Your infinitively more interesting, well thought out, focus point for discussion gets 10 replies

>Your infinitively more interesting, well thought out, focus point for discussion gets 10 replies
>The shitpost of the day hits auto bump limit

Other urls found in this thread:

>find interesting thread
>type up post
>attach picture
>thread is archived/deleted after pressing post

>the highbrow cutting-edge insight into JRPGS that you've personally uncovered and presented in fine detail to the public is scorned
>thinly-veiled wRPG porn threads are awarded the highest praise

qua est iustitia?

This happens every time.

Some "just bought overwatch, what am I in for" Will get max replies today.

Try to find a thread that's getting a lot of replies that can be tied to your focus point and make it then.
Don't go into the shitpost everyone going full retard posts because you will be glossed over if it's not shitposting as well.


I hate to make the comparison, but the same thing happens to reddit. The easily digestible content gets more responses because it's easier to respond to. Why spend the time making a well thought-out post when you can post memes in "Now that the dust has settled..." thread?

Also, some people make inflammatory posts to the fanbase to draw them in to have discussion. Most obvious example is pretending to be dumb in DaS so people would be baited.

>Your infinitively more interesting, well thought out, focus point for discussion
l m a o

Okay user give me your amazing thread. We'll discuss it right here.

Seconding, I'm already here and I got time to enjoy my coffee.

Thirding this haha.

Edit: Thanks for the gold, kind stranger.

Was this whole thing a shitpost? Got me. People can also try to have an eye-catching image. Not too eye-catching because then it will turn into just that image and the like.

go back to if you want ebin upboats

I like video games

High art is only appreciated by a few but it more highly esteemed by society

low art is consumed by many and considered trash by society


They say you catch more flies with honey than vinegar, but on Sup Forums, you catch more flies with shit.

Basically Sup Forums is just a circlejerk about complaining about overwatch balancing and shilling/shitting on indie games and/or e-celebs.

Anything else gets archived fast.

>infinitively more interesting, well thought out, focus point for discussion
>objectively worst than an effortless shitpost

literally the same tier as "I have >130 IQ but I'm too dumb to figure out how to behave in social situations"

>tfw too intelligent for Sup Forums

Ain't nobody got time to read that shit.

However, if you just post "Steam is down, now you can't play your games!" dozens of people will fall for your bait and have the need to correct you.

See, the trick to getting replies isn't to have a well thought out post, it's to have a shitty post people want to correct. Then you put your well thought out post in the thread itself.

i've made so many thread with 0 replies,i've kinda lost all hope for discussion


>ehy guys let's talk about old PC games
>0 replies

You know that something is wrong when you're forced to browse Neogafto discuss a game because Sup Forums is too far up their own ass

Well, at least it isn't 8gag

it's all about mind games OP, if you don't post the perfect reply at the perect time with the right words, image and length, you won't get as many (you)s as you would otherwise

what is this game?


Fucking mods

>make a post you think is funny
>one or two anons respond with a laughing image or reply
It feels nice

Most people gravitate toward shitposting threads because that's where they'll probably have an audience, for good or for ill.

For example, I check all Automata threads because DoD/Nier fans (all ~10 of us) are pretty good about turning those around into capped and mostly on topic.

>tfw anonymously discussing things is your preferred method of fan interaction and it's a dying medium

Like yeah shitposting was always around, but lately it's been overwhelming.

It's almost like Sup Forums is filled with retarded newfags who created a more edgy version of reddit???????

Oh wait it's been that way since fucking 2008/2009

>For example, I check all Automata threads because DoD/Nier fans (all ~10 of us) are pretty good about turning those around into capped and mostly on topic.
too bad platfags and weeb memers have been shitting them up lately with "muh cuhrayzee action what do you mean i have to play the other games they aren't even good" and "i want to fuck toobie's tight robo ass"

>hey Sup Forums, is this game good?