Party members nobody used ever

Starting with an easy one

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>Starting with an easy one

The moment I got him he never left my team.

Pic related, obsolete as soon as you get Slimer Navarre

>you have to use them, exclusively for that one dungeon/segment
>severely underleveled / useless


That's probably because you're hungry for shota cock

Absolutely no reason to use him otherwise.

I never used Ken on my first playthrough because I dislike his character, but he is actually one of the best characters in terms of combat.

Sten from DAO.

>Has no weakness aside from dark death spells, which are rarely used
>Has heal
>Has Makarakarn, one of the most broken spells in the game
Nope, Ken is easily one of the best characters.

Magus was the biggest disappointment I think I ever had in a JRPG.
So badass before he joins you, then he joins you. Fucking terrible.

>use his giant frog form to move around world map
>immediately kick out of party once you reach destination

Actually, he's immune to both dark and light spells as well, forgot about that.

I used him for a while because he was higher level than one of my regulars. Never touched Shinjiro though, and barely used Koromaru.

I used Ken because kid knew spears were based.

We know who you are

Please get another game

I used him once. His ultimate persona looks cool, but he still sucks

natalia a cute but shes sadly a poor mans tear on the battlefield. you only use her beacuse you want to.

He's the only character with no weakness in the game. People who say he's bad must have brain damage.

>being a faggot

Man, fuck everybody in that game.
Oh, Luke's a replica who's only had a few years of actual life experience and got tricked into doing something by the one guy he trusted? BAD LUKE, WE ALL HATE YOU SO MUCH, GO DIE ALONE SOMEWHERE

i think its more of the fact that luke acted like a child (they dont know he is one yet) over destroying the city and killing everyone. didint help he acted like an jackass on their trip there.

Everyone from Kingdom Hearts. Using anyone besides Donald and Goofy is willingly crippling yourself.

in the first game, yes. in the second game, who cares? they are just there for the most part.

I dunno why, she's actually pretty good, but I hated her as much as the next guy

I ended up using her mainly because Tear's so good at her job it's overkill anyway most of the time.

This. The game supported switching party members constantly, but I never used her.

>>Actually, he's immune to both dark and light spells as well, forgot about that.
No he's not, he's weak to darkness.

I never used her either. It was all about Vivian and Yoshi with Bobbery for heavy hits.

Literally everyone but Yosuke/Yukiko/Chie in P4.

Nope, null in both

Naoto was GOAT on Golden at least. My end game party was Naoto, Chie and Teddie. Yukiko and Yosuke are trash.

She's the best tank though. Her kiss ignore defense and heal her. She single handedly carry my fights against Bonetail everytime.

Goombella is great too for heavy hits, she hurts like a truck once you got two badges to give pour partners more damages.

Tarzan is good in Deep Jungle during that point in the game. Ariel is good for Atlantica in KH1. Simba is good for Pride Lands in KH2. I can kind of agree otherwise.


That's when you're fighting him. As a party member he's weak to darkness. Note his level and HP


At least you had Chie too.
She truly was best P4.

I jacked all my power into Mario.

>not Kanji

Kanji was better. Even in Vanilla he was able to out damage Chie.

Huh? I liked using Magus.

90% of the reason I had her in my party was because she's the best girl, but she was also pretty useful with sick physical damage skills.

Hard to get motivated to keep her when you know what's coming. That said, none of the party members really have anything going for then other than limit breaks. Characters with ranged weapons are better because you can stick them in the back and they'll still do full damage.

Never had a use for her or Shana. Dart, Albert and Kongol all day.

>she was also pretty useful with sick physical damage skills

Too bad Kanji completely blew her away in this.

Kanji is no woman though.

If I recall, you can tell her to fuck off right?

Nobody used Kahmari besides bara furries.

That beastman guy from ffx who you have to use solo for a couple fights later in the game.

I completely forget his name... k-something.. long..

Luckily they scale those fight down to match his level and abilities.

Doesn't matter, she is still the best girl and my wife, which earns her a spot in my party.

But Chie learns Power Charge and God Hand

I used her for the final boss.

The extra turn you get from not needing to heal was really helpful to attack or buff/debuff.

He can be if you ask him nicely.

>not hammer pixie

Does he ever get good if you upgrade him?

