How come this game is so good and no one talks about it? I bought it in the sale for curiosity's sake...

How come this game is so good and no one talks about it? I bought it in the sale for curiosity's sake, and it's pretty fucking great.

Why didn't you tell me?

Are you kidding? I've seen threads on this game nearly daily. You must have just never noticed

I don't like the higher difficulties make the enemies bullet sponges

Especially around the times it goes on sale. There's been at least one thread constantly up about it for the last few days.

It doesn't do that.
Higher difficulty only effects enemy damage.
A shotgun will tear through an imp no matter the difficulty.

How much is it on sale by? How's the replay value? I play Doom 2 all the time because there's a billion different wads for it both single and multiplayer. If this shit is just a 5 hour campaign like most modern gaming then fuck that.

Sup Forums doesn't like to talk about games they like. Most are here only to complain about what they dislike.

60% off on steam. Just got it

It has some flaws, but short is not one of them. Also there is so many snapmaps it isn't funny.

my 13 year old nephew brought it over with his ps4 i tried to play it but i simply can no longer use controllers especially for a fps

i was proud of him though he was getting monster kills in pvp and figured out some shotgun/switch to smg to finish them off gimmick he probably learned from our days of playing bioshock 2 online which was the funnest piece of shit you'd ever play

everyone played it for free because it was bundled with everything for months

its better than pretty much all the fps games on the market but that is not saying much

On Ultra Violence do the melee kills not give you ammo anymore?
One of my biggest gripes about this game was how you had pretty much infinite ammo if you just melee'd once in a while.

We did have threads about it. Only thing to talk about now is how stupid the marketers were for focusing on the so-so multiplayer.

>$85 in DLC already

Holy fuck, is this what PC gaming is now? No thank you.

Because you believed Sup Forums has good taste in games

>Holy fuck, is this what gaming is now? No thank you.

It's dogshit. Fuck off redditard. You're the reason we can't have good games nor any game discussion.

>playing DOOM multiplayer
>buying the shitty DLC for DOOM multiplayer
fuck off

Like someone else said, multiplayer sucks. Don't bother with the DLC since it is multiplayer exclusive.

Multiplayer on doom is just like any other Multiplayer game, a piece of shit

Hello underageb&.

Sup Forums doesnt like video games

It's the best game of the last 5 years, therefore you'll not find it discussed on Sup Forums

It doesn't man. They just move smarter and faster and deal a shitton of damage.


>tfw 270x can't run it on low at 30fps
It's time to upgrade. What card do I need for the Ultra, 60fps D44M experience?

The GB2 reddit or reddit GOLD card.

>all the DLC is multiplayer trash
what the fuck

It doesn't everything dies to a combination of 2/4/6 shotgun bullets

Because it's Painkiller + Brootal memes
aka Not Doom