Who else preordered KH 2.8?

Who else preordered KH 2.8?

Kingdom Hearts thread.

I am playing 2.5 (Birth by Sleep)

I just defeated Eraqus with Terra

Can someone explain to me why the fuck these idiots cannot name the games properly?

Are they sequels? I know theres a kingdom hearts 1&2 but why the hell is there a 2.5, 2.8,dicksinmahass, electricboogaloo

2.5, 2.8 and the like are a collection of every game in the series remade. Only released for PS3 and 4, though, which is weird considering that 3 is coming to Xbone as well, meaning that it would just make more sense to port them both.

Is only aqua playable in 2.8?

2.8 and the 1.5+2.5 bundle are the only games I've pre-ordered in the last 10 years. Because I just want them to arrive on my doorstep on release day without having to remember anything.

I'm looking forward to playing through DDD since I never shilled out for a 3DS to play it. Staring at Aqua's ass in her new game should be fun too.

Nah Yakuza 0 and FF12 HD for me.

It's retarded, but makes sense if you've played the games.

Pic related explains it pretty easily, in actual chronological order. There are 7 "different" Kingdom Hearts games in total, 2 of the 7 probably aren't even required for the "story".

1.5 and 2.5 are just bundles of ALL the games ported onto the PS3. A PS4 bundle is being released next year with literally all 7 KH games on them.

My body is ready for Aqua's game.

You forgot black cover/X.

I preordered Yakuza 0 because I still haven't played BBS and the PS4 HD collection isn't out til March.

This. People seem to get overwhelmed at the amount of games. But the length of the other games compared to KH 1&2 is a lot shorter. I don't know if these were the 2 games you were talking about, but 358/2 Days and Re:Coded shouldn't even be counted as proper KH games.


No one gives a shit about X

I wonder if Utada will make two versions of her song for KH3 (like it was with KH1 and KH2)

Oh you

>mfw she will die a pure maiden

Can't you just make 3, you faggots?

I don't care. I'm honestly just glad it's a different song, instead of the same thing remixed into a pancake for the past 14 years.

>for the collection with the least amount of content

>being a poor burger

Just finished KH1FM. Played through the first hour of ReCOM and didn't love it. Should I keep going or just move on to KH2FM?

well re:com is necessary to understand the story in 2
if you're really not having fun, you can watch the cutscenes online

Why weren't his eyes yellow?

You don't really need to play CoM. The battle system is black and white to some people. Just Play KH2FM and it will explain everything important that happened in CoM within the first hour.

>look at this pleb not willingly throwing his money at a bad bargain

>re:com is necessary to understand the story in 2

The basic happenings of Chain of Memories is explained in 2 though. Nothing really happened in CoM anyway. It's just a plot device to explain a time skip.

>playing Kingdom Hearts

Jesus christ, why?

because he wasn't possessed by Vanitas, thats just Evil Ventus because its Aqua's memory or some shit i assume?

Okay i borrowed a friends ps4

What games do I need to play besides 1 and 2 to get ready for 3? What collections are out for ps4?

None are out for the PS4, I was gonna buy a PS4 to play the collections but currently 1.5 and 2.5 are only ps3.

They will be releasing a PS4 collection of both 1.5 AND 2.5 I believe so you can wait on that

Fun Disney worlds and nostalgia.

The anime characters are trash, but it's bearable with all the disney content.

1.5 and 2.5 for PS4 come out in March IIRC and 2.8 comes out in a month so just wait for now.

Would you a Aqua?


KH1.5+2.5 is being released for PS4 in March next year. It has every KH game released so far on there.

i just bought a ps3 and i'm being given 1.5+2.5 as a present. Can't wait to play.

how the FUCK do you beat maleficent in lvl 1 crit with ventus? she never gets staggered, and you can never finish a combo on her since she starts teleporting after 1 fucking hit

Its weird they're also releasing that collection after 2.8 drops, they should have done it before to get people hype.

>i just bought a ps3
Dude, why?

Aqua's chin up my ass? Yeah.

I hope you bought it for free.

Oh well..

Not that user, but there could be some other games he wants to play that are on PS3/360, assuming he doesn't own a 360 either.
I plan on buying a PS3 sometime soon myself, so I can play Demon's Souls and Dark Souls, among a couple other games.

Briefly explain that image to me

Ahh, good point. I hadn't thought of that.

If it was an OG PS3 he can play PS2 games on it

i got it for £30 and i wanted to play KH. Couldn't be bothered to wait until march.

I wanna protect that smile.

Just beat 1 for the first time after like 9 years of going on and off and going to the HD remake. Felt fucking nice to go back and finish it. I wish the PS4 version came sooner.
I'll probably just finish RE:CoM, then go to 2.8 and finish 2.5 once the PS4 version releases.

Set all of the PS4 Releases for Preorder user, not even ashamed

> Sanctuary and Simple and Clean on repeat until release

If I only played kh1 when it released and nothing after that, should I wait on 2.8 and play 1.5+2.5 in March first? Don't reallyy care about spoilers because the plot is so fucking stupid and convoluted

Unless you really want to play the other games you might as well wait 2bh

I might. I'm playing through DDD after dropping it. It's not as bad as I remember it, but it's frustrating.

What's your favorite KH game? Mine so far is RE:Coded, but I haven't played Days yet. Probably will in the future.

I'm still kinda on the fence on getting 2.8 or Gravity Rush 2.

All the titles add up to 13

Waiting for the 1.5 and 2.5 collection on PS4. Once I'm done with them, I'll get 2.8.

good job, the eraqus battle with terra was the hardest in all of birth by sleep for me, i platinumed the game. It was so hard in fact that i threw my controller and it hit my tv. broke both my tv and my controller. i had a 2nd controller and planned on getting a new tv anyways soon though, its all good