of generic monsters for you to fight.

Not everyone needs constant stimulation to find a video game entertaining. The atmosphere the empty world gives off make the boss fights have a lot more weight behind it.

If you don't like a video game you don't have to play it :^)

Because it was and is a radically different game that challenged many of the stale paradigms dominant in gaming. Most of everything that might earn it criticism if reviewed today was instead revolutionary and daring at the time of its release.

better than the last guardian.

what a weak strawman
the game doesn't need generic monsters everywhere, it needs CONTENT
stuff to do, and things to interact

you're literally sean murray right now

Damn now I want to play SotC again.

Yes, the game would have been improved by having more game. Furi has the same issue. Lacking completely in gameplay between bosses. It actually detracts from the experience.

Just like the real world.

> pretend

People have different tastes, you underaged faggot.

I played it when it first released and there was nothing like the Colossus battles in other games. The terrible framerate and empty world didn't bother me.

I didn't like Ico. I loved Shadow of the Colossus.

>Posting a pic of the PS3 version which runs at 30fps

coprophilia being a thing doesn't make shit less shit

No Man's Sky lied about what it would deliver

SotC was always up front about it's gameplay. That's the difference.

The atomosphere was great and I did enjoy coming over a hill and turning a corner to be presented with a beautiful scenery and landscape. Wondering where the next battle could take place was fun too.

>people enjoy different types of games
>I'll make a shit fetish analogy

Just stick to mom jokes, faggot.

It was an experiment in a game consisting of only boss battles, whether or not it succeeded is a matter of opinion, the boss battles them selves were fun despite the empty bland world.

I think he's calling you/user Sean Murray because of the excuses made up in that post to defend mediocre design and gameplay decisions.

I thought the HD collection ran at 60?

>gets btfo
>ew you talked about poop so it doesn't count

Honestly it was just a shitty analogy :^|

There are plenty of beat em up games with similar gameplay to Fury. The fact that is doesn't have those generic enemies in between the boss fights is what makes it stand out as a unique game.

The fact that SotC is still discussed over 10 years after it's release has to say something about it's quality. Even with the success that it received there still hasn't been a game released since that has been able to match it's scale when it comes to boss fights.

Feel free to prove me wrong because I would love to try out some games that I've missed


I don't know if you're purposely fishing for (You)'s but if you want an answer I encourage you to watch this,
Now you don't have to like design by subtraction, but this should explain why some people do. Team Ico made games that were fundamental to one idea, without needing to add a bunch of garbage to it that doesn't improve it.
Yes, a game needs content, but its really your opinion that it didn't have enough. The plains were for scale and respite between bosses. It gave the world a more authentic feel. If there were none, then it'd be boss fight after boss fight and wouldn't feel special and would move along to fast. If they were filled with other content, it would pollute the game with unnecessary tasks.

>The fact that SotC is still discussed over 10 years after it's release has to say something about it's quality
superman 64 must be a masterpiece since people still talk about it 17 years after it's release

>there still hasn't been a game released since that has been able to match it's scale when it comes to boss fights
so you've never played platinum games

The beauty of these games is in their simplicity and focus. Every action you take feels incredibly personal and meaningful.

Oh yeah, I liked the game, but if there's one thing that stops me from going back to it it's the knowledge that I'll have to travel through the open world again.

It's not that I always ended up lost, and it's not like I can't understand where it came from, it was just boring to me. Doesn't help that Agro is a bitch to control with her needing to be hit ever 5 seconds to not decrease her speed.

>superman 64 must be a masterpiece since people still talk about it 17 years after it's release
>a game that is talked about only because of it's god awful quality

Yeah man, that's a really smart analogy. You're a true thinking man aren't you

Any recommendations of some Platinum games I should check out then?

Most beat em ups with large boss fights that I've played just consist of punching a giant in the toes over and over

I could see where you're coming from if it was an empty open field like LoZ, but there's clearly some level of thought put into its design. You're still navigating and exploring the forbidden land, and having a lot of extra things to do would just cheapen the experience.

>giving content to a barebones game would cheapen the experience
you should really join hello games

Epic, simply epic.

I liked the way Agro controlled in the game. It felt like your character was trying to control a horse instead of having full control over the horse.

I agree with you with the speed decrease. I hated that you have to mash the button to keep at full speed in the open world but it makes a lot more sense during boss fights that use Agro. Maybe the developers didn't want you blasting full speed from boss to boss but with such a large world (even with how much I love the game) moving fast is always a good thing.

>What is a singular artistic vision

Not exactly sure how SotC relates to Hello Games in any way.

>tfw no good monster climban games
Well there's dragon's dogma but that was shit
Fuck them for wasting their time of Clifford the dog simulator instead of making a second game

>do you seriously enjoy holding the analog forward for 2 hours
Yes because it's actually contrasted with the colossus fights. You have these loud, bombastic fights offset by these peaceful rides to your next location.


it ran at 1080p though

Because it has some creative enemy design and fun boss fights with a great OST and cool atmosphere.