I didn't like any of the characters in the beginning at all, but after that incident, and some events and skits I genuinely liked them. Even Guy felt like he acted too much like a good guy in the beginning, but after some time you can see that he really cares about Luke, and he's Luke's best bro.
Well, except Anise. I mean I get her motivations but I still really don't like her.

Adding to this: Ken also doesn't learn several of those skills listed, Makarakarn, Sharp Student, Revolution, Rebellion, Megidolaon, and Premonition are all skills he doesn't learn. There's also the fact that the regular basic attack is listed as a skill and how he doesn't know Mediarahan or Samarecarm

And Kanji has the more Powerful Primal Force and much higher Strength.

I leveled him up a little, but yeah, I never used Ken, Junpei, or the dog much.

I tried to keep Chie in the party for as along as I was able, but even after grinding it felt like she was outclassed.

Even the first time I played it and didn't know what was coming, I never bothered with her. Why have a weak dedicated healer type character when everyone else is almost as good at casting magic and can get healing spells just as easily as equipping it?

Also healing items were abundant as fuck in 7. Good thing, too, because when she gets forced in the party at the Temple of the ancients, she ended up being a weak link that got me stuck at the back-to-back Dragon & Wall boss fights.

Really deflated that scene when the character I hardly interacted with and ended up being a burden gets killed.

>Literally never going to have another game

I neglected the majority of the ME cast in favor of Tali and Garrus.

And Mordin, if I felt like mixing things up.

>those usage statistics for Jacob


His main purpose was to be a shittier version of other companions.

Too bad Kanji didn't have GALACTIC PUNT desu

What were they?

Though I imagine the human squaddies were lower in general.

You might be the one with brain damage user

>Wanting more shit just because there's a cute girl you can play ass

Fuck off you're the type of person who doesn't even do all the challenge dungeons I bet

Good job.

I think Morrigan has her moments, but I feel like I can't take her anywhere without hearing her disapproval because I'm not evil for the sake of it.

The only party members ever worth using are the aliens from the first game. Grunt deserves an honorable mention but he's worse than Wrex anyway.

He was a pretty unnecessary party member.

And half the KOTOR and KOTOR 2 cast. He's a cool guy, but I can't figure out why I would ever have a party of non-jedis. It's just not functional

I was disappointed that Okeer wasn't the party member in ME2, because a Krogan scientist was something we hadn't seen before. Grunt felt like he was just another berserker.

I warmed up to him by ME3 though.

I usually had Mission or HK along for lockpicking and/or potential genocidal banter

>Party members nobody used ever
Everyone took this swamp cunt with them.


>using a cheap, budget version of lisa
>thinking a copy of a girl who wasn't even the best in her own game is best girl

>Triple Techs are the coolest shit.
>Secret Character can't use them.
What a disappointment.

Jack and Miranda were actually pretty decent, Jacob was just next to nothing - far and away the lowest of anyone in the series.

Fuck no I didn't. She looked like absolute dogshit in 1.

Just like most of the rest of the game, come to think of it

>one of only two mages - by far the best class
>the other mage only joined you later and only if you made a certain decision

I'd put money on more people using her than anyone else.

Cait Sith.

I don't even want a picture of him on my computer, that's how much I hate him.

Little shit just worms his way into your party, has useless Limits, and when he kidnapped Marlene, I benched him forever and immediately sold any Megaphones I found.

in a game where Akihiko is a thing how do people ever use Ken?

Teddie is an inferior Yukiko and Chie is an inferior Kanji (who is already inferior to everyone else).

And Gau.

I tend to use him as my healer. He shits all over Yukari desu.

>not keeping her in your party the entire time and unlocking her final Limit Break before the end
It's like you faggots don't even like FFVII.

I am hungry for shota cock but Ken is also preety good
>healing skills
>physical skills
>instant kill skills

Playing as a mage mitigated ever needing a specific party, so I just took whoever, as long as someone could pick locks.

He can be good if you give him all the best aspects of the other party members, but it takes a while, and by the time he can really shine you're already taking Tidus down Auron's path or Yuna down Lulu's.

>mana clash
>mass paralysis

I could bring 3 naked characters who I never leveled up and still faceroll that game on hard

Any of the humans in all three ME games.
Except Zaeed I guess, he was cool.

The problem is that Akihiko also does all those things minus the instant kills, but without being a little shit or joining you 3/4ths of the way into the game.

Akihiko is shit for healing though