ITT: Steam sale regrets
>Sup Forums tells me a game is good
>purchase it
>it's just a grindfest with no story whatsoever
Never again I'll trust you fucks.
ITT: Steam sale regrets
>Sup Forums tells me a game is good
>purchase it
>it's just a grindfest with no story whatsoever
Never again I'll trust you fucks.
isnt that a MH clone?
what did you expect?
Just refunded Disgaea PC. Similar reasons (plus I already played it before). What's a good rpg on steam for $15 or less?
It's unbelievable how garbage this is
depends on what kind of RPG you want
DA:O is pretty cheap right now. divinity original sin might be below $15 as well
divinity 2 is a personal favorite of mine but some people dont like it for perfectly valid reasons
e.y.e. divine cybermancy.
>god eater
>no story
>complaining about grinding in a mh game
play resurection, check the penta bullet recipe and blast everything in minutes.
or make your own bullets and check how creative you are
Refunded Space Engineer, used nearly all 8gb of ram on tutorial mission and I like doing stuff in background. EDF has no regrets though.
>Caring about story
Maybe you should go back to tumblr
You can't really say that Sup Forums told you its good though. Because that would be a lie.
Sup Forums told me this game was shit, so I bought it
it's fucking great
how great is it?
i'm itching for an anime musou
I never played a musou game before, so I don't know how it compares to the rest
but it's fun, pretty dumb but fun
this honestly
are you retarded, OP?
DOOM seems to be the best deal right now
Played the demo and it seemed cool. What is the Sup Forumserdict?
sp is worth a playthrough
mp and snapmap is total trash
>Buying grindy weebshit
you did this to yourself
SP worth it, IDK if its worth 20€ tho
>no story whatsoever
Did you just iddle on the title screen?
SP is goat. Rest is pathetically mediocre.
SP is worth it though.
im not having much fun in nu-doom so far
the platforming is stupid, summoners have too much health, and the music never went too hard until the fight on top of that Mars tower, and only lasted 15 seconds
i'm in hell right now, and it's only a tad better than the goddamn foundry level
The anime is fun. The main girl was some massive tits.
who cares about that?
>buying bloodlines
i bet you didn't even patched it
>he fell for the toddposting memes
Really? I was tempted to get it but if there's nothing but grinding I'll pass.
I played it all day nonstop offline yesterday while steam was down and it only shows having played for 8 minutes so I'm refunding. It's just meh.
FFIX is shit kys weeb
>no story
Literally what?
It has too much story at times. Can't tell you how many times I've wanted to skip past the cutscenes just so I could get back to killing shit.
The progression and variety is fucking awful though. You fight mostly the same Aragami with some minor variants here and there until around Rank 7 or so, which is dull as hell.
Did you really fall for Toddposting? Really dude?