What other game lets you shoot at a giant rock bird only for it to dive down at you, meaning you have to jump and grab onto its wing as it flies around a huge lake with your stabbing it in the wings?

>game where you spend 100% of the time doing busywork
>compared to game where the focus is loud, in your face boss fights before giving you time to rest with quiet rides to your next fight

Weebs and hipsters will 'like' all sorts of stupid bullshit to appease their ego.

same reason people like Ocarina of time

>2 hours
More like 3-6 minutes

i like it because it's fun
if you don't like it then why are you posting about it ? why not just post about some game that you do like

You have a horse you know. It would be pretty boring if the distance between bosses was 10 seconds on horse.

It was fun. No need to pretend.

>if you don't like it then why are you posting about it ? why not just post about some game that you do like

Conversely, why are you posting in a thread criticizing the game if you like it so much? Why not post a thread about how much you love the game and circlejerk over there?

Any game with that 'Ueda' feel?

>mfw Last Guardian requires a PS4 Pro running in 1080p (not 4K) just to hit 30fps

Salty Zeldafags.

>do you seriously enjoy holding the analog forward for 2 hours to watch a horse running over empty fields?
This retarded didn't even know how to follow the sword glow and find each Colossus withing 5 minutes.

Thank you I fucking hate this game

you obviously never played the game you dumbass

It's a boss rush game, and Sup Forums loves boss rushes.

One of the last critically accepted games that accepted boss fights before the collective gaming journalist media decided that bosses were "too videogamey"

v and g in a nutshell

Because it was made good by emulation and the HD collection. It was miserable on PS2.


This would be a QTE cutscene if developed today

Just like a majority of the Metal Gear Ray fight in MGR.

>muh FPS
>muh linearity

There's also some great exploration in SotC.

Just deal with it -- a lot of people did like the desolate wasteland and the mysterious lore. Music's awesome too.

you could do that? damn

very artistic and has a great style and atmousphere. the sense of scale and weight is something never before (or since) seen in a game. and a great original soundtrack. it's a masterpiece.

Sup Forums is full of contrarian hipsters, who memed this game to normies attention.

It WAS an amazing game.
What new it did - is now a staple in any AAA title though, the whole cinematic thing.

Hipsters and Normies weren't a thing in 2005.

>Why does everyone pretend to like this literally empty open world that ran at 15fps?

Because it offered something different and rather unique, it was an experience unlike any other and as....

...said, it was a focused and purposefully designed game, what was there was carefully considered and crafted with no extraneous filler.

>What new it did - is now a staple in any AAA title though, the whole cinematic thing.

It's not a staple because none of those games replicated what Shadow of Colossus did. Not to mention the whole "cinematic" wave is in no way lifted from SotC. Don't fucking kid yourself. Rejected film students are turning to video games to get their shitty movie ideas made.

Colossus had a "cinematic" feeling to it while also being 100% a video game. All the tension, the set pieces, and the moments in the game was achieved through its mechanics and presentation of the challenge.

Everything else that's come out in recent time has taken a copy cat approach of the hollywood format. Make it gritty, make it "mature", and load it with voice actors and cutscenes. Strip the gameplay away from the player as much as possible so that the film like elements are front in center.

Shit like Last of Us was like watching a movie.
SotC was being the stunt man in the movie.

>game came out in 2005
> Sup Forums "Meme'd" it into popularity

Yeah okay there newfriend
This thread is absolutely pathetic levels of le ebin trollzin.
you people need to seriously leave this planet

I love objective games (games without shit npcs stopping you to talk or long and boring tutorials).
I also love boss rush games - I consider Alien Soldier the best action game.

Eh, you don't kid yourself either, SotC rode on being extremely nicely cinematic. The "gameplay" was a puzzle you had to solve with wonky controls (okay for its time I guess) and not even smart ones, non dynamic, just what the devs thought of.

give it 5 years, the cinematic performance of SotC is in every AAA title, and we have better gameplay all over too.

It was new and well done, which is why people think of it fondly, but NOW it has NOTHING that is exceptional, the gameplay is empty, clunky and boring, the presentation is 'ok'.
Also doesn't help that the remakes are shittier than the original.

>Shadow of the Colossus received critical acclaim, with an average critic score of 91% at GameRankings, making it the 11th-highest rated game of 2005
I bet you think Chrono Trigger is underground as well.

>was a puzzle
That's an interesting way to look at it.
It was an action-puzzle game. A truly rare genre.

The atmosphere, the feel, the mechanics, the music and the architecture

Eh, its not a compliment.
If you give me dynamic tools like climbing, sword, bow&arrow, I sure would like if the giant could be defeated in more ways than the single "trick" or "puzzle" the devs thought of, which is either blatantly obvious at first sight, or something relatively stupid/non-intuitive

>boss rush
>big world to traverse without any asinine chores like 500 fetch quests and non-plot-related sideshit forced down your throat

If only more games did it.

>all of those cut colossi
i wish they made a second sotc instead of TLG

Calling it a puzzle is like saying Call Of Duty is a puzzle where the solution is shooting people

I want a remaster with all the cut content in it, including the extra areas that are in the map but you cant access


No it is not.
Theres 1 obvious TRICK, a set move you need to do to beat them.

I can probably knife my way through CoD, use 40 different weapons, be agressive or defensive, sneaky or guns blazin, I can aim well and win or do worse.

You can do what the devs wanted you to do, or you don't and won't progress. Same as a puzzle, you find its one solution, or you don't, no two ways about it.

Exactly, if any video games are "art" sotc and ico are up there near the top.

Post best Collossi
>That music
>That oh shit moment when jumping on the wing actually works
>That new tension from going really fast and being in the air

So your point is that puzzles are inherently bad?

>I didn't play the game and it's cool/funny to hate on things that people genuinely like for good reasons

Actually you spend the least time riding through open fields, and most of the time navigating through forests, caves, cliffs, aztec ruins, desert dunes, valleys, etc.

Twilight Princess was better to be honest


You are so fuckin stupid, that i can't even figure out where to start telling you how wrong you are

Also i forgot to mention that entitled faggy cocksuckers like you are the people ruining videogames for this generation

the plural of colossus is colossus you fucking moron

No game since has allowed combat against such enormous enemies in 100% real time action. I feel like this argument comes from people who have not actually played the game. You control every second of the battle without any quicktime events or cutscenes, it's just you climbing and stabbing a giant.

The correct term is colossi my kid

>This would be a QTE cutscene if developed today
Been done already.

I bought it on a whim because I had heard it was pretty good. (I still havent played ico, most of what I know about it was from reading EGM)

The introduction in SOTC really got me, the many voices of Dormin which manifests as a pillar of light, and the simple goal of trying to bring your waifu back to life. The magic sword stolen from his village, all the story points were suggested from the getgo, and they don't sit there explaining it all to you.

So you find your first colossus by shining the sun's rays into your sword. I remember being confused as arrived at that little slope wondering if I somehow got it wrong in this huge world. After a bit of climbing you see the same colossus on the game's cover. It didnt take long to figure out how to beat it, but the huge feet and the crushing tremors as they move was pretty fucking intimidating at first.

After the deed is done its back to the temple with those sketchy shadowy tentacles, my waifu is still dead and Dormin informs me of the next target, which was a lot craftier of a fight. Thats something I really liked, is that every fight was essentially like a zelda OOT puzzle. Though there's definitely a lot of stamina management involved when youre climbing.

So fastforward many collossi later, and im familiar with a lot of the huge expanses of land despite how far apart they are. And when youre riding up to the final colossus I teared up over Argo like a little bitch you expect it to be just like the rest, but I immediately got the air that it was fully aware of everything i've done up to this point, and it wasn't fucking around. The scale of that fight was intense and awesome.

Something else to add is that as you approach the end you really feel like you've made a huge journey, especially since the wear and tear from housing Dormin begins to show on wander. After some fights when returning to the shrine waifu begins to breathe as well.

I dunno senpai I loved it.

Look, I don't ask why so many people enjoy shooting guns at each other on the same maps over and over again. So don't ask why I enjoyed spending one day riding across the countryside on horseback and killing giant stone monsters with a sword.

>"'but that's a strawman' even when it's not a strawman" strawman

The gameplay boils down to hunting for food, basic platforming, and puzzle-boss fights.

Name one additional gameplay feature that would've improved the game. You can't.

Go play Horizon Zero Dawn you illiterate cancerous faggot.


Shadow of the Colossus is utter fucking garbage in every single way and just proves that Sony fanboys only care about hype, prestige and maybe cinematic shit.

You guys just have no standards, you should never be allowed to shit on Nintendo since even the worst Nintendo games are better than this shit and even the worst PC indie games.

>can't die
>the best example of a casual cinematic game people seem to hate but no one cares in this case
>basically no gameplay
>just an empty open world without fucking ANYTHING to do
>disgusting horse controls that want you to do button combos for the most simple things that could be easily possible with just tilt controls (see Zelda TP)
>colossi barely even attack you
>if you actually lost health, to make sure you don't die and don't have to do the same shit all over again, you must walk away and wait five minutes for your health to refill, they were too retarded to implement potions
>yes, there is auto health regen but apparently it's OK when Sony does it
>whole gameplay is "jump onto colossus, hold R button, then crawl to the shining, blue point and attack for 10 seconds, repeat"
>there are always voices telling you what to do and how to kill a colossus even if you don't really know what to do for a minute
>disgusting cinematic camera that only lets you see one side of the character (rule of third)
>literally (LITERALLY) 15 FPS on PS2 back then
>absolute piece of shit graphics with flowers being just a 2D surface floating in the air

Everyone who likes this game is never allowed to criticise any other video game because every single flaw they could complain about is in this game right here.